The Idol of Paris | Page 2

Sarah Bernhardt
what you answered, papa."
Her father looked at her a little anxiously, but she met his glance
calmly and continued: "You said to my godfather, 'My dear Meydieux,
you are absolutely mistaken. It is the right and the duty of everyone to
select and to construct his future for himself.'"
Darbois attempted to speak....

"You even told mama, who had never known it, that grandfather
wanted to place you in business, and that you rebelled."
"Ah! rebelled," murmured Darbois, with a slight shrug.
"Yes, rebelled. And you added, 'My father cut off my allowance for a
year, but I stuck to it; I tutored poor students who couldn't get through
their examinations, I lived from hand to mouth, but I did live, and I was
able to continue my studies in philosophy.'"
Uncle Renaud was openly nodding encouragement. Adhemar
Meydieux rose heavily, and straightening up with a succession of jerky
movements, caught himself squarely on his heels, and then, with great
conviction, said: "See here, child, if I were your father, I should take
you by the ear and put you out of the room."
Esperance turned purple.
"I repeat, children should obey without question!"
"I hope to prove to my daughter by reasoning that she is probably
wrong," said M. Darbois very quietly.
"Not at all. You must order, not persuade."
"Now, M. Meydieux," exclaimed the young painter, "it seems to me
that you are going a little too far. Children should respect their parents'
wishes as far as possible; but when it is a question of their own future,
they have a right to present their side of the case. If my uncle Darbois's
father had had his way, my uncle Darbois would probably now be a
mediocre engineer, instead of the brilliant philosopher who is admired
and recognized by the entire world."
Gentle little Madame Darbois sat up proudly, and Esperance looked at
her father with a world of tenderness in her eyes.
"But, my lad," pursued Adhemar, swelling with conviction, "your uncle
might well have made a fortune at machinery, while, as it is, he has just

managed to exist."
"We are very happy"--Madame Darbois slipped in her word.
Esperance had bounded out of her chair, and from behind her father
encircled his head with her arms. "Oh! yes, very happy," she murmured
in a low voice, "and you would not, darling papa, spoil the harmony of
our life together?"
"Remember, my dear little Esperance, what I said to your mother
concerned only men--now we are considering the future of a young girl,
and that is a graver matter!"
"Because men are better armed against the struggle, and life is, alas,
one eternal combat."
"The armour of the intellect is the same for a young girl as for a young
Adhemar shook his shoulders impatiently. Seeing that he was getting
angry and was like to explode, Esperance cried out, "Wait, godfather,
you must let me try to convince my parents. Suppose, father, that I had
chosen the same career as Maurice. What different armour should I
François listened to his daughter affectionately, drawing her closer to
him. "Understand me, my dearie. I am not denying your wish as a proof
of my parental authority. No, remember this is the second time that you
have expressed your will in the matter of the choice of your career. The
first time I asked you to consider it for six months: The six months
having passed, you now place me under the obligation of--"
"Oh! papa, what a horrid word!"
"But that is it," he went on, playing with her pretty hair, "you have put
me under the obligation of answering you definitely; and I have called

this family council because I have not the courage, nor, perhaps, the
right, to stand in your way--the way you wish to go."
Adhemar made a violent effort to leap to his feet, declaiming in his
heavy voice, "Yes, François, you must try and prevent her from going
this way, the most evil, the most perilous above all, for a woman."
Esperance began to tremble, but she stood resolutely away from her
father, holding herself rigid with her arms hanging straight at her sides.
The rose tint of her cheeks had disappeared and her blue eyes were
dimmed with shadows.
Maurice hastily made a number of sketches of her; never before had he
found his cousin so interesting.
Adhemar continued, "Pray allow me to proceed with what I have to say,
my dear child. I have come from the country for this purpose, in answer
to your father's summons. I wish to offer my experience for your
protection. Your parents know nothing of life. François breathes the
ether of a world peopled only by philosophers--whether dead or living,
it makes little difference;
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