the Mixing bowl. Dress the Ice with Fruit and serve with a Ladle into Punch glasses.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 fresh Egg.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
1 jigger Port Wine.
1 pony Brandy.
Shake; strain into medium thin glass; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
1 jigger New England Rum.
1 jigger Vermouth.
3 dashes Gum Syrup.
1 dash Orange Bitters.
1/2 juice of a Lemon
Stir and serve with a Preserved Peach and its liquor.
COLD RUBY PUNCH (2-1/2-gallon mixture for 50 people)
4 lbs. Cut Loaf Sugar.
2 quarts Port Wine.
2 quarts Batavia Arrack.
6 quarts green Tea.
Juice of 24 Lemons.
(See instructions for mixing and serving Punches in quantities.)
This drink is identical with Whiskey Skin.
COMPANION PUNCH (2-1/2-gallon mixture for a reception or party of 50 people)
Into a large Punch bowl pour:
1-1/4 pints Lemon Juice.
2 pints Gum Syrup.
3/4 pint Orange Juice.
1-1/4 pints Brandy.
6 quarts equal parts Sweet and Dry Catawba.
2 quarts Carbonated Water.
When well stirred place large block of Ice in center of bowl; dress the Ice with Fruit and serve with a Ladle into Punch glasses.
Fill a large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar dissolved in little Water.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon.
1 jigger of Whiskey, Brandy or Gin, as preferred.
Shake; strain into Sour glass; dash with Claret and serve.
Add to a plain Lemonade 1/3 Jigger of any Cordial which the customer may prefer, and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
1 pony Brandy.
1 jigger Port Wine.
1 Egg.
Shake well; strain into thin glass; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 1/3 full Ice Cream.
3/4 jigger Brandy.
1 pony Bed Curacoa.
Mix thoroughly with a spoon.
Fill up with Plain Soda; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill a Sherry glass with Shaved Ice.
1 pony Creme de Menthe.
Cut Straw in two pieces and serve.
CRIMEAN CUP A LA MARMORA (for a party of 10)
Into a small Punch bowl pour:
1 pint Orgeat Syrup.
2 jiggers Jamaica Rum.
2 jiggers Maraschino.
2-1/2 jiggers Brandy.
2 tablespoonfuls Bar Sugar.
1 quart Champagne.
1 quart Plain Soda.
Stir well; pack the bowl in Fine Ice, and when cold serve in fancy Stem glasses.
Take 1-1/2 lbs. of Cut Loaf Sugar and rub the lumps on the skins of 4 Lemons and 2 Oranges until the Sugar becomes well saturated with the oil from the skins. Then put the Sugar thus prepared into a large porcelain-lined or agate Mixing vessel, and add:
12 Oranges, sliced.
1 Pineapple, sliced.
1 box Strawberries.
2 bottles (quarts) Apollinaris Water.
Stir thoroughly with oak paddle or large silver ladle, and add:
1 jigger Benedictine.
1 jigger Red Curacoa.
1 jigger Maraschino.
1/2 jigger Jamaica Rum.
1 quart Brandy.
4 quarts Tokay or Sweet Catawba Wine.
2 quarts Madeira Wine.
4 quarts Chateau Margaux.
Mix well with oak paddle or ladle and strain into another bowl in which has been placed a block of clear ice. Then pour in 6 quarts Champagne. Decorate the Ice with Fruits, Berries, etc. Serve in Punch cups or glasses, dressing each glass with Fruit and Berries from the bowl.
Use a large Bar glass.
Fill with Lump Ice.
One jigger of Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1/2 pony of Italian Vermouth.
Six leaves of fresh Mint.
Shake ingredients well together.
Strain and serve in Cocktail glass.
Into a bottle which will hold a full quart, or a little over, drop 6 ounces of Orange Peel sliced very thin, and add 1 pint of Whiskey. Cork the bottle securely and let it stand two weeks, shaking the bottle frequently during that time. Next strain, the mixture, add the Syrup, pour the strained mixture back into the cleaned bottle and let it stand 3 days, shaking well now and then during the first day. Next, pour a teacupful of the mixture into a mortar and beat up with it 1 drachm Powdered Alum, 1 drachm Carbonate of Potash. Put this mixture back into the bottle and let it stand for 10 days, at the expiration of which time the Curacoa will be clear and ready for use.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
4 dashes Lemon Juice.
1 pony Red Curacoa.
1 jigger Brandy.
1/2 pony Jamaica Rum.
Stir; decorate with Fruit and Serve with Straws.
For mixing use a porcelain-lined or agate vessel, and put in:
1-1/2 lbs. Cut Loaf Sugar.
1 quart Currant Juice
Place vessel on the fire and let it boil slowly for 10 minutes, and skim well while boiling. Then remove vessel from fire and add 1/2 gill of Brandy to every pint of Shrub. Bottle and cork securely. This drink is served by simply pouring a little of the Syrup into Ice Water, as any drink from Fruit Syrup is prepared. The basis preparation for all Shrubs or Small Fruits, such as Cherries, Raspberries, etc., is prepared in the same way as directed for Currant Shrub, varying the quantity of Sugar used to suit the kind of Fruit.
Fill large Bar glass
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