the white of 1 Egg.
3 dashes Anisette.
1 jigger Old Tom Gin.
1 pony fresh Cream.
Shake well, serve in Cocktail glass.
Fill a Pousse Cafe glass 1/2 full of Maraschino and add: Raspberry Syrup, Vanilla, Curacoa, Chartreuse and Brandy in equal proportions until the glass is filled. Then proceed as for Abricontine Pousse Cafe.
GARDEN PUNCH (2-1/2 gallon mixture for a party of 50)
Place a good size block of Ice in a large Punch bowl.
4 jiggers Lemon Juice.
1-1/2 lbs. Bar Sugar.
2 jiggers Orange Juice.
1-1/2 jiggers green Chartreuse.
1 quart Brandy.
6 Quarts Tokay or Sweet Catawba Wine.
2 quarts Claret Wine.
Stir well; ladle into Stem glasses, and decorate each glass with Fruit before serving.
Use a large Mixing glass with Lump of Ice.
2 jiggers of Orange Juice.
2 jiggers of Grape Fruit Juice.
Fill with Seltzer Water.
Stir; ornament with Fruit and serve with Straws.
Use a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.
1 jigger Gordon Gin.
1 pony French Vermouth.
Stir; strain and serve in Cocktail glass.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
Juice 1/2 Lime.
1-1/2 jiggers Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1/2 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
Stir well and strain into Cocktail glass.
Put 1/2 oz. of Calamus Root, which has been steeped, into a quart bottle of Gin.
Serve as you would a Straight Drink.
Juice of 1/2 of a Lime.
1 pony Cusenier Grenadine.
1 jigger Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Serve in a Mug with Lump Ice; fill with Seltzer.
Stir well and decorate with the skin of the Lime and fresh Mint and serve with Straws.
GIN SOUR--Country Club Style
Use a large Mixing glass.
Fill with Lump Ice.
1/2 Lime Juice.
1/2 Orange Juice.
2 dashes Pineapple Juice.
1/2 pony Rock Candy Syrup.
1 jigger Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
GIN SQUASH--Country Club Style
Use a large glass Stein; fill with Lump Ice.
1 pony Lemon Juice.
1 jigger Orange Juice.
1 pony Pineapple Juice.
1 pony Rock Candy Syrup.
1 jigger Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Fill with Seltzer: stir well and serve.
GOLFER'S DELIGHT--Home of Bevo--18th Hole.
Use a large glass Pitcher; fill with Lump Ice.
2 bottles Bevo.
2 bottles Sweet Soda.
Stir well and serve in a Beer glass.
Fill a large Mixing glass with Lump Ice.
2 dashes green Absinthe.
1/2 pony Italian Vermouth.
1 jigger Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Stir well and serve in a Cocktail glass.
IRISH ROSE--Country Club Style
Use a tall, thin glass; fill with Cracked Ice.
1 pony imported Grenadine.
1 jigger Old Bushmill Whiskey.
Fill with Seltzer.
Stir well and serve.
Use large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
1 jigger Apple Jack Brandy.
1 pony Italian Vermouth.
Stir well; strain and serve in Cocktail glass.
KNABENSCHUE--Country Club Style
Use a small stone Mug; Lump Ice.
1 lump Sugar.
2 dashes Angostura Bitters.
Fill with Champagne.
Stir well; dress with fresh Mint and serve.
Use a large Mixing glass.
Fill with Lump See.
1 jigger of Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1/2 pony of Italian Vermouth.
1/2 pony of French Vermouth.
Stir well and strain into a Cocktail glass.
Add a Pickeled Onion and serve.
LADIES' DELIGHT--Thursday Luncheon Punch
1 quart of Orange Pekoe Tea (cold).
1 quart of Old Country Club Brandy.
1 pint of Lemon Juice.
1 pint of Orange Juice.
1/2 pint of Pineapple Juice.
2 quarts Berncastler Berg.
1 pint of Bar Sugar.
Use a large Punch bowl with one Lump of Ice.
Pour in mixture; add one quart of Cook's Imperial Champagne.
Stir well; decorate with fresh Mint, Fruit in season, and serve.
1 jigger Hungarian Apricot Brandy.
Juice of 1/2 Lime.
Fill glass with Lump Ice.
Shake well and strain into Stem glass.
LEMONADE APOLLINARIS (or Carbonated Water)
Fill large Mixing glass 2/3 full fine Ice.
1 tablespoonful Bar Sugar.
Juice of 1 Lemon.\s+\d\d?
Fill up with Apollinaris or suitable Carbonated Water. Stir; strain into Lemonade glass; dress with Fruit and serve.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
1 jigger Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
1/3 Italian Vermouth.
1/3 French Vermouth.?\s+\d\d??Shake well; serve in Cocktail glass.
MINT JULEP--Kentucky Style
Use a large Silver Mug.
Dissolve one lump of Sugar in one-half pony of Water.
Fill mug with Fine Ice.
Two jiggers of Old Bourbon Whiskey.
Stir well; add one boquet of Mint and serve.
Be careful and not bruise the Mint.
OVERALL JULEP--St. Louis Style
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
2/3 Wineglass Rye Whiskey.
2/3 Wineglass Gordon Gin.
1/2 Wineglass Imported Grenadine.
Juice 1/2 Lemon.
Juice 1/2 Lime.
Shake well; pour into tall, thin glass; add one bottle Imported Club Soda and serve.
1 jigger of Burnette's Tom Gin.
1/2 of Italian Vermouth and no Bitters used.
Large Bar glass with Cracked Ice and stir well.
Strain and serve with an Onion.
Use a Toddy glass.
1 lump of Ice.
2 dashes of Angostura Bitters.
1 lump of Sugar and dissolve in Water.
1-1/2 jiggers of Bourbon Whiskey.
Twist piece of Lemon Skin over the drink and drop it in. Stir well and serve.
Use an old-fashion Toddy glass.
1 lump Ice.?\s+\d\d??Juice of 1/2 of a Lime.
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
2 dashes of Seltzer Water.
Stir well and serve.
Use a tall, thin Bar glass.
Juice of a Lime.
Three sprigs of fresh Mint.
1 dash Cusenier Grenadine.
1/2 pony Pineapple Juice.
1/2 pony Orange Juice.
1 jigger of Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.\s+\d\d?
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