To Professor Airey Sydney Smith
On Lord Dudley and Ward Rogers
Epigrams of Lord Byron.
To the Author of a Sonnet, etc.?Windsor Poetics?On a Carrier, etc.?Epigrams of R. H. Barham.?On the Windows of King's College, etc.?New-made Honor?Eheu Fugaces?Anonymous Epigrams.?On a Pale Lady, etc.?Upon Pope's Translation of Homer?Recipe for a Modern Bonnet?My Wife and I?On Two Gentlemen, etc.?Wellington's Nose?The Smoker?An Essay on the Understanding?To a Living Author?Epigrams by Thomas Hood.?On the Art Unions?The Superiority of Machinery?Epigrams by W. Savage Landor. On Observing a Vulgar Name on the Plinth of a Statue?Lying in State?Epigrams from Punch.?The Cause?Irish Particular?One Good Turn deserves Another?Sticky?The Poet Foiled?Black and White?Inquest--not Extraordinary?Domestic Economy?On Seeing an Execution?A Voice, and Nothing Else?The Amende Honorable?The Czar?Bas-Bleu?To a Rich Young Widow?The Railway of Life?A Conjugal Conundrum?Numbers Altered?Grammar for the Court of Berlin?The Empty Bottle?Aytoun?The Death of Doctor Morrison?Bentley's Miscellany?Epigrams by John G. Saxe.?On a Recent Classic Controversy?Another?On an ill-read Lawyer?On an Ugly Person Sitting for a Daguerreotype?Woman's Will?Family Quarrels
A Revolutionary Hero Lowell
Epigrams of Halpin.
The Last Resort?Feminine Arithmetic?The Mushroom Hunt
Jupiter Amans London Leader
The Orator's Epitaph Lord Brougham
The Jovial Priest's Confession Leigh Hunt?Tonis ad Resto Mare Anonymous?Die Dean Swift?Moll Dean Swift?To My Mistress Dean Swift?A Love Song Dean Swift?A Gentle Echo on Woman Dean Swift?To my Nose Anonymous?Roger and Dolly Blackwood?The Irishman Blackwood?A Catalectic Monody Cruikshank's Om.?A New Song Gay?Reminiscences of a Sentimentalist Hood?Faithless Nelly Gray Hood?No! Hood?Jacob Omnium's Hoss Thackeray?The Wofle New Ballad of Jane Roney and Mary Brown Thackeray The Ballad of Eliza Davis Thackeray?Lines on a Late Hospicious Ewent Thackeray?The Lamentable Ballad of the Foundling of Shoreditch Thackeray The Crystal Palace Thackeray?The Speculators Thackeray?A Letter from Mr. Hosea Biglow, etc. Lowell?A Letter from a Candidate for the Presidency Lowell?The Candidate's Creed Lowell?The Courtin' Lowell?A Song for a Catarrh Punch?Epitaph on a Candle Punch?Poetry on an Improved Principle Punch?On a Rejected Nosegay Punch?A Serenade Punch?Railroad Nursery Rhyme Punch?An Invitation to the Zoological Gardens Punch?To the Leading Periodical Punch?The People and their Palace Punch?A Swell's Homage to Mrs. Stowe Punch?The Exclusive's Broken Idol Punch?The Last Kick of Fop's Alley Punch?The Mad Cabman's Song of Sixpence Punch?Alarming Prospect Punch?Epitaph on a Locomotive Punch?The Ticket of Leave Punch?A Polka Lyric Barclay Phillips?A Sunnit to the Big Ox Anonymous
Riddles by Matthew Prior. Two Riddles?Enigma?Another?Riddles by Dean Swift and his friends.?A Maypole?On the Moon?On Ink?On a Circle?On a Pen?A Fan?On a Cannon?On the Five Senses?On Snow?On a Candle?On a Corkscrew?On the Same?An Echo?On the Vowels?On a Pair of Dice?On a Shadow in a Glass?On Time
To you, my purse, and to none other wight,?Complain I, for ye be my lady dere;?I am sorry now that ye be light,?For, certes, ye now make me heavy chere;?Me were as lefe be laid upon a bere,?For which unto your mercy thus I crie,?Be heavy againe, or els mote I die.
Now vouchsafe this day or it be night,?That I of you the blissful sowne may here,?Or see your color like the sunne bright,?That of yellowness had never pere; Ye are my life, ye be my hertes stere,?Queen of comfort and of good companie,?Be heavy again, or else mote I die.
Now purse, thou art to me my lives light,?And saviour, as downe in this world here,?Out of this towne helpe me by your might,?Sith that you will not be my treasure,?For I am slave as nere as any frere,?But I pray unto your curtesie,?Be heavy again, or els mote I die.
Chloe, we must not always be in heaven,?For ever toying, ogling, kissing, billing;?The joys for which I thousands would have given,?Will presently be scarcely worth a shilling.
Thy neck is
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