The Hoyden | Page 9

Mrs. Hungerford
with a shrug. "By the way, Margaret did not back you up in this scheme as cordially as I deemed possible."
"Margaret is troublesome," says Lady Rylton. "Just when you expect her to sympathize with you, she starts off at a tangent on some other absurd idea. She is full of fads. After all, it would be rash to depend on her. But you, Marian--you owe me much."
"How much? My life's blood?"
Mrs. Bethune lets her hands fall clasped upon her knees, and, leaning over them, looks at her aunt--such a wonderfully young aunt, with her yellow hair and her sparkling eyes! Marian's lips have taken a cynical turn; her smile now is unpleasant.
"What a hideous expression!" says Lady Rylton, shuddering. "You spoil yourself, Marian; you do indeed. You will never make a good marriage if you talk like that. 'Life's blood'!--_detestable!"_
"I don't desire a good marriage, as you regard it."
Lady Rylton sits suddenly quite upright.
"If you mean marriage with Maurice," says she, "put that out of your head. You must be mad to cherish such a hope. You are both paupers, for one thing, and for the rest, I assure you, my dear, Maurice is not as infatuated about you as you are about him!"
Mrs. Bethune makes a sudden movement; it is slight. Her face darkens. One reading between the lines might at this moment see that she could have killed Lady Rylton with a wondrous joy. Killing has its consequences, however, and she only stands quite quiet, looking at her foe. What a look it is!
"It is you who are mad," says she calmly. "What I meant was that I should probably marry some rich nobody for the sake of his wealth. It would be quite in my line. I should arrange him, form him, bring him into Society, even against Society's will! There is a certain excitement in the adventure. As for Maurice, he is no doubt in your eyes a demigod--in mine," with infinite contempt, "he is a man."
"Well, I hope you will keep to all that," says Lady Rylton, who is shrewd as she is cruel, "and that you will not interfere with this marriage I have arranged for Maurice."
"Why would I interfere?"
"Because you interfere always. You can't bear to see any man love any woman but yourself."
Mrs. Bethune smiles. "A common fault. It belongs to most women. But this girl--you like her?"
"On the contrary, as I have told you, I detest her. Once Maurice has her money safely in his hands, I shall know how to deal with her. A little, ignorant, detestable child! I tell you, Marian, that the time will come when I shall pay her out for her silly insolence towards me."
"She is evidently going to have a good time if Maurice proposes to her."
"He shall propose. Why----" She breaks off suddenly. "Not another word," says she, putting up her hand. "Here is Maurice. I shall speak to him now."
"Shall I stay and help you?"
"No, thank you," says Lady Rylton, with a little knowing grimace.
Seeing it, Marian's detestation grows apace. She rises--and calmly, yet swiftly, leaves the room. Sir Maurice is only crossing the lawn now, and by running through the hall outside, and getting on to the veranda outside the dining-room window, she can see him before he enters the drawing-room.
Gaining the veranda, she leans over the railings and makes a signal to him; it is an old signal. Rylton responds to it, and in a second is by her side.
"Oh no, you must not stay; your mother is waiting for you in the south drawing-room. She saw you coming; she wants you."
"Well, but about what?" asks Rylton, naturally bewildered.
"Nothing--only--she is going to advise you for your good. Shall I," smiling at him in her beautiful way, and laying one hand upon his breast--"shall I advise you, too?"
"Yes, yes," says Rylton; he takes the hand lying on his breast and lifts it to his lips. "Advise me."
"Ah, no!" She pauses, a most eloquent pause, filled with a long deep glance from her dark eyes. _"There, go!"_ she says, suddenly pushing him from her.
"But your advice?" asks he, holding her.
"Pouf! as if that was worth anything." She looks up at him from under her lowered lids. "Well, take it. My advice to you is to come to the rose-garden as soon as possible, and see the roses before they fade out of all recognition! I am going there now. You know how I love that rose-garden; I almost live there nowadays."
"I wish I could live there too," says Rylton, laughing.
He lifts her hand again and presses it fondly to his lips. Something, however, in his air, though it had breathed devotion, troubles Mrs. Bethune; she frowns as he leaves her, and, turning into a side-path the leads to the rose-garden, gives herself up
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