The Hour Glass | Page 6

William Butler Yeats
could speak!
Somebody has said that they would wither if they doubted. O speak to
me, O grass blades! O fingers of God's certainty, speak to me. You are
millions and you will not speak. I dare not know the moment the
messenger will come for me. I will cover the glass. [He covers it and
brings it to the desk, and the FOOL, is sitting by the door fiddling with
some flowers which he has stuck in his hat. He has begun to blow a
dandelion head.] What are you doing?
FOOL. Wait a moment. [He blows.] Four, five, six.
WISE MAN. What are you doing that for?
FOOL. I am blowing at the dandelion to find out what time it is.
WISE MAN. You have heard everything! That is why you want to find
out what hour it is! You are waiting to see them coming through the
door to carry me away. [FOOL goes on blowing.] Out through the door
with you! I will have no one here when they come. [He seizes the
FOOL by the shoulders, and begins to force him out through the door,

then suddenly changes his mind.] No, I have something to ask you. [He
drags him back into the room.] Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Is
there a purgatory?
FOOL. So you ask me now. I thought when you were asking your
pupils, I said to myself, if he would ask Teigue the Fool, Teigue could
tell him all about it, for Teigue has learned all about it when he has
been cutting the nets.
WISE MAN. Tell me; tell me!
FOOL. I said, Teigue knows everything. Not even the owls and the
hares that milk the cows have Teigue's wisdom. But Teigue will not
speak; he says nothing.
WISE MAN. Tell me, tell me! For under the cover the grains are falling,
and when they are all fallen I shall die; and my soul will be lost if I
have not found somebody that believes! Speak, speak!
FOOL [looking wise]. No, no, I won't tell you what is in my mind, and
I won't tell you what is in my bag. You might steal away my thoughts. I
met a bodach on the road yesterday, and he said, "Teigue, tell me how
many pennies are in your bag. I will wager three pennies that there are
not twenty pennies in your bag; let me put in my hand and count them."
But I pulled the strings tighter, like this; and when I go to sleep every
night I hide the bag where no one knows.
WISE MAN. [Goes toward the hour-glass as if to uncover it.] No, no, I
have not the courage! [He kneels.] Have pity upon me, Fool, and tell
FOOL. Ah! Now, that is different. I am not afraid of you now. But I
must come near you; somebody in there might hear what the Angel
WISE MAN. Oh, what did the Angel tell you?
FOOL. Once I was alone on the hills, and an Angel came by and he
said, "Teigue the Fool, do not forget the Three Fires: the Fire that
punishes, the Fire that purifies, and the Fire wherein the soul rejoices
for ever!"
WISE MAN. He believes! I am saved! Help me. The sand has run out. I
am dying. ... [FOOL helps him to his chair.] I am going from the
country of the seven wandering stars, and I am going to the country of
the fixed stars! Ring the bell. [FOOL rings the bell.] Are they coming ?
Ah! now I hear their feet. ... I will speak to them. I understand it all

now. One sinks in on God: we do not see the truth; God sees the truth
in us. I cannot speak, I am too weak. Tell them, Fool, that when the life
and the mind are broken, the truth comes through them like peas
through a broken peascod. But no, I will pray--yet I cannot pray. Pray
Fool, that they may be given a sign and save their souls alive. Your
prayers are better than mine.
[FOOL bows his head. WISE MAN'S head sinks on his arm on the
books. PUPILS enter.]
A YOUNG MAN. Look at the Fool turned bell-ringer!
ANOTHER. What have you called us in for, Teigue? What are you
going to tell us?
ANOTHER. No wonder he has had dreams! See, he is fast asleep now.
[Goes over and touches the WISE MAN.] Oh, he is dead!
FOOL. Do not stir! He asked for a sign that you might be saved. [All
are silent for a moment.] Look what has come from his mouth. ... a
little winged thing ... a little shining thing. It has gone to the door.
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