The History of Little Goody
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Goody Two-Shoes, by Anonymous
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Title: Goody Two-Shoes A Facsimile Reproduction Of The Edition Of
Author: Anonymous
Release Date: October 8, 2004 [EBook #13675]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Tom Roch, Leah Moser and the Online
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_Successors to Newbery & Harris_
* * * * *
In The London Chronicle for December 19--January 1, 1765--the
following advertisement appeared:--
"The Philosophers, Politicians, Necromancers, and the Learned in
every Faculty are desired to observe that on the 1st of January, being
New Year's Day (Oh, that we may all lead new Lives!), Mr Newbery
intends to publish the following important volumes, bound and gilt, and
hereby invites all his little friends who are good to call for them at the
Bible and Sun, in St Paul's Churchyard: but those who are naughty are
to have none.
"1. The Renowned History of Giles Gingerbread: a little boy who lived
upon learning.
"2. The Easter Gift; or the way to be good; a book much wanted.
"3. The Whitsuntide Gift: or the way to be happy; a book very
necessary for all families.
"4. The Valentine Gift: or how to behave with honour, integrity, and
humanity: very useful with a Trading Nation.
"5. The Fairing: or a golden present for children. In which they can see
all the fun of the fair, and at home be as happy as if they were there, a
Book of great consequence to all whom it may concern.'
"We are also desired to give notice that there is in the Press, and
speedily will be published either by subscription or otherwise, as the
Public shall please to determine, The History of Little Goody Two
Shoes, otherwise called Margery Two Shoes. Printed and sold at The
Bible and Sun in St Paul's Churchyard, where may be had all Mr
Newbery's little books for the children and youth of these kingdoms
and the colonies. New Editions of those which were out of print are
now republished.
"The publication of the Lilliputian System of Politics is postponed till
the meeting of Parliament. This work, which will be replete with cuts
and characters, is not intended to exalt or depress any particular country,
to support the pride of any particular family, or to feed the folly of any
particular party, but to stimulate the mind to virtue, to promote
universal benevolence, to make mankind happy. Those who would
know more of the matter may enquire of Mr Newbery."
This quaint and curious announcement, with its sly humour and serious
playfulness, is characteristic of the house of John Newbery, in the latter
part of the last century; and there is no need to speak here of the fame
of the books for children which he published; "the philanthropic
publisher of St Paul's Churchyard," as Goldsmith calls him, conferred
inestimable benefits upon thousands of little folk, of both high and low
estate. It is said of Southey when a child that
"The well-known publishers of "Goody Two Shoes," "Giles
Gingerbread," and other such delectable histories, in sixpenny books
for children, splendidly bound in the flowered and gilt Dutch paper of
former days, sent him twenty such volumes, and laid the foundation of
a love of books which grew with the child's growth, and did not cease
even when the vacant mind and eye could only gaze in piteous, though
blissful imbecility upon the things they loved."[A]
Many of these little books have been doubtless long since forgotten,
though they did not deserve such a fate; but the name of "Goody Two
Shoes" is still familiar to the ears of English children, though the book
itself may be unknown to thousands of little ones of this later
"Goody Two Shoes" was published in April 1765, and few nursery
books have had a wider circulation, or have retained their position so
long. The number of editions that have been published both in England
and America is legion, and it has appeared in mutilated versions under
the auspices of numerous publishing houses in London and the
provinces, although of late years there have been no new issues. Even
in 1802, Charles Lamb in writing to Coleridge, said--
""Goody Two Shoes" is almost out

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