it is very
uncertain_. The time present is the only time; thou hast no more time
allotted thee than that thou now enjoyest. "Boast not thyself of
to-morrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Do not
say, 'I have time enough to get to heaven seven years hence;' for I tell
thee, the bell may toll for thee, before seven days more be ended. When
death comes, away thou must go, whether thou art provided or not. And
therefore look to it; make no delays; it is not good dallying with things
of so great concernment as the salvation or damnation of thy soul. You
know he that hath a great way to go in a little time, and less, by half,
than he thinks of, had need to run for it.
5. They that will have heaven must run for it; because _the devil, the
law, sin, death, and hell, follow them_. There is never a poor soul that
is going to heaven, but the devil, the law, sin, death, and hell, make
after that soul. "Your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh
about, seeking whom he may devour." And I will assure you the devil
is nimble; he can run apace, he is light of foot; he hath overtaken many,
he hath turned up their heels and hath given them an everlasting fall.
Also the law, that can shoot a great way: have a care to keep out of the
reach of those great guns, the ten commandments. Hell also hath a wide
mouth; it can stretch itself farther than you are aware of. And as the
angel said to Lot: "Take heed, look not behind thee, neither stay thou in
all the plain," that is, any where between this and heaven, "lest thou be
consumed;" so say I to thee. Take heed, tarry not, lest either the devil,
hell, death, or the fearful curses of the law of God, do overtake thee,
and throw thee down in the midst of thy sins, so as never to rise and
recover again. If this were well considered, then thou, as well as I,
would say, they that will have heaven must run for it.
6. They that will go to heaven must run for it; because _perchance the
gates of heaven may shut shortly_. Sometimes sinners have not
heaven-gates open to them so long as they suppose; and if they be once
shut against a man, they are so heavy, that all the men in the world, or
all the angels in heaven, are not able to open them. "I shut, and no man
can open," saith Christ. And how if thou shouldst come but one quarter
of an hour too late? I tell thee it will cost thee an eternity to bewail thy
misery in! Francis Spira can tell thee what it is to stay till the gates of
mercy be quite shut; or to run so lazily, that they be shut before thou
get within them. What! to be shut out! What! out of heaven! Sinner,
rather than lose it, run for it; yea, and "so run that thou mayst obtain."
7. Lastly, Because if thou lose, thou losest all. Thou losest soul, God,
Christ heaven, ease, peace, &c. Besides, thou layest thyself open to all
the shame, contempt, and reproach, that either God, Christ, saints, the
world, sin, the devil, and all, can lay upon thee. As Christ saith of the
foolish builder, so will I say of thee, if thou be such a one who runs and
misseth; I say, even all that go by will begin to mock at thee, saying,
This man began to run well, but was not able to finish. But more of this
Question. "But how should a poor soul do, so to run?" For this very
thing is that which afflicteth me sore, (as you say,) to think that I may
run and yet fall short. Methinks to fall short at last, Oh! it fears me
greatly! Pray, tell me, therefore, how I should run.'
Answer. That thou mayst indeed be satisfied in this particular, consider
these following things.
THE FIRST DIRECTION.--If thou wouldst so run as to obtain the
kingdom of heaven, then _be sure that thou get into the way that
leadeth thither_. For it is a vain thing to think that ever thou shalt have
the prize, though thou runnest ever so fast, unless thou art in the way
that leads to it. Set the case that there should be a man in London that
was to run to York for a wager; now, though he run ever so swiftly, yet
if he run full south, he might run himself out of breath, and
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