The Hawarden Visitors Hand-Book | Page 8

William Henry Gladstone
legend 'Sigillum
peculiaris et exemptae jurisdictionis de Hawarden'. These privileges,
originally granted by the Pope, were continued at the Reformation; but
in 1849 the Parish was definitely attached to the Diocese of S. Asaph,
and the power of granting marriage licenses now alone remains.
The Tithes were in 1093, granted by Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester, to
the Monks of S. Werburgh. In 1288 Pope Nicholas the 3rd, granted
them to King Edward the 1st, for six years. They were then valued at
13 pounds 6s. 8d. At the Reformation they were estimated at 66 pounds
6s. 5.5d.
The Rectory was greatly enlarged by the Hon. George Neville
Grenville, Rector from 1814 to 1834, and afterwards Dean of Windsor.
The garden comprises nearly six acres and is charmingly laid out.
A list of Rectors of Hawarden is appended. Up to the middle of the
15th century exchanges were very frequent.
1180. William de Montalt
1209. Ralph de Montalt
1216. Hugh William
1272. Roger Richard de Osgodly
1315. William de Melton
1317. John Walewayn

1331. Thomas de Boynton
1333. Roger de Gildesburgh
1344. John de Baddeley
1350. James de Audlegh
1353. John Bexsyn
1357. Robert de Coningham
1368. William Pectoo
1391. Roger de Davenport Henry Merston
1423. Marmaduke Lumley
1425. John Millyngton
1466. James Stanley
1478. Matthew Fowler
1487. James Stanley
1505. Randolph Pool
1557. Arthur Swift
1561. Thomas Jackson
1605. John Phillips D.D.
1633. Thomas Draycott
1636. Robert Browne
1638. Christopher Pasley D.D.

1640. Edward Bold
1655. Lawrence Fogge D.D.
1664. Orlando Fogge
1666. John Price D.D.
1685. Beaumont Percival D.D.
1714. B. Gardiner
1726. Francis Glynne
1728. John Fletcher
1742. Richard Williams
1770. Stephen Glynne
1780. Randolph Crewe
1814. George Neville-Grenville
1834. Henry Glynne
1872. Stephen E. Gladstone
{Interior of Church: p26.jpg}

The Modern Residence and Park.
The modern Residence was built in 1752 upon the site of Broadlane
Hall, the seat of the Ravenscrofts, an old house of wood and plaster,
which came into Sir John Glynne's possession by his marriage with
Honora Conway, daughter of Henry Conway and Honora Ravenscroft.
Originally a square brick house, it was afterwards in 1809 extended by
the addition of the Library on the West side and of the Kitchen and

other offices on the East; the whole being cased in stone {27} and
castellated. The entrance was now turned from the S. to the N.
front--the turnpike road, which passed in front of the house and along
the Moat to the Village, having been diverted in 1804--and the present
Flower-garden constructed with the old Thorn-tree in the centre. Quite
recently has been added the block at the N.W. angle of the house,
containing Mr. Gladstone's Study, or, as he calls it, the 'Temple of
{House and Flower Garden: p27.jpg}
The most striking feature about this room is that (to use the phrase of a
writer in Harper's Magazine) it is built about with bookcases. Instead of
being ranged along the wall in the usual way, they stand out into the
room at right angles, each wide enough to hold a double row facing
either way. Intervals are left sufficient to give access to the books, and
Mr. Gladstone prides himself upon the economy of space obtained by
this arrangement. His Library numbers near 20,000 volumes, many of
which have overflowed into adjoining rooms, where they are similarly
stored. Of this number Theology claims a large proportion; Homer,
Dante, {28a} and Shakespeare also have their respective departments,
and any resident visitor is at liberty, on entering his or her name in a
book kept for the purpose, to borrow any volume at pleasure. Three
writing-tables are seen. At one Mr. Gladstone sits when busy in
political work and correspondence; the second is reserved for literary
and especially, Homeric studies; the third is Mrs. Gladstone's. "It is,"
remarked Mr. Gladstone to the writer above mentioned, with a wistful
glance at the table where 'Vaticanism' and 'Juventus Mundi' were
written, "A long time since I sat there." About the room are to be seen
busts and photographs of old friends and colleagues--Sidney Herbert,
the Duke of Newcastle, Canning, Tennyson, Lord Richard Cavendish,
and others, while in the corners lurk numerous walking sticks and axes.
Adjoining Mr. Gladstone's room is the Library of the house--a
well-proportioned and comfortable room, well stored with books,
prominent among which topography and ecclesiology testify to the
predelictions of the late owner, Sir Stephen Glynne. {28b} There are

some good family portraits and other pictures, among which are
specimens of Sir Peter Lely, Snyders, and a very fine likeness of Sir
Kenelm Digby by Vandyke. There is a fine picture by Millais of Mr.
Gladstone and his grandson, {29a} painted in 1889, and another good
portrait of him by the late F. Holl; also a much-admired likeness of Mrs.
Gladstone by Herkomer.
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