The Harp of God | Page 5

Joseph Franklin Rutherford
and when they would
be fulfilled and in what manner of time. Particularly with reference to
the coming of Jesus, his suffering, death and resurrection they
prophesied and did not understand, although they attempted to
understand. (1 Peter 1:10,12) Even the angels of heaven knew that the
prophets were thus writing, but they did not understand, although they
desired to look into these things. God revealed his great plan only in his
own due time, and until that time he kept it all to himself.
[22]The divine plan means the arrangement made by Jehovah for the
creation of everything that has been created and for carrying out his
purposes with reference to his creatures. The first one to understand the
divine plan was Jesus, who prior to coming to earth was known as the
Logos, which means one who speaks and acts for Jehovah. In
Revelation, chapter 5, a wonderful picture is given in symbolic
language. Jehovah is pictured as seated upon his throne, holding in his
right hand a record or scroll of his great plan. The hand is a symbol of
power and holding it in his hand foreshadowed the fact that Jehovah
held it exclusively in his own power and keeping. The picture then
shows a strong angel or messenger speaking with a loud voice and
asking the question: "Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the
seals thereof?" In heaven there was a host of holy beings or angels. No
one of them was able to open the book or scroll, neither to look on it.
No one in earth was able to look upon it nor to open it.

[23]One of the titles given to Jesus is "Lion of the tribe of Judah". This
great and mighty One, the beloved Son of God, afterward designated
Jesus, was granted the privilege of opening the book and of loosing the
seals that kept it secret, thus picturing how Jehovah made known his
plan to his beloved Son. The picture describes him thus: "And I beheld,
and, lo, in the midst of the throne ... stood a Lamb as it had been slain,
having seven horns and seven eyes, ... and he came and took the book
out of the right hand of him [Jehovah] that sat upon the throne".
[24]Seven is a symbol of perfection; horn a symbol of power; and eyes
a symbol of wisdom. Therefore this One is pictured as having perfect
power and perfect wisdom to perform this wonderful privilege and duty.
This is the first time that the great mystery of Jehovah, his great plan or
program, was made known to any one; and since then, from time to
time, he has been pleased to reveal portions of his plan to men who
have honestly and faithfully sought to understand it. He has promised
to reward those that diligently seek him and who seek a knowledge of
him. Therefore we can come to the study of his plan, confidently
expecting that he will grant us from time to time such a vision and
understanding of it as pleases him and as would be for our good and
[25]The harp is used to symbolize the grandeur and beauty, the
exquisite harmony and majestic sweetness of the divine arrangement or
plan. The record of this great program or plan is found in the Old and
the New Testaments. This record reveals the purpose of God
concerning man, gives a record of his fall, a prophetic vision of his
redemption and deliverance, and ultimately the blessing of all obedient
ones of mankind with life everlasting. The great fundamental doctrines
or truths stated in the Bible and which constitute the fundamentals of
his plan concerning man would, therefore, constitute the strings upon
the harp of God. These fundamental truths were spoken by Jehovah
through the prophets, through Jesus, and through his disciples. God's
law is his expressed will. Law means a rule of action, directing that
which is right and prohibiting that which is wrong. The Bible contains
the law of Jehovah for the governing of mankind.

[26]The name David means beloved one. The beloved One of Jehovah
is his Son, Jesus, the Christ. David was therefore used by Jehovah to
picture or to make a type of Christ, including Jesus and his faithful
followers. David used the harp of ten strings and was an expert
performer upon it. This would seem to picture how that the antitype of
David, Jesus and the members of his body, his faithful followers, would
have an understanding of this harp of God and that God would use
them to make it plain to others who would want to understand it. The
ten strings of the harp, therefore, very fitly represent the ten great
fundamental truths or doctrines of
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