The Harp of God | Page 6

Joseph Franklin Rutherford
brings joy to his heart and fills his soul with sweet music. Without doubt the great plan of God pictured by the harp was all made and arranged at one time, but we will here consider each one of these fundamental truths, represented by a string, separately and in the order above named.

What is the harp? and when was it invented? ? 1.
Who invented the harp? and where is mention made of it in the Bible? ? 1.
When did God organize the twelve tribes of Israel into a nation? ? 2.
What arrangement did God make with the nation of Israel? ? 2.
For what purpose was that nation used by Jehovah? ? 2.
To what did the nation of Israel consecrate the harp? ? 3.
What king of Israel was skilled in the use of the harp? ? 3.
Where in the Scriptures is the harp used symbolically? ? 3.
On what occasions did the Jews use the harp? ? 3.
How many strings were there on Israel's harp? and what did these symbolize? ? 4.
Did the harp at any time have a less number of strings? and if so, what did that picture? ? 4.
In what phrase or language is the book of Revelation written? ? 5.
Where in the book of Revelation is the harp mentioned? and what kind of beings are pictured as using it? ? 5.
What is the first essential to an understanding of God's plan? ? 6.
Name some visible proof of the existence of a Supreme Being or Creator. ? 7.
How was David impressed with what he observed of creation? ? 8.
How does man's organism prove the existence of a Supreme Being? ? 9.
Who is the Supreme Being or Creator? and what does his name signify? ? 10.
Give some Scriptural proof of the existence of Jehovah. ? 10.
Name the four primary divine attributes. ? 10.
How was divine justice manifested? ? 11.
How was divine power manifested? ? 11.
How was divine love manifested? ? 11.
How was divine wisdom manifested? ? 11.
Is there proof that God foreknew the end from the beginning? ? 11.
Why should man expect some revelation of the divine plan? ? 12.
Has man found a revelation of God's plan? and if so, where? ? 12.
By whom was the Bible written? and what are the two general divisions of it? ? 13.
What is meant by the holy spirit? ? 14.
What relationship does the holy spirit bear to the Bible and its preparation? ? 14.
Who wrote the first five books of the Bible? and under what influence? ? 14.
Was the Bible written under inspiration? ? 14.
How many prophetic writers contributed to the Old Testament? and does their testimony agree? ? 14.
Define history. ? 15.
Define prophecy. ? 16.
Can a human mind accurately foretell future events? ? 17.
What is one of the strongest proofs that the Bible was written under inspiration? ? 17.
What relationship do wireless telegraphy and airships bear to fulfilled prophecy? ? 18.
Were railway trains foretold by the prophets? and if so, where? ? 18.
What other means of rapid transit did the prophets foretell? ? 18.
Why did not Solomon give the world great inventions such as we now have? ? 18.
Did the prophets point to the coming of any special one to earth? ? 19.
What prophecy, if any, did the coming of Jesus of Nazareth tend to fulfill? ? 19.
How did the coming of Jesus tend to confirm the authenticity of the Scriptures? ? 20.
Did the prophets understand the meaning of what they wrote concerning the happening of future events? ? 21.
What effort did they make to understand? ? 21.
Did the angels in heaven understand what the prophets were writing? ? 21.
What is meant by the term "the divine plan"? ? 22.
Who was the first one to understand the divine plan? ? 22.
What was the name of Jesus before he became a man? and what is the significance of his prehuman title? ? 22.
What is pictured by the fifth chapter of Revelation? Give the details of the picture. ? 22.
Who is the "Lion of the tribe of Judah"? ? 23.
What is the symbolic meaning of the words "seven", "horns," and "eyes"? and what do these words signify as used in Revelation 5? ? 24.
Is there reason to expect that God would grant certain ones from time to time an increased understanding of his plan? and if so, why? ? 24.
What does the harp symbolize? ? 25.
Where is the record of the divine plan found? ? 25.
What does this record reveal concerning man? ? 25.
By whom has God spoken his fundamental truths? ? 25.
What is the law of God? ? 25.
Define law. ? 25.
Where is the law of God found? ? 25.
What is the meaning of the word David? ? 26.
Whom did David picture or typify? ? 26.
What did David's use of the harp typify or picture? ? 26.
What is pictured or symbolized by the
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