The Great Salt Trail | Page 2

Colonel Henry Inman
Godin shoots a Blackfoot Chiefa€”Fight between Whites, Flatheads, and Blackfeeta€”An Indian Heroinea€”Major Stephen H. Long's Scientific Expedition in 1820a€”Captain Bonneville's Expedition in 1832a€” Lieutenant John C. Fremont's Expedition in 1842 to the Wind River Mountains.

TRADING-POSTS AND THEIR STORIES. Trading-posts of the Great Fur Companiesa€”Fort Vasqueza€”Fort Laramiea€”Fort Plattea€”Fort Bridgera€”Incidents at Fort Plattea€”A Drunken Spreea€”Death and Burial of Susu-Ceichaa€”Insult to Big Eaglea€”Bull Tail's Effort to sell his Daughter for a Barrel of Whiskeya€”A Rare Instance of a Trader's Honour.

THE MORMONS. The Most Desolate of Deserts made to blossom as the Rosea€”The Mormon Hegiraa€”Pilgrim's Outfita€”Curious Guide-postsa€”The Hand-cart Expeditiona€”Sufferings and Hardships during the Exodusa€”An Impending Wara€”General Harney's Expeditiona€”Mormon Tacticsa€”Destroy the Suppliesa€”Privations of the United States army a€”President backs downa€”Salt Lake Citya€”Brigham Young's Visiona€” The Temple.

MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE. Mountain Meadows Massacrea€” Indians attack the Wagonsa€”Lee offers Protectiona€”Ambushed by Leea€” Lee flies to the Mountainsa€”Mormon Church acquitteda€”Execution of John D. Leea€”Temporary Toll-bridgesa€”Indian Raids on Cattle Ranchesa€” Stuttering Browna€”Graves along the Trail.

THE PONY EXPRESS. The Problem of the Mails between Atlantic and Pacifica€”The World-famed Pony Expressa€”Necessity for it a€”Its Originatora€”The Firm of Majors, Russell, & Waddella€”The Routea€” Organizationa€”Its Paraphernaliaa€”Daring Ridersa€”J. G. Kelley's Storya€” Colonel Cody's Storya€”Incidents and Storiesa€”Old Whipsaw and Little Cayuse, the Pawneea€”Slade, the Desperadoa€”The Lynching of Sladea€” Establishment of the Telegraph.

THE STAGE ROUTE TO THE PACIFIC. Discovery of Gold near Pike's Peaka€”Exodus from Missouria€”The Creation of the Overland Stage Route to the Pacific Coasta€”Messrs. Russell and Jones' Failurea€” Russell, Majors, & Waddell's Successful Establishment of a New Linea€” Hockaday and Liggett's a€?One-horsea€ Affaira€”Advent of the First Stage-coach into Denvera€”Financial Embarrassmenta€”Ben Hollidaya€” Description of the Outfit of the Routea€”Incidents and Adventures.

SCENERY ON THE TRAIL. Scenery and Historical Localities on the Route of the Old Traila€”Loup Forka€”De Smet's Account of a Waterspouta€”Wood Rivera€”Brady's Islanda€”Ash Hollowa€”Johnson's Creeka€” Scott's Bluffa€”Independence Rock and its Legenda€”Chimney Rocka€” Crazy Woman's Creeka€”Laramie Plainsa€”Legends and Traditions about the Great Salt Lakea€”Early Surveys.

INDIAN TRIBES ON THE TRAIL. The Indian Tribes of the Salt Lake Traila€”The Otoesa€”I-e-tana€”Blue-Eyes shot by I-e-tana€” The Pawneesa€”Their Tribal Marka€”Legends and Traditionsa€”Human Sacrificesa€”Folk-lore.

SIOUX AND THEIR TRADITIONS. The Sioux Nationa€”Cause of their Hatred for the Whitesa€”A Chief of the Br??l?? Sioux tells a Story a€”The Scarred-Armsa€”Story of the Six Sioux and the Mysterious Womana€” The Place of the Death Songa€”Wa-shu-pa and Ogallallaa€”Indian Fight at Ash Hollowa€”Indian Tradition of a Flood.

THE CROWS. The Crowsa€”Council at Fort Philip Kearny in July, 1866a€”A-ra-poo-asha€”Jim Beckwourth in a Fight between Crows and Blackfeeta€”Beckwourth and the Great Medicine Kettlea€”The Missionary and the Crowsa€”The Legend of the Blind Mena€”The Pis-kun.

FOLK-LORE OF BLACKFEET. Folk-lore of Blackfeeta€” The Lost Childrena€”The Wolf-Mana€”The Utesa€”Massacre of Major Thornburgh's Command on the White Rivera€”The Great Chief Ouraya€” Piutesa€”Their Theories of the Heavensa€”The Big Medicine Springsa€” Closed Handa€”Man afraid of his Horsesa€”No Knifea€”Sitting Bulla€” Spotted Tail.

SIOUX WAR OF 1863. Sioux War of 1863a€”Spotted Taila€” George P. Belden's Accounta€”Sergeants Hiles and Rollaa€”Belden and Nelson have an Adventurea€”Belden maps the Countrya€”Guarding Ben Holliday's Coachesa€”An Involuntary Highwaymana€”Capturing Sioux at Gilman's Rancha€”Morrow's Rancha€”Bentz and Wisea€”Attack on the Ambulance a€”Peace Commissiona€”Massacre of Colonel Fetterman's Command at Fort Phil Kearny.

BUFFALO BILL'S ADVENTURES. Buffalo Bill's Adventures on the Salt Lake Traila€”In Charge of a Herd of Beef Cattlea€”Kills an Indiana€”With Lew Simpsona€”Held upa€”Attacked at Cedar Bluffsa€”A Brush with Siouxa€”The Print of a Woman's Shoea€”Capture a Villagea€”Buffalo Bill shoots Tall Bull.

MASSACRE OF CUSTER'S COMMAND. Buffalo Bill's Adventures continueda€”Hunting at Fort McPhersona€”Indians steal his Favourite Ponya€”The Chasea€”Scouting under General Duncana€”Pawnee Sentriesa€”A Deserted Squawa€”A Joke on McCarthya€”Scouting for Captain Meinholda€”Texas Jacka€”Buckskin Joea€”Sitting Bull and the Indian War of 1876a€”Massacre of Custer and his Commanda€”Buffalo Bill takes the First Scalp for Custera€”Yellow Hand, Son of Cut Nosea€”Carries Despatches for Terrya€”Good-by to the General.

IN A TRAPPER'S BIVOUAC. Around the Camp-fire in a Trapper's Bivouaca€”Telling Stories of the Old Traila€”Old Hatcher's Trip to the Infernal Regionsa€”Colonel Cody's Story of California Joe a€”A Practical Joke.

KIT CARSON ON THE YELLOWSTONE. More Stories of the Trail a€”Frazier and the Beara€”An Indian Elopementa€”The Ogallallas and the Br??l??sa€”Chaf-fa-ly-aa€”Kit Carson on the Yellowstonea€”Battle with the Blackfeeta€”Carson, Bridger, and Baker on the Plattea€”Jim Cockrella€” Peg Leg Smith.

BUILDING THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. The Story of the Building of the Union Pacific Railroada€”Extract from General Sherman's Memoirsa€”General Dodge's Description of the Country when he first saw ita€”Explorations for a Routea€”Conference with President Lincolna€” Location of the Military Post of D. A. Russell and the Town of Cheyenne a€”Driving the Last Spike.


As early as a hundred and thirty-five years ago, shortly after England had acquired the Canadas, Captain Jonathan Carver, who had been an officer in the British provincial army, conceived the idea of fitting out an expedition to cross the continent between the forty-third and forty-sixth degrees of north latitude. His intention was to measure the breadth of North America at its widest part, and to find some place on
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