The Governess | Page 7

Sarah Fielding

yourself, I would have you employ this one night in thinking of what I
have said. Nothing will show your sense so much, as to own that you
have been in the wrong. Nor will anything prove a right spirit so much.
as to confess your fault. All the misses will be your friends, and
perhaps follow your example. Then you will have the pleasure of
having caused the quiet of the whole school; your governess will love
you; and you will be at peace in your mind, and never have any more
foolish quarrels, in which you all get nothing but blows and uneasiness.

Miss Sukey began now to find, that Miss Jenny was in the right, and
she herself in the wrong; but yet she was so proud she would not own it.
Nothing could be so foolish as this pride; because it would have been
both good and wise in her to confess the truth the moment she saw it.
However, Miss Jenny was so discreet as not to press her any farther
that night; but begged her to consider seriously on what she had said,
and to let her know her thoughts the next morning and then left her.
When Miss Sukey was alone she stood some time in great confusion.
She could not help seeing how much hitherto she had been in the
wrong; and that thought stung her to the heart. She cried, stamped, and
was in as great an agony as if some sad misfortune had befallen her. At
last, when she had somewhat vented her passion by tears, she burst
forth into the following speech:
'It is very true what Miss Jenny Peace says; for I am always uneasy. I
don't sleep in quiet because I am always thinking, either that I have not
my share of what is given us, or that I cannot be revenged on any of the
girls that offend me. And when I quarrel with them, I am scratched and
bruised; or reproached. And what do I get by all this? Why, I scratch,
bruise, and reproach them in my turn. Is not that gain enough? I warrant
I hurt them as much as they hurt me. But then indeed, as Miss Jenny
says, if I could make these girls my friends, and did not wish to hurt
them, I certainly might live a quieter, and perhaps a happier, life. But
what then, have I been always in the wrong all my lifetime? for I
always quarrelled and hated everyone who had offended me. Oh! I
cannot bear that thought! It is enough to make me mad! when I
imagined myself so wise and so sensible, to find out that I have been

always a fool. If I think a moment longer about it, I shall die with grief
and shame. I must think myself in the right; and I will too. But, as Miss
Jenny says, I really am unhappy; for I hate all my schoolfellows; and
yet I dare not do them any mischief; for my mistress will punish me
severely if I do. I should not so much mind that neither; but then those I
intend to hurt will triumph over me, to see me punished for their sakes.
In short, the more I reflect, the more I am afraid Miss Jenny is in the
right; and yet it breaks my heart to think so.'
Here the poor girl wept so bitterly, and was so heartily grieved, that she
could not utter one word more; but sat herself down, reclining her head
upon her hand, in the most melancholy posture that could be; nor could
she close her eyes all night, but lay tossing and raving with the thought
how she should act, and what she should say to Miss Jenny the next
When the morning came, Miss Sukey dreaded every moment, as the
time drew nearer when she must meet Miss Jenny. She knew it would
not be possible to resist her arguments; and yet shame for having been
in fault overcame her.
As soon as Miss Jenny saw Miss Sukey with her eyes cast down, and
confessing, by a look of sorrow, that she would take her advice, she
embraced her kindly; and, without giving her the trouble to speak, took
it for granted, that she would leave off quarreling, be reconciled to her
schoolfellows, and make herself happy.
Miss Sukey did indeed stammer out some words, which implied a
confession of her fault; but they were spoke so low they could hardly
be heard; only Miss Jenny, who always chose to look at the fairest side
of her companions' actions, by Miss Sukey's look and manner guessed
her meaning.
In the same manner did this good girl, Jenny, persuade, one
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