The Golden Grasshopper | Page 2

W.H.G. Kingston
into other subjects, and gave a sketch of the political events which had
lately occurred in the Netherlands, then ruled by the Emperor Charles
the Fifth of Germany and King of Spain, his sister Queen Mary of
Hungary acting as Regent for him. He continued: "Protestant principles
have made great progress, even though the fatal Inquisition flourishes
in the country more actively than heretofore. The Emperor has just
drawn up a new set of instructions for the guidance of the Inquisitors.
These men are empowered to inquire, proceed against, and chastise all
they call heretics, or persons suspected even of heresy, and their
protectors. It is dreadful to think of the power placed in their hands.
Already thousands of the inhabitants of the Netherlands have been
burned, or drowned, or hung, or killed on the rack; those who can
taking to flight, till many parts are well-nigh depopulated. Nothing can
be more dreadful than the system of torture employed. The accused
person is carried off to prison, often without knowing the crime he is
accused of, or his accusers. He is tortured to make him confess. The
torture takes place at midnight in some gloomy dungeon, dimly-lighted
by torches. The victim, whether man, woman, or tender virgin, is
stripped naked, and stretched upon a wooden bench. Water, weights,
fires, pulleys, screws, all the apparatus by which the sinews can be
strained without cracking, the bones bruised without breaking, and the
body racked without giving up the ghost, is now put into operation. If
the victim, to escape further torture, confesses, he is at once carried off
to execution; if not, he is restored to prison to recover somewhat from
the effects of the torture, when he is again brought back to suffer, in the
hopes of extorting a confession. However, I have already spun out my
letter to too great a length, and I must bring it to a conclusion. Your
lordships will see how differently situated the Netherlands are at the
present time to our happy England, under the rule of our gentle
sovereign, King Edward."
Master Clough having added some further remarks, closed the letter,
and sealed it carefully with the signet ring of his employer, the
Worshipful Master Thomas Gresham (the device on which was a

Thomas Gresham at that time held the honourable post of Royal agent
at Antwerp. The letter being carefully done up with other papers in a
silk covering, Richard Clough took it out of the room, and delivered it
into the hands of a special messenger who was to convey it to England.
He soon returned, saying that a lady earnestly craved an audience.
"I know her not," he added, "but she will in no wise receive a refusal.
She is a matron of comely appearance, though her cheeks are pale, and
her eyes betoken grief and anxiety. She is accompanied, too, by a
young boy, who appears to be her son, and stands holding her hand,
trembling as if lately put in great bodily fear."
"Let her come up by all means, Master Clough," answered the
merchant; "if we can assist her in her distress, we are bound to do so.
The Lady Anne will, I doubt not, if she finds her worthy, be interested
in her case."
"I will obey you, sir," said Richard Clough, hurrying out. In a short
time he returned with a lady, who although not young, yet retained
many traces of beauty. She led by the hand a boy apparently about nine
years of age, who, as Master Clough had remarked, looked completely
terrorstricken. The merchant rose, and with becoming courtesy placed a
chair for the lady opposite to where he sat.
"Pray, madam, tell me how I can assist you," he said, "for I see at once
that you are in distress."
"Indeed, indeed, I am, sir," she answered. "I come to pray a great boon
of you. I am your countrywoman, though married to a Netherlander.
My husband, Karl Van Verner, may not be unknown to you, as he is a
wealthy and highly honoured burgher of Antwerp. My maiden name
was Bertram, and my family, as well as that of my husband, have long
been attached to the Protestant faith. We had till lately worshipped God
in private, according to the way we considered most acceptable to Him,
not intruding, however, our opinions on our neighbours, but, alas! my
husband's wealth was coveted by those in power. Some secret enemy
informed against us, and only this morning the officers of the
Inquisition suddenly entered our house. We had just assembled for

morning prayer. As my young boy beheld them seize his father, he
cried out with terror, at the same time attempting to drag him out of
their hands. I could not help
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