The Go Ahead Boys and the Racing Motorboat | Page 4

Ross Kay
the several
nicknames which his comrades had bestowed upon him. Peewee or
Pygmy, the latter sometimes shortened to Pyg, were names to which he
answered almost as readily as to his Christian name.

His most intimate friend of the four was John Clemens, whose
nickname, "String," indicated what his physique was. He was six feet
three inches in height, although his weight was not much more than
that of the more diminutive Fred. "The long and the short of it" the two
boys sometimes were called when they were seen together.
Grant was the one member of the Go Ahead boys who easily led in
whatever he attempted. His standing in school was high and his time in
the hundred yards dash stood now as a school record. His fund of
general information was so large that some years before, in a joke he
had been dubbed Socrates. That expressive name, however, had
recently been shortened to Soc.
George Washington Sanders, one of the most popular boys in his
school, frequently was referred to as Pop, by which designation his
friends indirectly expressed their admiration for one who, even if he
bore the name of the Father of his Country, was laughingly referred to
as the Papa of the Land. This nickname in the course of time had been
shortened to Pop.
Already the four Go Ahead boys had had several stirring experiences in
their summer vacations. One of these had been spent at Mackinac
Island where their adventures had been chiefly concerned with
Smugglers' Island. Together they had made a voyage to the West Indies
where their experiences on a desert island have been already
recorded.[1] Together they had investigated the mysteries connected
with an old house near George's country home, a place shunned by the
country folk because of its reputation of being haunted.[2] Another
delightful summer had been spent by the boys in a camp in the
Canadian woods.[3] All these experiences had only prepared the way
for the days which now were confronting them.
[1] See "The Go Ahead Boys and The Treasure Cave."
[2] "The Go Ahead Boys and the Mysterious Old House."
[3] See "The Go Ahead Boys and the Island Camp."

Every one was confident that the Black Growler would give a good
account of herself in the motor-boat races which were to be held on the
St. Lawrence River. The grandfather of Fred Button, who was the
fortunate owner of an island in the majestic river, had invited the boys
to spend a month with him in his cottage. Incidentally he had explained
that their visit would be at the time when the boat races occurred,
which he had no question they all would greatly enjoy. He was unaware
that Mr. Button had already purchased a motor-boat of marvelous speed,
although at the time he had no thought that it would be entered in any
contest or races.
Yielding to Fred's persuasions at last his father had somewhat
reluctantly given his consent for the boat to be entered, as well as for
Fred to invite the other three Go Ahead boys to spend the coming
weeks together on the island.
All these thoughts were more or less in the minds of the Go Ahead
boys when the Black Growler swiftly started on her long voyage.
"Are you going to keep her going like this all the time?" demanded
John as the swift little boat steadily continued on her way.
"She doesn't like to slow up," replied Fred glancing behind him as he
"She had better slow up than blow up," retorted John.
"No danger of that," laughed Fred. "The first thing you know we'll be
in the canal."
"I hope not," laughed Grant. "It will be a great day when the Go Ahead
boys learn how to use the English language. You don't mean 'in' the
canal, you mean 'on' the canal."
"Perhaps he means what my grandfather used to call the 'ragin'
canawl'," suggested Grant.
"Maybe we'll be both IN it and ON it," laughed Fred. "If we should

happen to strike a rock or bump into another boat it wouldn't be very
hard to understand what would follow."
"That makes me think," said Grant solemnly. "Are you sure that you
know how to steer? If we were traveling on the Erie Canal as they used
to go soon after it was opened--"
"When was that?" broke in George.
"1825. The Erie Canal extended from Albany to Lake Erie and was
constructed chiefly because DeWitt Clinton worked for it with might
and main from 1817 to 1825."
"Good for you!" laughed George, "It's pretty hard to trip up old Soc
when it comes to figures. Now, I myself happen to know how long the
canal is and so I shall be able to
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