The First Series Plays | Page 6

John Galsworthy
took away my [She stops.]
BARTHWICK. [Severely.] Yes, madam, what?
UNKNOWN. He took away my--my reticule.
BARTHWICK. Your reti----?
UNKNOWN. I don't care about the reticule; it's not that I want--I 'm sure I don't want to make any fuss--[her face is quivering]--but- -but--all my money was in it!
BARTHWICK. In what--in what?
UNKNOWN. In my purse, in the reticule. It was a crimson silk purse. Really, I wouldn't have come--I don't want to make any fuss. But I must get my money back--mustn't I?
BARTHWICK. Do you tell me that my son----?
UNKNOWN. Oh! well, you see, he was n't quite I mean he was
[She smiles mesmerically.]
BARTHWICK. I beg your pardon.
UNKNOWN. [Stamping her foot.] Oh! don't you see--tipsy! We had a quarrel.
BARTHWICK. [Scandalised.] How? Where?
UNKNOWN. [Defiantly.] At my place. We'd had supper at the----and your son----
BARTHWICK. [Pressing the bell.] May I ask how you knew this house? Did he give you his name and address?
UNKNOWN. [Glancing sidelong.] I got it out of his overcoat.
BARTHWICK. [Sardonically.] Oh! you got it out of his overcoat. And may I ask if my son will know you by daylight?
UNKNOWN. Know me? I should jolly--I mean, of course he will! [MARLOW comes in.]
BARTHWICK. Ask Mr. John to come down.
[MARLOW goes out, and BARTHWICK walks uneasily about.]
And how long have you enjoyed his acquaintanceship?
UNKNOWN. Only since--only since Good Friday.
BARTHWICK. I am at a loss--I repeat I am at a----
[He glances at this unknown lady, who stands with eyes cast down, twisting her hands And suddenly Jack appears. He stops on seeing who is here, and the unknown lady hysterically giggles. There is a silence.]
BARTHWICK. [Portentously.] This young--er--lady says that last night--I think you said last night madam--you took away----
UNKNOWN. [Impulsively.] My reticule, and all my money was in a crimson silk purse.
JACK. Reticule. [Looking round for any chance to get away.] I don't know anything about it.
BARTHWICK. [Sharply.] Come, do you deny seeing this young lady last night?
JACK. Deny? No, of course. [Whispering.] Why did you give me away like this? What on earth did you come here for?
UNKNOWN. [Tearfully.] I'm sure I didn't want to--it's not likely, is it? You snatched it out of my hand--you know you did--and the purse had all my money in it. I did n't follow you last night because I did n't want to make a fuss and it was so late, and you were so----
BARTHWICK. Come, sir, don't turn your back on me--explain!
JACK. [Desperately.] I don't remember anything about it. [In a low voice to his friend.] Why on earth could n't you have written?
UNKNOWN. [Sullenly.] I want it now; I must have, it--I 've got to pay my rent to-day. [She looks at BARTHWICK.] They're only too glad to jump on people who are not--not well off.
JACK. I don't remember anything about it, really. I don't remember anything about last night at all. [He puts his hand up to his head.] It's all--cloudy, and I 've got such a beastly headache.
UNKNOWN. But you took it; you know you did. You said you'd score me off.
JACK. Well, then, it must be here. I remember now--I remember something. Why did I take the beastly thing?
BARTHWICK. Yes, why did you take the beastly----[He turns abruptly to the window.]
UNKNOWN. [With her mesmeric smile.] You were n't quite were you?
JACK. [Smiling pallidly.] I'm awfully sorry. If there's anything I can do----
BARTHWICK. Do? You can restore this property, I suppose.
JACK. I'll go and have a look, but I really don't think I 've got it.
[He goes out hurriedly. And BARTHWICK, placing a chair, motions to the visitor to sit; then, with pursed lips, he stands and eyes her fixedly. She sits, and steals a look at him; then turns away, and, drawing up her veil, stealthily wipes her eyes. And Jack comes back.]
JACK. [Ruefully holding out the empty reticule.] Is that the thing? I 've looked all over--I can't find the purse anywhere. Are you sure it was there?
UNKNOWN. [Tearfully.] Sure? Of course I'm sure. A crimson silk purse. It was all the money I had.
JACK. I really am awfully sorry--my head's so jolly bad. I 've asked the butler, but he has n't seen it.
UNKNOWN. I must have my money----
JACK. Oh! Of course--that'll be all right; I'll see that that's all right. How much?
UNKNOWN. [Sullenly.] Seven pounds-twelve--it's all I 've got in the world.
JACK. That'll be all right; I'll--send you acheque.
UNKNOWN. [Eagerly.] No; now, please. Give me what was in my purse; I've got to pay my rent this morning. They won't' give me another day; I'm a fortnight behind already.
JACK. [Blankly.] I'm awfully sorry; I really have n't a penny in my pocket.
[He glances stealthily at BARTHWICK.]
UNKNOWN. [Excitedly.] Come I say you must--it's my money, and you took it. I 'm not going away without it. They 'll turn me out of my place.
JACK. [Clasping his head.] But
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