further writings from the pen of the surviving brother.
Nevertheless I am bound to own that, in spite of a generally favourable
opinion, my critics have not been unanimous in their interpretation of
The Fair Haven. Thus, The Rock (April 25, 1873, and May 9, 1873),
says that the work is "an extraordinary one, whether regarded as a
biographical record or a theological treatise. Indeed the importance of
the volume compels us to depart from our custom of reviewing with
brevity works entrusted to us, and we shall in two consecutive numbers
of The Rock lay before its readers what appear to us to be the merits
and demerits of this posthumous production."
* * * * *
"His exhibition of the certain proofs furnished of the Resurrection of
our Lord is certainly masterly and convincing."
* * * * *
"To the sincerely inquiring doubter, the striking way in which the truth
of the Resurrection is exhibited must be most beneficial, but such a
character we are compelled to believe is rare among those of the
schools of neology."
* * * * *
"Mr. OWEN'S exposition and refutation of the hallucination and
mythical theories of Strauss and his followers is most admirable, and
all should read it who desire to know exactly what excuses men make
for their incredulity. The work also contains many beautiful passages
on the discomfort of unbelief, and the holy pleasure of a settled faith,
which cannot fail to benefit the reader."
On the other hand, in spite of all my precautions, the same misfortune
which overtook Erewhon has also come upon The Fair Haven. It has
been suspected of a satirical purpose. The author of a pamphlet entitled
Jesus versus Christianity says:-
"The Fair Haven is an ironical defence of orthodoxy at the expense of
the whole mass of Church tenet and dogma, the character of Christ only
excepted. Such at least is our reading of it, though critics of the Rock
and Record order have accepted the book as a serious defence of
Christianity, and proclaimed it as a most valuable contribution in aid of
the faith. Affecting an orthodox standpoint it most bitterly reproaches
all previous apologists for the lack of candour with which they have
ignored or explained away insuperable difficulties and attached undue
value to coincidences real or imagined. One and all they have, the
author declares, been at best, but zealous 'liars for God,' or what to
them was more than God, their own religious system. This must go on
no longer. We, as Christians having a sound cause, need not fear to let
the truth be known. He proceeds accordingly to set forth the truth as he
finds it in the New Testament; and in a masterly analysis of the account
of the Resurrection, which he selects as the principal crucial miracle,
involving all other miracles, he shows how slender is the foundation on
which the whole fabric of supernatural theology has been reared."
* * * * *
"As told by our author the whole affords an exquisite example of the
natural growth of a legend."
* * * * *
"If the reader can once fully grasp the intention of the style, and its
affectation of the tone of indignant orthodoxy, and perceive also how
utterly destructive are its 'candid admissions' to the whole fabric of
supernaturalism, he will enjoy a rare treat. It is not however for the
purpose of recommending what we at least regard as a piece of
exquisite humour, that we call attention to The Fair Haven, but &c.
* * * * *
This is very dreadful; but what can one do?
Again, The Scotsman speaks of the writer as being "throughout in
downright almost pathetic earnestness." While The National Reformer
seems to be in doubt whether the book is a covert attack upon
Christianity or a serious defence of it, but declares that both orthodox
and unorthodox will find matter requiring thought and answer.
I am not responsible for the interpretations of my readers. It is only
natural that the same work should present a very different aspect
according as it is approached from one side or the other. There is only
one way out of it--that the reader should kindly interpret according to
his own fancies. If he will do this the book is sure to please him. I have
done the best I can for all parties, and feel justified in appealing to the
existence of the widely conflicting opinions which I have quoted, as a
proof that the balance has been evenly held, and that I was justified in
calling the book a defence--both as against impugners and defenders.
S. BUTLER. Oct. 8, 1873.
The subject of

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