The Evolution of Man, vol 1 | Page 3

Ernst Haeckel

ECTODERM: the outer (ekto) layer of the embryo.
ENTODERM: the inner (ento) layer of the embryo.
EPIDERM: the outer layer of the skin.
EPIGENESIS: the theory of gradual development of organs in the
EPIPHYSIS: the third or central eye in the early vertebrates.
EPITHELIA: tissues covering the surface of parts of the body (such as
the mouth, etc.)
GONADS: the sexual glands.
GONOCHORISM: separation of the male and female sexes.

GONOTOMES: sections of the sexual glands.
GYNECOMAST: a male with the breasts (masta) of a woman (gyne).
HEPATIC: pertaining to the liver (hepar).
HOLOBLASTIC: embryos in which the animal and vegetal cells divide
equally (holon = whole).
HYPERMASTISM: the possession of more than the normal breasts
HYPOBRANCHIAL: underneath (hypo) the gills.
HYPOPHYSIS: sensitive-offshoot from the brain in the vertebrate.
LECITH-: pertaining to the yelk (lecithus); hence:-- Centrolecithal:
eggs with the yelk in the centre. Lecithoma: the yelk-sac. Telolecithal:
eggs with the yelk at one end.
MEROBLASTIC: cleaving in part (meron) only.
META-: (in compounds) the "after" or secondary stage; hence:--
Metagaster: the secondary or permanent gut (gaster). Metaplasm:
secondary or differentiated plasm. Metastoma: the secondary or
permanent mouth (stoma). Metazoa: the higher or later animals, made
up of many cells. Metovum: the mature or advanced ovum.
METAMERA: the segments into which the embryo breaks up.
METAMERISM: the segmentation of the embryo.
MONERA: the most primitive of the unicellular organisms.
MONISM: belief in the fundamental unity of all things.
MORPHOLOGY: the science of organic forms (generally equivalent to
MYOTOMES: segments into which the muscles break up.
NEPHRA: the kidneys; hence:-- Nephridia: the rudimentary
kidney-organs. Nephrotomes: the segments of the developing kidneys.
ONTOGENY: the science of the development of the individual
(generally equivalent to embryology).
PERIGENESIS: the genesis of the movements in the vital particles.
PHAGOCYTES: cells that absorb food (phagein = to eat).
PHYLOGENY: the science of the evolution of species (phyla).
PLANOCYTES: cells that move about (planein).
PLASM: the colloid or jelly-like matter of which organisms are
composed; hence:-- Caryoplasm: the matter of the nucleus (caryon).
Cytoplasm: the matter of the body of the cell. Deutoplasm: secondary

or differentiated plasm. Metaplasm: secondary or differentiated plasm.
Protoplasm: primitive or undifferentiated plasm.
PLASSON: the simplest form of plasm.
PLASTIDULES: small particles of plasm.
POLYSPERMISM: the penetration of more than one sperm-cell into
the ovum.
PRO- or PROT: (in compounds) the earlier form (opposed to META);
hence:-- Prochorion: the first form of the chorion. Progaster: the first or
primitive stomach. Pronephridia: the earlier form of the kidneys.
Prorenal: the earlier form of the kidneys. Prostoma: the first or
primitive mouth. Protists: the earliest or unicellular organisms.
Provertebrae: the earliest phase of the vertebrae. Protophyta: the
primitive or unicellular plants. Protoplasm: undifferentiated plasm.
Protozoa: the primitive or unicellular animals.
RENAL: pertaining to the kidneys (renes).
SCATULATION: packing or boxing-up (scatula = a box).
SCLEROTOMES: segments into which the primitive skeleton falls.
SOMA: the body; hence:-- Cytosoma: the body of the cell (cytos).
Episoma: the upper or back-half of the embryonic body. Somites:
segments of the embryonic body. Hyposoma: the under or belly-half of
the embryonic body.
TELEOLOGY: the belief in design and purpose (telos) in nature.
UMBILICAL: pertaining to the navel (umbilicus).
VITELLINE: pertaining to the yelk (vitellus).

The work which we now place within the reach of every reader of the
English tongue is one of the finest productions of its distinguished
author. The first edition appeared in 1874. At that time the conviction
of man's natural evolution was even less advanced in Germany than in
England, and the work raised a storm of controversy.
Theologians--forgetting the commonest facts of our individual
development--spoke with the most profound disdain of the theory that a
Luther or a Goethe could be the outcome of development from a tiny

speck of protoplasm. The work, one of the most distinguished of them
said, was "a fleck of shame on the escutcheon of Germany." To-day its
conclusion is accepted by influential clerics, such as the Dean of
Westminster, and by almost every biologist and anthropologist of
distinction in Europe. Evolution is not a laboriously reached conclusion,
but a guiding truth, in biological literature to-day.
There was ample evidence to substantiate the conclusion even in the
first edition of the book. But fresh facts have come to light in each
decade, always enforcing the general truth of man's evolution, and at
times making clearer the line of development. Professor Haeckel
embodied these in successive editions of his work. In the fifth edition,
of which this is a translation, reference will be found to the very latest
facts bearing on the evolution of man, such as the discovery of the
remarkable effect of mixing human blood with that of the anthropoid
ape. Moreover, the ample
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