The Essence of Buddhism | Page 5

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reproaches, bonds, and stripes.--Dhammapada.
We will patiently suffer threats and blows at the hands of foolish men.--Saddharma-pundarika.
Who, though he be cursed by the world, yet cherishes no ill-will towards it.--Sammaparibbajaniya-sutta.
Persecutions and revilings, murders and numberless imprisonments, these hast thou suffered in thousands from the world, verily delighting in long-suffering.--Lalita Vistara.
At the end of life the soul goes forth alone; whereupon only our good deeds befriend us.--Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.
The wrongdoer, devoid of rectitude, ... is full of anxiety when death arrives.--Mahaparinibbana-sutta.
He who has done what is right is free from fear.--Udanavarga.
No fear has any one of me; neither have I fear of any one: in my good-will to all I trust.--Introduction to the Jataka.
Our deeds, whether good or evil, ... follow us as shadows.--Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.
He who now gives in charity Shall surely reap where he has given; For whosoever piously bestows a little water Shall receive return like the great ocean.
Covetous desire is the greatest (source of) sorrow. Appearing as a friend, in secret 'tis our enemy.--Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.
That which is given in charity is rich in returns; therefore charity is a true friend; although it scatters it brings no remorse.--Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.
He who stints the profit he has made, his wealth will soon be spent and lost.--Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.
The (real) treasure is that laid up ... through charity and piety, temperance and self-control.... The treasure thus hid is secure, and passes not away. Though he leave the fleeting riches of the world, this a man carries with him--a treasure that no wrong of others, and no thief, can steal.--Nidhikanda-sutta.
Think of all sentient beings as thy children.--Tenets of the Soto Sect.
Though exalted, forget not the lowly.--Jitsu-go-kiyo.
Be kind to all that lives.--Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.
Filled with compassion for all creatures.--Saddharma-pundarika.
Of all possessions, contentedness is the best by far.--Nagarjuna's "Friendly Epistle."
A contented mind is always joyful.--Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.
Let us then live happily, though we call nothing our own.--Dhammapada.
Not the whole world, ... the ocean-girt earth, With all the seas and the hills that girdle it, Would I wish to possess with shame added thereto.
--Questions of King Milinda.
Let none be forgetful of his own duty for the sake of another's.--Dhammapada.
The faults of others are easily seen; one's own faults are difficult to see.--Udanavarga.
Self-examination is painful.--Pillar Inscriptions of Asoka.
A man winnows his neighbor's faults like chaff: his own he hides, as a cheat the bad die from the gambler.--Dhammapada.
She orders her household aright, she is hospitable to kinsmen and friends, a chaste wife, a thrifty housekeeper, skilful and diligent in all her duties.--Sigalovada-sutta.
The wife ... should be cherished by her husband.--Sigalovada-sutta.
Were I not ready to suffer adversity with my husband as well as to enjoy happiness with him, I should be no true wife.--Legend of We-than-da-ya.
It is better to die in righteousness than to live in unrighteousness.--Loweda Sangrahaya.
Better to fling away life than transgress our convictions of duty.--Ta-chwang-yan-king-lun.
Better for me to die battling (with the temper) than that I should live defeated.--Padhana-sutta.
The loving Father of all that lives.--Tsing-tu-wan.
Our loving Father, and Father of all that breathes.--Daily Manual of the Shaman.
Even so of all things that have ... life, there is not one that (the Buddhist anchorite) passes over; ... he looks upon all with ... deep-felt love. This, verily, ... is the way to a state of union with God.--Tevijja-sutta.
Doubts will exist as long as we live in the world. Yet, pursuing with joy the road of virtue, Like the man who observes the rugged path along the precipice, we ought Gladly and profitably to follow it.
To feed a single good man is infinitely greater in point of merit, than attending to questions about heaven and earth, spirits and demons, such as occupy ordinary men.--Sutra of Forty-two Sections.
What is goodness? First and foremost the agreement of the will with the conscience.--Sutra of Forty-two Sections.
If you remove (from conduct) the purpose of the mind, the bodily act is but as rotten wood. Wherefore regulate the mind, and the body of itself will go right.--Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.
Keep watch over your hearts.--Mahaparinibbana-sutta.
Let no evil desire whatever arise within you.--Cullavagga.
So soon as there springs up within him an angry, malicious thought, some sinful, wrong disposition, ... he puts it away, removes it, destroys it, he makes it not to be.--Sabbasava-sutta.
With not a thought of selfishness or covetous desire.--Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.
Covetousness and anger are as the serpent's poison.--Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.
They who do evil go to hell; they who are righteous go to heaven.--Dhammapada.
He who, doing what he ought, ... gives pleasure to others, shall find joy in the other world.--Udanavarga.
The virtuous (when injured) grieve not so much for their own pain as for the loss of happiness incurred by their injurers.--Jatakamala.
He truly must have a loving heart, For all things living place in him entire confidence.
Ofttimes while he mused--as motionless As the fixed rock his seat--the squirrel leaped Upon his knee, the timid quail led forth Her brood between his feet, and blue doves pecked The rice-grains from the bowl beside
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