The Epic of Gilgamish | Page 5

Stephen Langdon
E-anna, temple in Erech, 123, 30; 125; 148, 12; 213, 18.
E-babbar, temple of the sun god, 152; 158, 11; 166, 1. Perhaps read E-barra.
E-daranna, temple of Enki in Babylon, 169, 25; 170, 29. See BL. 133.
edelu = ederu, be gloomy, 216, 10.
é-dub, house of learning, 117, 39.
é-gal, palace, No. 19, Rev. 3; 115, 11; 131, 7; 134, 22; 158, 9.
é-gig = kissu, 191, 11.
E-ibe-Anu, temple in Dilbat, 167, 16.
E-kinammaka, temple, 115, 10.
E-kisibba, temple in Kish, 166, 13.
E-kur, temple, 180, 12; 183, 23; 190, 7; 146, 9; 147, 17; 158, 8; 160, 4; 166, 17; 169, 23.
Emah, Esmah, ritual house of the water cult of Marduk, 163, 7; 115, 4.
E-malga-sud, temple, 181, 24; 141, 3.
E-meteg, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
E-mete-ursag, temple in Kish, 166, 13.
E-namtila, temple, 160, 4; 169, 24.
en-a-nu-un, en-á-nun, title of Innini and Gula, 173, 2.
Enbilulu, title of Marduk, 170, 5.
E-ninn?, temple, 181, 22.
EN-HUL-tim-mu, 194 n. 2.
EN-KA-KA, bêl dababi, 194, 2.
Enki, god. Hymn to, No. 20, 113, 7; 114, 10; 116, 21; 122, 7; 149, 16.
Enkidu, satyr, 213, 3:7:10:11; 214, 6; 215, 11:12:15:34; 216, 13; 219, 8:15:25; 131, 11; 134, 16; 178, 13.
Enlil, god. Liturgy to, 155-184. Regarded as god of light, 157, 1 ff. 158, 3 f. Other references, 114, 19; 115, 2; 116, 19; 131, 6; 136, 5; 139, 40; 149, 22; 146, 3:7:14; 189, 11:19; 220, 33.
Enul, god, 149, 16.
Enzu, god, 139, 41; 146, 3.
epsanu, deeds, 218, 18.
ep?, be dark, I2 itêp?, 196, 29.
Erech, city, 125; 149, 13. Erech rib?tim, 212, 28; 213, 15; 217, 19:21; 217, 3:6.
eri-azag, holy city, Isin, 141, 8.
erida, title, 175, 1.
Eridu, city, 113, 20; 136, 13.
Erishkigal, goddess, 131, 10; 134, 11.
ersagtugmal, penitential psalm, 118.
E-sagila, temple, 152.
E-sakudkalamma, temple, 166, 10; 169 n. 4.
esendili, a title, 177, 10.
eskar, fixed tax, 188, 9.
es-lal, a sacred place, 161, 14.
E-temen-anki, temple, 169, 25.
E-turkalamma, temple, 166, 14.
Euphrates, river, 183, 12; 183, 20.
E-zida, temple, 166, 12.
Ezina, grain goddess, 174, 9.
Ezira, reading of the divine name KA-DI, 177, 11.
Fara, modern Arabic name for the site of Isin (?), 177 n. 4.
GAB, baked bread, 200, 33.
GAB-LAL, a cake made with honey, 195, 22; 200, 35.
GAR-sunnu = episan-sunu, 198, 13.
gasan-gula, title of Nina, 119 n. 2.
gepar, dark chamber, 123, 30 f., 148, 10; 161, 18.
Gibil, god, 197, 3.
gi-gál(gis),interlude, 151 n. 1; 182, 33.
gigunna, 114, 23.
Gilgamish, king of Erech, 207; 211, 1:115 f. 212, 17:37; 213, 2; 217, 21; 218, 9:20:24:29 and below 2; 219, 10;15:20:26. Derivation of name, 208. See also No. 16 Rev. II 15; 197, 42; 124 f.
gilsa, a sacred relic, 132, 22.
Girra, Irra, god, 174, 7; 177, 12.
girru, lion, 215, 29.
Girsu, city, 181, 23.
Guanna, deity, No. 16 Rev. II 18.
Guedin, province, 129, 28.
Gunura, goddess of healing, 176, 6.
gupru, mighty, 214, 33.
Gutium, land, 120 ff.
Hallab, city, 125; 141.
hanabu, grow thickly, Prs. ibannib, 219, 4.
hapapu, embrace, 212, 34.
hassinu, axe, 212, 29:31.
harbatu, waste place, 200, 39.
Harsagkalamma, temple, 166, 14.
Hubur, mythical river, 197, 42.
h?lu, a bird, 199, 31.
h?ku, a bird, 199, 31.
Ibi-Sin, king of Ur, 151 n. 2.
ibsi, liturgical expression, 120, 5.
Igigi, heaven spirits, 116 n. 6.
IGI-NAGIN-NA, 194, 11.
imib, weapon, 131, 8. mi-ib, ibid. n.3.
imin, seven. Seven lands, 130, 35; seventh day, 134, 18.
Immer, god, 177, 8.
Indag, god, consort of Gula, 173, 3.
Innini, goddess, 123. Liturgy to, 184; 123, 29. Consort of Shamash, 148, 4. Other references, 154, 21.
issur samê, unclean birds, 195 n. 10.
Ishara, goddess, 218, 22.
Isin, city, 122, 15; 176, 4.
Ishme-Dagan, 178 ff. Son of Enlil, 181, 29; 182, 32. Liturgy to, 143.
KA-DIB-BI, sibit p?, 194, 10.
KAK-DIG, a weapon, 130, 4.
kakkitu (?), weapon. Pl. kakkiatum, 218, 16.
KAK-SIR, a weapon (?), 130, 4.
kalama, the Land, Sumer, 138, 25; 141, 5; 147, 22; 150, 4; 154, 17; 177, 9.
kanami=kalama, land, 120, 8.
KA-NE, a new ideograph, 153 n. 10.
kas?, bind. I2 liktisu, 198, 20.
Kenurra, chapel of Ninlil, 114, 22; 123, 20; 160, 4; 166, 18; 166, 8; 169, 24.
Kes, city, 115, 11; 123, 22.
kesda-azag, a relic, 132, 27.
ki, kin for gim = kima, 120, 6.
KI-AG-MAL, ramu, 194 n. 4.
Kidurkazal, daughter of Ninkasi, 145.
ki-malla, to bend. tig-zu ki-ma-al-la nu-gí-gí, "Thy neck wearies not in bending," 168, 2. [Correct the translation.]
ki-in-gin, ki-en-gin, Sumer, 115, 24; 134, 19; 189, 17.
KI-SAR, kakkara tasabbit, 199, 29.
Kish, city, 129, 30; 166, 12. é kis-(ki)-sú, so read, No. 5 Obv. 8.
Kullab, city, 149, 14; 173, 1.
kunin, gunin, reed basket, 150 n. 3.
kurgal, "great mountain," title of Sumer, 114, 11. Of Enlil, 114, 19; 182, 5.
KURUN-NA, (amelu), 196, 34.
KUS-KU-MAL, 194, 11.
la'atu, gore. Prt. il?du, 219, 12:17.
labu, panther, 215, 29:32.
Lagash, city, 181, 23:26.
Lahama, goddess of Chaos, 113, 5.
Laws, promulgated by Dungi, 138, 31.
Libit-Ishtar, king, 141.
libsu, garment, 214, 27:29; 215, 26.
Ligirsig, a god, 113, 3.
lilazag, epithet of a deified king, 141, 1.
Lillaenna, goddess, 192, 5.
limenu, be evil. II1 ulammenu-inni, 197, 7.
Lugal-dig, god, 197, 5.
lu'?tu, pollution, 195, 19.
Magan, land, 112, 2:5.
maialu, couch, 218, 22.
malasu, shear, 195, 20.
Mamit, 200, 41.
mandatu, form, 195, 21.
mal-gar (gi), a musical instrument, 191, 10.
mangu, disease, 195, 19.
Marduk, god, 151.
markasu, leader, 150.
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