The Epic of Gilgamish | Page 3

Stephen Langdon
a-na zi-ik-ri id-li-im i-ri-ku pa-nu-su

(About five lines broken away.)
i-il-la-ak- .......... ù sa-am-ka-at[?????]ar-ki-su i- ru- ub-ma [42] a-na [43] libbi Uruk-(ki) ri-bi-tim ip-hur um-ma-nu-um i-na si-ri-su iz-zi-za-am-ma i-na zu-ki-im sa Unuk-(ki) ri-bi-tim pa-ah-ra-a-ma ni-su i-ta-me-a?? i-na si-ri-su pi(?)-it-tam [44] a-na mi-[ni] [45] iluGilgamis ma-si-il la-nam?? sa- pi-? il e-si[???pu]-uk-ku-ul ????i ? -ak-ta i[-????-]di?? i-si? si-iz-ba sa[na-ma-]ás-[te]-e i-te-? en-? ni-?? ik ka-ia-na i-na [libbi] Uruk-(ki) kak-ki-a-tum [46] id-lu-tum u-te-el-li-?? lu sa-ki-in? ip-sa-?? nu [47] a-na idli sa i-tu-ru?? zi-mu-su a-na iluGilgamis ki-ma i-li-im sa-ki-is-sum [48] me-ih-rum a-na ilatIs-ha-ra ma-ia-lum na-?? [di]-i-?? ma iluGilgamish id-[???]na-an(?)... i-na mu-si in-ni-[????-]id i-na-ak [49]-sa-am- ma it-ta-[????]i-na z?ki ip-ta-ra-[ku???]-ak-tam sa?? iluGilgamish ........... da-na(?) ni-is-su

COL. III [ERROR: unhandled comment start] SIC -->
ur-(?)ha ..................... iluGilgamis ................ i-na si-ri .................... i-ha-an-ni-ib [pi-ir-ta-su?] it-bi-ma ... a-na pa-ni- su it-tam-ha-ru i-na ri-bi-tu ma-ti iluEn-ki-d? ba-ba-am ip-ta-ri-ik i-na si-pi-su iluGilgamis e-ri-ba-am u-ul id-di-in is-sa-ab-tu-ma ki-ma li-i-im i- lu- du [50] zi-ip-pa-am 'i-bu- tu i-ga-rum ir-tu-tu [51] iluGilgamis ù iluEn-ki- d? is-sa-ab-tu-ù- ma ki-ma li-i-im i-lu-du zi-ip-pa-am 'i-bu- tu i-ga-rum ir-tu-tu ik-mi-is-ma iluGilgamis i-na ga-ga-ag-ga-ri si-ip-su ip-si-ih [52] us-sa-su- ma i-ni-'i i-ra-az-zu is-tu i-ra-zu i-ni-hu [53] iluEn-ki-d? a-na sa-si-im iz-za-kar-am a-na iluGilgamis ki-ma is-te-en-ma um-ma-ka ú- li- id- ka ri-im-tum sa zu- pu-ri ilat-Nin- sun- na ul-lu e-li mu-ti ri-es-su sar-ru-tam sa ni-si i-si-im-kum iluEn-lil

duppu 2 kam-ma su-tu-ur e-li ... 4 su-si [54]

Gilgamish arose interpreting dreams, addressing his mother. "My mother! during my night I, having become lusty, wandered about in the midst of omens. And there came out stars in the heavens, Like a ... of heaven he fell upon me. I bore him but he was too heavy for me. He bore a net but I was not able to bear it. I summoned the land to assemble unto him, that heroes might kiss his feet. He stood up before me [55] and they stood over against me. I lifted him and carried him away unto thee." The mother of Gilgamish she that knows all things, said unto Gilgamish:-- "Truly oh Gilgamish he is born [56] in the fields like thee. The mountains have reared him. Thou beholdest him and art distracted(?) Heroes kiss his feet. Thou shalt spare him.... Thou shalt lead him to me." Again he dreamed and saw another dream and reported it unto his mother. "My mother, I have seen another [dream. I beheld] my likeness in the street. In Erech of the wide spaces [57] he hurled the axe, and they assembled about him. Another axe seemed his visage. I saw him and was astounded. I loved him as a woman, falling upon him in embrace. I took him and made him my brother." The mother of Gilgamish she that knows all things [said unto Gilgamish:--] ...................................
that he may join with thee in endeavor." (Thus) Gilgamish solves (his) dream. Enkidu sitting before the hierodule
[???] forgot where he was born. Six days and seven nights came forth Enkidu and cohabited with the courtesan. The hierodule opened her mouth speaking unto Enkidu. "I behold thee Enkidu; like a god thou art. Why with the animals wanderest thou on the plain? Come! I will lead thee into the midst of Erech of the wide places, even unto the holy house, dwelling place of Anu. Oh Enkidu, arise, I will conduct thee unto Eanna dwelling place of Anu, where Gilgamish [oppresses] the souls of men(?) And as I ............ thou shalt ........ thyself. Come thou, arise from the ground unto the place yonder (?) of the shepherd." He heard her speak and accepted her words with favor. The advice of the woman fell upon his heart. She tore off one garment and clothed him with it. With a second garment she clothed herself. She clasped his hand, guiding him like .............. unto the mighty presence of the shepherd, unto the place of the ... of the sheepfolds. In ......... to shepherd .............................
(About two lines broken away.)
Milk of the cattle he drank. Food they placed before him. He broke bread [58] gazing and looking. But Enkidu understood not. Bread to eat, beer to drink, he had not been taught. The hierodule opened her mouth and said unto Enkidu:-- "Eat bread, oh Enkidu! It is the conformity of life, of the conditions and the fate of the land." Enkidu ate bread, until he was satiated. Beer he drank seven times(?). His thoughts became unbounded and he shouted loudly. His heart became joyful, and his face glowed. He stroked................. the hair of the head. [59] His body with oil he anointed. He became like a man. He attired himself with clothes even as does a husband. He seized his weapon, which the panther and lion fells in the night time cruelly. He captured the wild mountain goats. The panther he conquered. Among the great sheep for sacrifice Enkidu was their guard. A
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