The English Governess at the Siamese Court | Page 8

Anna Harriette Leonowens
Prime Minister's boat, with the slave
interpreter who had questioned me on the steamer, arrived to take us to
his Excellency's palace.
[Illustration: THE PRIME MINISTER.]
In about a quarter of an hour we found ourselves in front of a low
gateway, which opened on a wide courtyard, or "compound," paved
with rough-hewn slabs of stone. A brace of Chinese mandarins of
ferocious aspect, cut in stone and mounted on stone horses, guarded the
entrance. Farther on, a pair of men-at-arms in bass-relief challenged us;
and near these were posted two living sentries, in European costume,
but without shoes. On the left was a pavilion for theatrical
entertainments, one entire wall being covered with scenic pictures. On
the right of this stood the palace of the Prime Minister, displaying a
semicircular _façade_; in the background a range of buildings of
considerable extent, comprising the lodgings of his numerous wives.
Attached to the largest of these houses was a charming garden of
flowers, in the midst of which a refreshing fountain played. His
Excellency's residence abounded within in carvings and gildings,
elegant in design and color, that blended and harmonized in pleasing
effects with the luxurious draperies that hung in rich folds from the
We moved softly, as the interpreter led us through a suite of spacious
saloons, disposed in ascending tiers, and all carpeted, candelabraed, and
appointed in the most costly European fashion. A superb vase of silver,
embossed and burnished, stood on a table inlaid with mother-of-pearl
and chased with silver. Flowers of great variety and beauty filled the
rooms with a delicious though slightly oppressive fragrance. On every
side my eyes were delighted with rare vases, jewelled cups and boxes,
burnished chalices, dainty statuettes,-- objets de virtu, Oriental and
European, antique and modern, blending the old barbaric splendors
with the graces of the younger arts.
As we waited, fascinated and bewildered, the Prime Minister suddenly
stood before us,--the semi-nude barbarian of last night. I lost my
presence of mind, and in my embarrassment would have left the room.
But he held out his hand, saying, "Good morning, sir! Take a seat, sir!"
which I did somewhat shyly, but not without a smile for his comical
"sir." I spied a number of young girls peeping at us from behind

curtains, while the male attendants, among whom were his younger
brothers, nephews, and cousins, crouched in the antechamber on all
fours. His Excellency, with an expression of pleased curiosity, and that
same grand unconsciousness of his alarming poverty of costume,
approached us nearly, and, with a kindly smile patting Boy on the head,
asked him his name. But the child cried aloud, "Mamma, come home!
Please, mamma, come home!" and I found it not easy to quiet him.
Presently, mustering courage for myself also, I ventured to express my
wish for a quiet house or apartments, where I might be free from
intrusion, and at perfect liberty before and after school-hours.
When this reasonable request was interpreted to him--seemingly in a
few monosyllables--he stood looking at me, smiling, as if surprised and
amused that I should have notions on the subject of liberty. Quickly
this look became inquisitive and significant, so that I began to fancy he
had doubts as to the use I might make of my stipulated freedom, and
was puzzled to conjecture why a woman should wish to be free at all.
Some such thought must have passed through his mind, for he said
abruptly, "You not married!"
I bowed.
"Then where will you go in the evening?"
"Not anywhere, your Excellency. I simply desire to secure for myself
and my child some hours of privacy and rest, when my duties do not
require my presence elsewhere."
"How many years your husband has been dead?" he asked.
I replied that his Excellency had no right to pry into my domestic
concerns. His business was with me as a governess only; on any other
subject I declined conversing. I enjoyed the expression of blank
amazement with which he regarded me on receiving this somewhat
defiant reply. "_Tam chai!_" ("Please yourself!") he said, and
proceeded to pace to and fro, but without turning his eyes from my face,
or ceasing to smile. Then he said something to his attendants, five or
six of whom, raising themselves on their knees, with their eyes fixed
upon the carpet, crawled backward till they reached the steps, bobbed
their heads and shoulders, started spasmodically to their feet, and fled
from the apartment. My boy, who had been awed and terrified, began to
cry, and I too was startled. Again he uttered the harsh gutturals, and
instantly, as with an electric shock, another half-dozen of the prostrate

slaves sprang up and ran. Then he resumed his mysterious promenade,
still carefully keeping an eye upon us,
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