The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath | Page 4

H.P. Lovecraft
although Earth's gods may sometimes be surpassed by a wise mortal, they are protected
by the Other Gods from Outside, whom it is better not to discuss. At least twice in the
world's history the Other Gods set their seal upon Earth's primal granite; once in
antediluvian times, as guessed from a drawing in those parts of the Pnakotic Manuscripts
too ancient to be read, and once on Hatheg-Kia when Barzai the Wise tried to see Earth's
gods dancing by moonlight. So, Atal said, it would be much better to let all gods alone
except in tactful prayers.

Carter, though disappointed by Atal's discouraging advice and by the meagre help to be
found in the Pnakotic Manuscripts and the Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan, did not
wholly despair. First he questioned the old priest about that marvellous sunset city seen
from the railed terrace, thinking that perhaps he might find it without the gods' aid; but
Atal could tell him nothing. Probably, Atal said, the place belonged to his especial dream
world and not to the general land of vision that many know; and conceivably it might be
on another planet. In that case Earth's gods could not guide him if they would. But this
was not likely, since the stopping of the dreams shewed pretty clearly that it was
something the Great Ones wished to hide from him.
Then Carter did a wicked thing, offering his guileless host so many draughts of the
moon-wine which the Zoogs had given him that the old man became irresponsibly
talkative. Robbed of his reserve, poor Atal babbled freely of forbidden things; telling of a
great image reported by travellers as carved on the solid rock of the mountain Ngranek,
on the isle of Oriab in the Southern Sea, and hinting that it may be a likeness which
Earth's gods once wrought of their own features in the days when they danced by
moonlight on that mountain. And he hiccoughed likewise that the features of that image
are very strange, so that one might easily recognize them, and that they are sure signs of
the authentic race of the gods.
Now the use of all this in finding the gods became at once apparent to Carter. It is known
that in disguise the younger among the Great Ones often espouse the daughters of men,
so that around the borders of the cold waste wherein stands Kadath the peasants must all
bear their blood. This being so, the way to find that waste must be to see the stone face on
Ngranek and mark the features; then, having noted them with care, to search for such
features among living men. Where they are plainest and thickest, there must the gods
dwell nearest; and whatever stony waste lies back of the villages in that place must be
that wherein stands Kadath.
Much of the Great Ones might be learnt in such regions, and those with their blood might
inherit little memories very useful to a seeker. They might not know their parentage, for
the gods so dislike to be known among men that none can be found who has seen their
faces wittingly; a thing which Carter realized even as he sought to scale Kadath. But they
would have queer lofty thoughts misunderstood by their fellows, and would sing of far
places and gardens so unlike any known even in the dreamland that common folk would
call them fools; and from all this one could perhaps learn old secrets of Kadath, or gain
hints of the marvellous sunset city which the gods held secret. And more, one might in
certain cases seize some well-loved child of a god as hostage; or even capture some
young god himself, disguised and dwelling amongst men with a comely peasant maiden
as his bride.
Atal, however, did not know how to find Ngranek on its isle of Oriab; and recommended
that Carter follow the singing Skai under its bridges down to the Southern Sea; where no
burgess of Ulthar has ever been, but whence the merchants come in boats or with long
caravans of mules and two-wheeled carts. There is a great city there, Dylath-Leen, but in
Ulthar its reputation is bad because of the black three-banked galleys that sail to it with
rubies from no clearly named shore. The traders that come from those galleys to deal with

the jewellers are human, or nearly so, but the rowers are never beheld; and it is not
thought wholesome in Ulthar that merchants should trade with black ships from unknown
places whose rowers cannot be exhibited.
By the time he had given this information Atal was very drowsy, and Carter laid him
gently on a couch of inlaid ebony and gathered his long beard decorously on his chest. As
he turned
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