Door Through Space, by Marion
Zimmer Bradley
Project Gutenberg's The Door Through Space, by Marion Zimmer
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Title: The Door Through Space
Author: Marion Zimmer Bradley
Release Date: November 6, 2006 [EBook #19726]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by Gregory D. Weeks, Jason Isbell, Irma Spehar and the
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Marion Zimmer Bradley
ACE BOOKS A Division of Charter Communications Inc. 1120
Avenue of the Americas New York, N.Y. 10036
Copyright (c), 1961, by Ace Books, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
... across half a Galaxy, the Terran Empire maintains its sovereignty
with the consent of the governed. It is a peaceful reign, held by
compact and not by conquest. Again and again, when rebellion
threatens the Terran Peace, the natives of the rebellious world have
turned against their own people and sided with the men of Terra; not
from fear, but from a sense of dedication.
There has never been open war. The battle for these worlds is fought in
the minds of a few men who stand between worlds; bound to one world
by interest, loyalties and allegiance; bound to the other by love.
Such a world is Wolf. Such a man was Race Cargill of the Terran
Secret Service.
* * * * *
RENDEZVOUS ON A LOST WORLD Copyright (c), 1961, by Ace
Books, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.
* * * * *
=Author's Note:--=
I've always wanted to write. But not until I discovered the old pulp
science-fantasy magazines, at the age of sixteen, did this general desire
become a specific urge to write science-fantasy adventures.
I took a lot of detours on the way. I discovered s-f in its golden age: the
age of Kuttner, C.L. Moore, Leigh Brackett, Ed Hamilton and Jack
Vance. But while I was still collecting rejection slips for my early
efforts, the fashion changed. Adventures on faraway worlds and strange
dimensions went out of fashion, and the new look in
science-fiction--emphasis on the science--came in.
So my first stories were straight science-fiction, and I'm not trying to
put down that kind of story. It has its place. By and large, the kind of
science-fiction which makes tomorrow's headlines as near as this
morning's coffee, has enlarged popular awareness of the modern,
miraculous world of science we live in. It has helped generations of
young people feel at ease with a rapidly changing world.
But fashions change, old loves return, and now that Sputniks clutter up
the sky with new and unfamiliar moons, the readers of science-fiction
are willing to wait for tomorrow to read tomorrow's headlines. Once
again, I think, there is a place, a wish, a need and hunger for the wonder
and color of the world way out. The world beyond the stars. The world
we won't live to see. That is why I wrote THE DOOR THROUGH
* * * * *
Beyond the spaceport gates, the men of the Kharsa were hunting down
a thief. I heard the shrill cries, the pad-padding of feet in strides just a
little too long and loping to be human, raising echoes all down the dark
and dusty streets leading up to the main square.
But the square itself lay empty in the crimson noon of Wolf. Overhead
the dim red ember of Phi Coronis, Wolf's old and dying sun, gave out a
pale and heatless light. The pair of Spaceforce guards at the gates,
wearing the black leathers of the Terran Empire, shockers holstered at
their belts, were drowsing under the arched gateway where the
star-and-rocket emblem proclaimed the domain of Terra. One of them,
a snub-nosed youngster only a few weeks out from Earth, cocked an
inquisitive ear at the cries and scuffling feet, then jerked his head at me.
"Hey, Cargill, you can talk their lingo. What's going on out there?"
I stepped out past the gateway to listen. There was still no one to be
seen in the square. It lay white and windswept, a barricade of emptiness;
to one side the spaceport and the white skyscraper of the Terran
Headquarters, and at the other side, the clutter of low buildings, the
street-shrine, the little spaceport cafe smelling of coffee and jaco, and
the dark opening mouths of streets that rambled down into the
Kharsa--the old town, the native quarter. But I was alone in the square

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