The Dock Rats of New York | Page 2

Harlan Page Halsey
in peril! and you must heed
my words!"
"I cannot!"
"Are you seeking death?"
"I do not understand."
"And I cannot explain, but I must go out though death meet me upon
the crest of every wave."
The girl again remained silent for a moment, but, at length in a still
lower whisper, she said:
"You have been betrayed!"

The young man started, and a slight pallor overspread his handsome
face as he caught the girl's delicate arm in his firm grasp, and
"Who am I?"
"You are Spencer Vance."
The young man could not conceal an expression of extreme
"Who told you my name was Spencer Vance?"
"It matters not, but take heed; do not go out on the sea to-night."
"I tell you I must! I will go, but you must tell me what you know of
Spencer Vance."
"You are a revenue detective; you are in the employ of the Government;
you have been betrayed, and to-night you are to be silenced if you go
out on the yacht!"
"Do the men on the yacht know who I am?"
"They do not know your name, but they suspect you are a Government
detective, and they have determined to put you out of the way; to-night
they will do the deed if you go."
"Someone must have told them I was a Government officer."
"Yes; someone told them."
"Do you know who gave the information?"
"I do."
"Will you tell me?"

"Why not?"
"I have warned you, now go your way, and save your life! they are
desperate men, the waves have already received three of their victims
within a year go, and your doom is sealed! Nothing can save you!"
"I shall go!"
"You do not believe my words?"
"I will believe you if you will tell me who betrayed me to the
"I did!" came the starring response.
The detective stood the girl off from him at arm's length, and studied
her from feet to head.
The girl stood and calmly submitted to the inspection.
"So you are the traitor?"
"You admit you betrayed me?"
"I am no traitor! I owe nothing to you! I had a right to inform the boys
if I saw fit, and I did so."
"And now you come and warn me?"
"Why do you warn me, if you are the one who set them on to murder
"I did not think they would murder you, and now I have come to warn

"Are you engaged in the business?"
The girl spoke in a scornful tone, and her eyes dashed with indignation.
"Who are you?"
"I do not know who I am."
A strange look came into the detective's eyes as an idea dashed through
his mind.
"Are you the child of a wreck?"
"I do not know. I know nothing about myself."
"Whom do you live with?"
"The man who calls himself my father."
"Is he not your father?"
"Has he confessed to you that he is not your father?"
"Then how do you know he is not your father?"
"I know he is not."
"Why do you live with him?"
"Where should I go? I have no other home, and he is kind to me."
"Is he a smuggler?"
"It is not fair to ask me that question."

"Why not?"
"I have told you all that was needful to warn you of your own peril; you
should not take advantage of my frankness."
The detective looked upon the lovely girl with a deep sense of pity in
his heart. Her appearance seemed to tell her tale, and it was sad to think
that such wondrous beauty was but the plaything of a gang of rough
"Are you married?" asked the detective, abruptly:
"No," came the answer, in a quick, decisive tone.
"Will you tell me your name?"
"They call me Renie."
"And your father's name?"
"Tom Pearce."
"The boat-keeper?"
"And you informed the men who I was?" repeated the detective.
"How did you find out that I was a Government officer?"
"I will not tell you."
"How did you find out that the men intended to go for me to-night?"
"I overheard them arranging their plans."
"Do they know that you overheard them?"

"Then when they discover that I am up to their plans, will they not
accuse you of having betrayed them?"
"That is a question I cannot answer."
"I am astonished that you should put me in this peril, and then come
and warn me!"
"I tell you I did not think my information would be followed by
anything serious."
"But you tell me that three other officers have suffered by them."
"I did not know that until after I had told them who you were."
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