The Disguising at Heord | Page 6

John Lydgate
wyves fraunchyse : stonde hoole and entier, [240] And that no man withstonde it ne withdrawe,?Til man may fynde some pcesse oute by lawe?That they shoulde by nature in theyre lyves?Haue souerayntee on theyre prudent wyves,?A thing vnkouthe, which was neuer founde.?Let men be ware ther fore, or they beo bounde.?The bonde is hard, who soo that lookethe weel.?Some man were leuer fetterd beon in steel.?Raunsoun might help his peyne to aswaage,?But whoo is wedded lyuethe euer in suage. [250]?And I knowe neuer, nowher fer ner neer,?Man that was gladde to bynde him prysonier,?Thoughe that his prysoun, his castell, or his holde?Wer depeynted with asure or with golde.
Glossary, Stage directions, Notes
line?5 vigyle of this nuwe yeere = this new year's eve?6 froward of ther chere: lacuna made up from Stow?7 fallen on ther kne: lacuna made up from Stow?13 importable = unbearable?16 dotage = feeble-mindedness?20 woodnesse = madness?24 Rebecke = fiddle; ellas = alas!?25 stage direction - demonstrando vj Rusticos?27 traas = course?28 possible lacuna follows here??37 bolling at the nale = quaffing at the ale-house?39 iowsy nolle = juicy noddle?40 pouped = gulped?42 dolled = mulled?44 cely = silly, i.e. simple, innocent?45 harome = harm?46 growell = gruel?48 cokkrowortes = stale brew-mash?53 to chawf with his bloode = to chafe his blood with?54 metyerde = meteyard or yardstick?55 stage direction - demonstrando pictaciarium?57 preost = priest?60 rigge = back?62 reheete = attack, scold?65 qwytt = requited; ther was no thing to seeche = it was plain to see 67 meen = middle way?68 wan = earned; clowting = mending?71 oonys = once?74 leeve = believe?77 ryveld = shrivelled?78 Wit = with; manase = menace?79 Mabyle = Mary?80 Koude yif hir list = could if it please her?84 wol be wrooke = will wreak revenge?85 thoo men = those men?87 Tendure = to endure?88 meede = reward?90 so = to??91 stage direction - demonstrando Carnificem?95 holde chaumpartye = divide power, or resist?104 skumour = skimmer; reeche = strike; heued = head?111 qwytt him by and by = repaid him in due time?112 quarter sowde = surrender sued for?113 wt = with?115 stage direction - demonstrando the Tynker?117 styth = anvil?119 bokeller = buckler, shield?121 cleped = called?122 she nad no maner fer = she feared not?123 thakke his pilche = thwack his great-coat; stoundemel = sometimes 124 Thikker = more stoutly?126 wafurer = waferer, i.e. pastry-cook?129 or = ere?130 heres = ears?135 preued = proved?139 fetird = fettered?140 him = them?145 Regallye = regality?147 that yee list = if you please; asselen = authorize?150 medle = mingle?153 thyraunye = tyranny?156 tht = that; stage direction - distaves?157 Seothe = see?162 that gif no force = that are of no consequence?166 darrein = decide; chaumpcloos = tilting-field?167 Iupart = imperil; raathe = soon?169 of = or?171 Maugre the feonde = in spite of the devil?174 assayes = attempts, i.e. attacks?177 longethe = belongs; clappen = clatter or prattle?183 dokked = trimmed?184 herdes = coarse flax, 'hards'?186 fette = fetched?192 hir = our?]?193 rent = torn?194 shent = injured?197 lowte lowe = bow, make reverence?205 leese = lose?206 gruchche = grumble; cheese = choose?218 vnavysed = unadvised?220 doome = judgment?222 paryll = peril?223 Pourposithe him = He purposeth?231 rokkes = distaffs, also as rocking, set-backs?233 Peysing = weighing?234 tht = that?239 the Kyng wol = the king wills?242 pcesse = process?248 were leuer fetterd beon = were rather to be fettered?250 suage = s(er)vage, servitude
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