The Death of Balder | Page 9

Johannes Ewald
blood from his spear at the moment he appears,
perceives them. He starts, and remains standing among the trees, so that
he cannot hear what they say.
NANNA. Oh, rescue then my Hother! Two savage bears among the
bushes yonder Attack'd him; if thou hast love for virtue, Assist him
quick; if thou delayest a moment, The noblest heart that ever beat
they'll mangle! Oh! quick: bethink thee not!
BALDER. No, cruel Nanna! Fear not! My arm shall rescue him thou
[Just as he is about to rise HOTHER steps forward.

HOTHER. Ye heavens! do I dream! Enamour'd half-god! Excuse me
for disturbing thee!
BALDER (as he rises up). There is he!
NANNA (goes tenderly to meet HOTHER). Ah, Hother! Ah, my
HOTHER (pushes her back with his hand). Go, false woman!
BALDER. Gods, how unthankful art thou--how ferocious! Can such a
bear of Nanna be deserving?
HOTHER (takes his shield down from the tree). Now, pay for all, and
end thy prate in Valhall!
NANNA. Savage, thou mean'st not sure--
HOTHER. Beware thee, Nanna!
NANNA. Oh, hear me--
HOTHER. I have seen. Go, hide thee, false one!
NANNA. Thou wilt not sure--
HOTHER. I will! And now, by Hothbrod, He dieth by my hand!
BALDER. Presumptuous mortal!
HOTHER. Thy shield! thy spear! I hate all vaunt, my half-god.
NANNA (rushes towards BALDER, who taketh his weapons). O
Balder! noble Balder!
BALDER. Ah, poor Nanna! Thou see'st he forces me--that death he

HOTHER. Ha! this is all too much. Protect him--hide him! Cover thy
gallant with thy faithless bosom! I will not slay thee; but my oath is
uttered, That he or I shall fall! And now!
[He turns the point of his spear against himself.
NANNA. Ah, Hother! What doest thou?
HOTHER. I've sworn!
NANNA. Hold, hold, thou savage! I go--I fly. Oh help, ye gods of
[She goes away in a kind of distraction, but she remains standing at the
entrance of the scene, where she with fearful curiosity looks on and off
the combatants. The warriors go in circle with uplifted spears.
HOTHER. Now, valiant Balder, call upon thy father!
BALDER. Shame on thee, Hother! Thou offendest Nanna.
HOTHER. Prat'st still, my hero?
BALDER. Well--thou wilt?
HOTHER. Ha, Hothbrod!
[He casts the spear which he had received from the first VALKYRIER,
and had retained in his hand. It striketh BALDER, but falls, without
taking any effect, at his feet. BALDER in return casts his spear into his
left hand, and tears down a huge piece of the neighbouring rock.
NANNA. Ye gods of Gevar!
BALDER. Nanna!
[He casts his spear behind him out of the scene.
NANNA. Noble being!

HOTHER. Ha! darest thou mock me, thou inflated braggart?
[He takes from the tree the spear which the Valkyrier, ROTA, gave him,
and casts it. It strikes so hard against BALDER'S breast, that he nearly
sinks upon his knee; but it nevertheless falls to the ground without
wounding him.
BALDER. Ha! Surtur, ha! Was that the fell destroyer? Fly from my
HOTHER. Cool its heat in Valhall!
[He casts the last spear, which he has seized in the meantime, but, like
the first, without any apparent effect.
BALDER (as he draws his sword). Now, then, presumptuous?
HOTHER (as he likewise draws). Demon! and no half-god! Thou
blunt'st the spear; but here's a sword remaining! Now, Hothbrod!
[He strikes at him with his utmost force, but the sword reboundeth from
the helm of BALDER.
[He strikes HOTHER'S sword from his hand, so that it flies into pieces,
seizes him by the arm, and sets his sword against his breast. HOTHER
sinks upon his knee beneath the powerful grasp, but raises himself
immediately, without BALDER'S attempting to hinder him but he
retains him so in his power that he cannot move himself. NANNA
rushes in and casts herself down upon her knee before BALDER.
NANNA. Generous, noble Balder!
BALDER. Take up thy bride and live!
HOTHER. My life detest I, I would not give the smallest hair of Nanna,
For yet a thousand years thy whole godship!

BALDER. Die, then!
[He lifts his sword like one who will strike.
HOTHER. Why dost delay?
NANNA. Ha! here thou savage! Here, strike into this breast and spare
my bridegroom.
[BALDER lets his sword sink.
HOTHER. Still, still, thou lovest me? Oh, Nanna! Nanna! There see'st
thou, fiend, she loveth me!
BALDER. Ah, torment! Ha! I can end thee! [He lifts his sword again.
NANNA. Let my tears prevent thee!
HOTHER. By heavens! she's mocking thee! If thou delayest, She'll
laugh full at thee in the arms of Hother.
NANNA. Believe him not, but virtue--thine own bosom!
BALDER (sheathing his sword). Live, Hother! live!
HOTHER. Ha! have I begged for mercy?
BALDER. No! Live; forget our strife,
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