The Counts Millions | Page 8

Emile Gaboriau
acting a part. In spite, or rather by reason of, the full explanation that had been given him, he found something suspicious and mysterious in the whole affair. A thousand vague and undefinable suspicions crossed his mind. Was he in presence of a crime? Certainly, evidently not. But what was the cause then of the mystery and reticence he detected? Was he upon the track of some lamentable family secret--one of those terrible scandals, concealed for a long time, but which at last burst forth with startling effect? The prospect of being mixed up in such an affair caused him infinite pleasure. It would bring him into notice; he would be mentioned in the papers; and his increased practice would fill his hands with gold.
But what could he do to ingratiate himself with these people, impose himself upon them if needs be? He reflected for some time, and finally what he thought an excellent plan occurred to him. He approached Mademoiselle Marguerite, who was weeping in an arm- chair, and touched her gently on the shoulder. She sprang to her feet at once. "One more question, mademoiselle," said he, imparting as much solemnity to his tone as he could. "Do you know what liquid it was that M. de Chalusse took this morning?"
"Alas! no, monsieur."
"It is very important that I should know. The accuracy of my diagnosis is dependent upon it. What has become of the vial?"
"I think M. de Chalusse replaced it in his escritoire."
The physician pointed to an article of furniture to the left of the fireplace: "There?" he asked.
"Yes, monsieur."
He deliberated, but at last conquering his hesitation, he said: "Could we not obtain this vial?"
Mademoiselle Marguerite blushed. "I haven't the key," she faltered, in evident embarrassment.
M. Casimir approached: "It must be in the count's pocket, and if mademoiselle will allow me----"
But she stepped back with outstretched arms as if to protect the escritoire. "No," she exclaimed, "no--the escritoire shall not be touched. I will not permit it----"
"But, mademoiselle," insisted the doctor, "your father----"
"The Count de Chalusse is not my father!"
Dr. Jodon was greatly disconcerted by Mademoiselle Marguerite's vehemence. "Ah!" said he, in three different tones, "ah! ah!"
In less than a second, a thousand strange and contradictory suppositions darted through his brain. Who, then, could this girl be, if she were not Mademoiselle de Chalusse? What right had she in that house? How was it that she reigned as a sovereign there? Above all, why this angry outburst for no other apparent cause than a very natural and exceedingly insignificant request on his part?
However, she had regained her self-possession, and it was easy to see by her manner that she was seeking some means of escape from threatened danger. At last she found it. "Casimir," she said, authoritatively, "search M. de Chalusse's pocket for the key of his escritoire."
Astonished by what he regarded as a new caprice, the valet obeyed. He gathered up the garments strewn over the floor, and eventually drew a key from one of the waistcoat pockets. Mademoiselle Marguerite took it from him, and then in a determined tone, exclaimed: "A hammer."
It was brought; whereupon, to the profound amazement of the physician, she knelt down beside the fireplace, laid the key upon one of the andirons, and with a heavy blow of the hammer, broke it into fragments. "Now," said she, quietly, "my mind will be at rest. I am certain," she added, turning toward the servants, "that M. de Chalusse would approve what I have done. When he recovers, he will have another key made."
The explanation was superfluous. All the servants understood the motive that had influenced her, and were saying to themselves, "Mademoiselle is right. It would not do to touch the escritoire of a dying man. Who knows but what there are millions in it? If anything were missed, why any of us might be accused. But if the key is destroyed, it will be impossible to suspect any one."
However, the physician's conjectures were of an entirely different nature. "What can there be in that escritoire which she desires to conceal?" he thought.
But there was no excuse for prolonging his visit. Once more he examined the sick man, whose condition remained unchanged; and then, after explaining what was to be done in his absence, he declared that he must leave at once, as he had a number of important visits to make; he added, however, that he would return about midnight.
"Madame Leon and I will watch over M. de Chalusse," replied Mademoiselle Marguerite; "that is sufficient assurance, monsieur, that your orders will be obeyed to the letter. Only--you will not take offence, I trust, if I ask the count's regular physician to meet you in consultation."
Such a proposal was anything but pleasing to M. Jodon, who had met with the same misfortune
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