The Counterpane Fairy | Page 7

Katharine Pyle
up he was wondering what it was that she
meant about her warning. She had said, "Beware of what is little and
gray." What had he seen that was little and gray?
As soon as he reached the great golden hall he walked over to the
curtain of spider-web. The spider was spinning so fast that it was little
more than a gray streak, but presently it stopped up in the left-hand
corner of the web. As the hero looked at it he saw that it was little and
gray. Then it began to sing to him in its little thin voice:
"Great hero, wiser than ever before, Try the red door, try the red door.
Open the door that is ruby, and then You never need search for the
princess again."
"No, I will not open the ruby door," cried Teddy. "Twice have you sent
me back to the golden garden, and now you shall fool me no more."
As he said this he saw that one corner of the spider-web curtain was
still unfinished, in spite of the spider's haste, and underneath was
something that looked like a little yellow door. Then suddenly he knew
that that was the door he must go through. He caught hold of the
curtain and pulled, but it was as strong as steel. Quick as a flash he

snatched from his belt the magic sword, and with one blow the curtain
was cut in two, and fell at his feet.
He heard the little gray spider calling to him in its thin voice, but he
paid no heed, for he had opened the little yellow door and stooped his
head and entered.
Beyond was a great courtyard all of gold, and with a fountain leaping
and splashing back into a golden basin in the middle. Bet what he saw
first of all was the enchanted princess, who lay stretched out as if
asleep upon a couch all covered with cloth of gold. He knew she was a
princess, because she was so beautiful and because she wore a golden
He stood looking at her without stirring, and at last he whispered:
"Princess! Princess! I have come to save you."
Still she did not stir. He bent and touched her, but she lay there in her
enchanted sleep, and her eyes did not open. Then Teddy looked about
him, and seeing the fountain he drew the magic cup from his bosom
and, filling it, sprinkled the hands and face of the princess with the
Then her eyes opened and she raised herself upon her elbow and smiled.
"Have you come at last?" she cried.
"Yes," answered Teddy, "I have come."
The princess looked about her. "But what became of the spider?" she
said. Then Teddy, too, looked about, and there was the spider running
across the floor toward where the princess lay.
Quickly he sprang from her side and set his foot upon it. There was a
thin squeak and then--there was nothing left of the little gray spinner
but a tiny gray smudge on the floor.
Instantly the golden castle was shaken from top to bottom, and there
was a sound of many voices shouting outside. The princess rose to her
feet and caught the hero by the hand. "You have broken the
enchantment," she cried, "and now you shall be the King of the Golden
Castle and reign with me."
"Oh, but I can't," said Teddy, "because--because---"
But the princess drew him out with her through the hall, and there they
were at the head of the flight of glass steps. A great host of soldiers and
courtiers were running up it. They were dressed in cloth of gold, and
they shouted at the sight of Teddy: "Hail to the hero! Hail to the hero!"

and Teddy knew them by their voices for the golden birds that had
fluttered around him in the garden below.
"And all this is yours," said the beautiful princess, turning toward him
* * * * * * * *
"So that is the story of the yellow square," said the Counterpane Fairy.
Teddy looked about him. The golden castle was gone, and the stairs,
and the shouting courtiers. He was lying in bed with the silk coverlet
over his little knees and Hannah was still singing in the kitchen below.
"Did you like it?" asked the fairy.
Teddy heaved a deep sigh. "Oh! Wasn't it beautiful?" he said. Then he
lay for a while thinking and smiling. "Wasn't the princess lovely?" he
whispered half to himself.
The Counterpane Fairy got up slowly and stiffly, and picked up the
staff that she had laid down beside her. "Well, I must be journeying
on," she said.
"Oh, no, no!" cried Teddy. "Please don't go yet."
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