The Complete Poems of Longfellow | Page 7

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Sebastiano del Piombo?V. Palazzo Belvedere?VI. Palazzo Cesarini?PART THIRD.
I. Monologue?II. Vigna di Papa Giulio?III. Bindo Altoviti?IV. In the Coliseum?V. Macello de' Corvi?VI. Michael Angelo's Studio?VII. The Oaks of Monte Luca?VIII. The Dead Christ
Prelude?From the Spanish?Coplas de Manrique?Sonnets.
I. The Good Shepherd?II. To-morrow?III. The Native Land?IV. The Image of God?V. The Brook?Ancient Spanish Ballads.
I. Rio Verde, Rio Verde?II. Don Nuno, Count of Lara?III. The peasant leaves his plough afield?Vida de San Millan?San Miguel, the Convent?Song: "She is a maid of artless grace"?Santa Teresa's Book-Mark?From the Cancioneros
I. Eyes so tristful, eyes so tristful?II. Some day, some day?III. Come, O death, so silent flying?IV. Glove of black in white hand bare?From the Swedish and Danish.
Passages from Frithiof's Saga
I. Frithiof's Homestead?II. A Sledge-Ride on the Ice?III. Frithiof's Temptation?IV. Frithiof's Farewell?The Children of the Lord's Supper?King Christian?The Elected Knight?Childhood?From the German.
The Happiest Land?The Wave?The Dead?The Bird and the Ship?Whither??Beware!?Song of the Bell?The Castle by the Sea?The Black Knight?Song of the Silent Land?The Luck of Edenhall?The Two Locks of Hair?The Hemlock Tree?Annie of Tharaw?The Statue over the Cathedral Door?The Legend of the Crossbill?The Sea hath its Pearls?Poetic Aphorisms?Silent Love?Blessed are the Dead?Wanderer's Night-Songs?Remorse?Forsaken?Allah?From the Anglo-Saxon.
The Grave?Beowulf's Expedition to Heort?The Soul's Complaint against the Body?From the French
Song: Hark! Hark!?Song: "And whither goest thou, gentle sigh"?The Return of Spring?Spring?The Child Asleep?Death of Archbishop Turpin?The Blind Girl of Castel-Cuille?A Christmas Carol?Consolation?To Cardinal Richelieu?The Angel and the Child?On the Terrace of the Aigalades?To my Brooklet?Barreges?Will ever the dear days come back again??At La Chaudeau?A Quiet Life?The Wine of Jurancon?Friar Lubin?Rondel?My Secret?From the Italian.
The Celestial Pilot?The Terrestrial Paradise?Beatrice?To Italy?Seven Sonnets and a Canzone
I. The Artist
II. Fire.
III. Youth and Age
IV. Old Age
V. To Vittoria Colonna
VI. To Vittoria Colonna

VII. Dante?VIII. Canzone?The Nature of Love?From the Portuguese.
Song: If thou art sleeping, maiden?From Eastern sources.
The Fugitive?The Siege of Kazan?The Boy and the Brook?To the Stork?From the Latin.
Virgils First Eclogue?Ovid in Exile

Pleasant it was, when woods were green,?And winds were soft and low,?To lie amid some sylvan scene.?Where, the long drooping boughs between,?Shadows dark and sunlight sheen?Alternate come and go;
Or where the denser grove receives?No sunlight from above,?But the dark foliage interweaves?In one unbroken roof of leaves,?Underneath whose sloping eaves?The shadows hardly move.
Beneath some patriarchal tree?I lay upon the ground;?His hoary arms uplifted he,?And all the broad leaves over me?Clapped their little hands in glee,?With one continuous sound;--
A slumberous sound, a sound that brings?The feelings of a dream,?As of innumerable wings,?As, when a bell no longer swings,?Faint the hollow murmur rings?O'er meadow, lake, and stream.
And dreams of that which cannot die,?Bright visions, came to me,?As lapped in thought I used to lie,?And gaze into the summer sky,?Where the sailing clouds went by,?Like ships upon the sea;
Dreams that the soul of youth engage?Ere Fancy has been quelled;?Old legends of the monkish page,?Traditions of the saint and sage,?Tales that have the rime of age,?And chronicles of Eld.
And, loving still these quaint old themes,?Even in the city's throng?I feel the freshness of the streams,?That, crossed by shades and sunny gleams,?Water the green land of dreams,?The holy land of song.
Therefore, at Pentecost, which brings?The Spring, clothed like a bride,?When nestling buds unfold their wings,?And bishop's-caps have golden rings,?Musing upon many things,?I sought the woodlands wide.
The green trees whispered low and mild;?It was a sound of joy!?They were my playmates when a child,?And rocked me in their arms so wild!?Still they looked at me and smiled,?As if I were a boy;
And ever whispered, mild and low,?"Come, be a child once more!"?And waved their long arms to and fro,?And beckoned solemnly and slow;?O, I could not choose but go?Into the woodlands hoar,--
Into the blithe and breathing air,?Into the solemn wood,?Solemn and silent everywhere?Nature with folded hands seemed there?Kneeling at her evening prayer!?Like one in prayer I stood.
Before me rose an avenue?Of tall and sombrous pines;?Abroad their fan-like branches grew,?And, where the sunshine darted through,?Spread a vapor soft and blue,?In long and sloping lines.
And, falling on my weary brain,?Like a fast-falling shower,?The dreams of youth came back again,?Low lispings of the summer rain,?Dropping on the ripened grain,?As once upon the flower.
Visions of childhood! Stay, O stay!?Ye were so sweet and wild!?And distant voices seemed to say,?"It cannot be! They pass away!?Other themes demand thy lay;?Thou art no more a child!
"The land of Song within thee lies,?Watered by living springs;?The lids of Fancy's sleepless eyes?Are
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