The Circus Boys in Dixie Land | Page 4

Edgar B.P. Darlington
earn so much money as that in a whole
year," reflected Teddy.
"Nor I."
"Do you think we'll get any more 'raises' this season?"
"I haven't the least idea that we shall. You know our contracts are
signed for the season at sixty dollars a week. That surely should be
enough to satisfy us. We shall be able to save a whole lot of money,
this year; and, if we have good luck, in five years more we'll be able to
have a little show of our own."
Teddy agreed to this with a reflective nod.
"What kind of show?"
"Well, that remains to be seen," laughed Phil. "We shall be lucky to
have most any kind."
"Do you know what sort I'd like to have?"
"No. What kind?"
"Wild West show, a regular Buffalo Bill outfit, with wild Indians,
cowboys, bucking ponies and whoop! whoop! Hi-yi-yi! You know?"
Teddy's eyes were glowing with excitement, while a dull red glow
showed beneath the tan on his face.

"I wouldn't get so excited about it," answered Phil, highly amused.
"How'd you like that kind?"
"Not at all. It's too rough. Give me the circus every time, with its life,
its color, it's--oh, pshaw! What's the use talking about it? Is there
anything in the world more attractive than those tents over there, with
the flags of every nation flying from center and quarter poles? Is there,
"Well, no; I guess that's right."
For a moment the lads were silent. They were sitting beneath a
spreading maple tree off, on the circus lot, a few rods from where the
tents were being erected. A gentle breeze was stirring the flags,
billowing the white canvas of the tents in slow, undulating waves.
"And to think that we belong to that! Do you know, sometimes I think
it is all a dream, and I'm afraid I shall suddenly wake up to find myself
back in Edmeston with Uncle Abner Adams driving me out of the
house with a stick."
Phil's face grew solemn as those unhappy days under his uncle's roof
came back to him in a flood of disquieting memories.
"Don't wake up, then," replied Teddy.
"I think perhaps we had better both wake up if we expect to get any
breakfast. The red flag is flying on the cook tent, which means that
breakfast is ready--in fact, breakfast must be pretty well over by this
time. First thing we know the blue flag will suddenly appear in its place,
and you and I will have to hustle downtown for something to eat. It will
be parade time pretty soon, too."
"Breakfast? Say, Phil, I'd forgotten all about breakfast."
"There must be something wrong with you, then, if you forget when it's
meal time. As for myself, I have an appetite that would put the Bengal

tiger to shame. Come along."
"I'm with you. I'll show you whether my appetite has a reef in it or not.
I can eat more than the living skeleton can, and for a thin man he's got
anything stopped for appetite that I ever saw," answered Teddy Tucker,
scrambling to his feet and starting for the cook tent.
Yes; Teddy Tucker and Phil Forrest are the same boys who, two
seasons before, began their circus career by joining a road show, each
in a humble capacity. It will be remembered how in "THE CIRCUS
BOYS ON THE FLYING RINGS," Teddy and Phil quickly rose to be
performers in the ring; how Phil, by his coolness and bravery, saved the
life of one of the performers at the imminent risk of losing his own;
how he saved the circus from a great pecuniary loss, as well as
distinguishing himself in various other ways.
new laurels in their chosen career, when Phil became a bareback rider,
scoring a great hit at his first performance. It will be recalled too, how
the circus lad proved himself a real hero at the wreck of the dining car,
saving the lives of several persons, finally being himself rescued by his
companion, Teddy Tucker.
The Great Sparling Combined Shows had been on the road a week, and
by this time the various departments had gotten down to fairly good
working order, for, no matter how perfect such an organization may be,
it requires several days for the show people to become used to working
together. This extends even to the canvasmen and roustabouts. After
being a few weeks out they are able to set the tents in from half an hour
to an hour less time than it takes during the first two or three stands of
the season.
The next stand was to be Edmeston, the home of the two Circus Boys.
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