The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended | Page 2

Isaac Newton
the honour of
God, and good of Mankind_. Nor will YOUR MAJESTY be displeased
to find his sentiments so agreeable to Your own, whilst he condemns
_all oppression_; and every kind of _cruelty, even to brute beasts_; and,
with so much warmth, inculcates Mercy, Charity, and the indispensable
duty of doing good, and promoting the general _welfare of mankind_:
Those great ends, for which Government was first instituted, and to
which alone it is administred in this happy Nation, under a KING, who
distinguished himself early in opposition to the Tyranny which
threatned Europe, and chuses to reign in the hearts of his subjects; Who,
by his innate Benevolence, and Paternal Affection to his People,
establishes and confirms all their Liberties; and, by his Valour and
Magnanimity, guards and defends them._
_That Sincerity and Openness of mind, which is the darling quality of
this Nation, is become more conspicuous, by being placed upon the
Throne; And we see, with Pride, OUR SOVEREIGN the most eminent
for a Virtue, by which our country is so desirous to be distinguished. A
Prince, whose views and heart are above all the mean arts of Disguise,
is far out of the reach of any temptation to Introduce Blindness and
Ignorance. And, as HIS MAJESTY is, by his incessant personal cares,
dispensing Happiness at home, and Peace abroad; You, MADAM, lead
us on by Your great Example to the most noble use of that Quiet and
Ease, which we enjoy under His Administration, whilst all Your hours
of leisure are employed in cultivating in Your Self That Learning,
which You so warmly patronize in Others._
_YOUR MAJESTY does not think the instructive Pursuit, an
entertainment below Your exalted Station; and are Your Self a proof,
that the abstruser parts of it are not beyond the reach of Your Sex. Nor
does this Study end in barren speculation; It discovers itself in a steady
attachment to true Religion; in Liberality, Beneficence, and all those

amiable Virtues, which increase and heighten the Felicities of a Throne,
at the same time that they bless All around it. Thus, MADAM, to enjoy,
together with the highest state of publick Splendor and Dignity all the
retired Pleasures and domestick Blessings of private life; is the
perfection of human Wisdom, as well as Happiness._
_The good Effects of this Love of knowledge, will not stop with the
present Age; It will diffuse its Influence with advantage to late
Posterity: And what may we not anticipate in our minds for the
Generations to come under a Royal Progeny, so descended, so educated,
and formed by such Patterns!_
_The glorious Prospect gives us abundant reason to hope, that Liberty
and Learning will be perpetuated together; and that the bright Examples
of Virtue and Wisdom, set in this Reign by the Royal Patrons of Both,
will be transmitted with the Scepter to their Posterity, till this and the
other Works of Sir ISAAC NEWTON shall be forgot, and Time it self
be no more: Which is the most sincere and ardent wish of_
May it please YOUR MAJESTY,
YOUR MAJESTY's most obedient and most dutiful subject and
John Conduitt.
* * * * *
_A Short Chronicle from the first Memory of Things in page 1 Europe,
to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great._
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended.
Chap. I. Of the Chronology of the First Ages of the p. 43 Greeks_._

Chap. II. Of the Empire of Egypt_._ p. 191
Chap. III. Of the Assyrian _Empire._ p. 265
Chap. IV. _Of the two Contemporary Empires of the p. 294
Babylonians and Medes._
Chap. V. _A Description of the Temple of Solomon._ p. 332
Chap. VI. _Of the Empire of the Persians._ p. 347
* * * * *
_Tho' The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended, was writ by the
Author many years since; yet he lately revis'd it, and was actually
preparing it for the Press at the time of his death. But The Short
Chronicle was never intended to be made public, and therefore was not
so lately corrected by him. To this the Reader must impute it, if he shall
find any places where the Short Chronicle does not accurately agree
with the Dates assigned in the larger Piece. The Sixth Chapter was not
copied out with the other Five, which makes it doubtful whether he
intended to print it: but being found among his Papers, and evidently
appearing to be a Continuation of the same Work, and (as such)
abridg'd in _the Short Chronicle_; it was thought proper to be added._
_Had the Great Author himself liv'd to publish this Work, there would
have been no occasion for this Advertisement; But as it is, the Reader is
desired to allow for such imperfections
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