The Chemistry of Food and
The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition,
by A. W. Duncan
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Title: The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition
Author: A. W. Duncan
Release Date: March 2, 2005 [eBook #15237]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
E-text prepared by Feòrag NicBhrìde, Richard Prairie, and the Project
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A. W. DUNCAN, F.C.S. Analytical Chemist.
Manchester The Vegetarian Society
___ | | | THE FOOD ROUTE | | | | Is the safest way to sturdy health. | | |
| Many people are kept ill because they do not | | know how to select
food that their own particular | | bodies will take up and build upon. | | | |
What will answer for one will not do for another. | | | | If one is ailing it
is safe to change food entirely | | and go on a plain simple diet, say, for
breakfast:-- | | | | Cooked Fruit, | | Dish of GRAPE-NUTS and Cream or
hot or | | cold Milk, Two lightly boiled eggs, | | One cup of our Postum
Food Coffee, | | Slice of toast. No more. | | | | Our word! but a diet like
that _makes one feel | | good_ after a few days' use. | | | | The most
perfectly made food for human use is | | | | Grape-Nuts | | | | THERE'S A
REASON. | | | | GRAPE-NUTS CO., Ltd., 66 Shoe Lane, London, E.C.
___ | | | The Vegetatian Society, | | | | _Operations National and
International,_ | | | | 27 DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. | | | | The
Vegetarian Society is a philanthropic organisation, | | and is supported
entirely by the voluntary | | contributions of those who sympathise with
its aims. | | Gifts and Donations from any who are in sympathy with | |
the Society's work will be gratefully acknowledged by | | the Secretary.
Send penny stamp for Recipes and | | Explanatory literature. |
___ | | | _At the same address,_ | | | | FOOD STORE DEPARTMENT | |
| | for the supply of | | | | VEGETARIAN SPECIALITIES &
LITERATURE. | | | | _Send for Price List._ |
___ | | | Useful literature for Beginners. | | | | Vegetarianism and Manual
Labour. 1/2d. | | | | The Liver: Its Influence on Health. Dr. Kellogg.
ONE | | In Praise of Simpler Life. Eustace H. Miles PENNY | | Forty
Vegetarian Dinners. 135 Recipes EACH. | | | | Chemistry of Food. By
A.W. Duncan, F.C.S. | | Paper Copies 3d; Cloth 6d. | | | | The First Step.
Tolstoy. 3d. | | | | Science in the Daily Meal. 3d. | | Fruits, Nuts, and
Vegetables: Their uses as Food EACH. | | and Medicine | | | | _Postage
extra._ | | | | From The Vegetarian Society, 257 Deansgate, Manchester.
The first edition of 1884 contained but 5 pages of type; the second of
1898, 14 pages. Only by conciseness has it been possible to give even a
summary of the principles of dietetics within the limit or this pamphlet.
Should there appear in places an abruptness or incompleteness of
treatment, these limitations must be my excuse.
Those who wish to thoroughly study the science of food are referred to
the standard work, "Food and Dietetics," by Dr. R. Hutchison (E.
Arnold, 16s.). The effects of purin bodies in producing illness has been
patiently and thoroughly worked out by Dr. Alexander Haig. Students
are referred to his "Uric Acid, an epitome of the subject" (J. & A.
Churchhill, 1904, 2s.6d.), or to his larger work on "Uric Acid." An able
scientific summary of investigations on purins, their chemical and
pathological properties, and the quantities in foods will be found in
"The Purin Bodies of Food Stuffs," by Dr. I. Walker Hall (Sherratt &
Hughes, Manchester, 1903, 4s.6d.). The U.S. Department of
Agriculture has made a large number of elaborate researches on food
and nutrition. My thanks are due to Mr. Albert Broadbent, the Secretary
of the Vegetarian Society, for placing some of their bulletins in my
hands, and for suggestions and help. He has also written several useful

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