The Canterbury Pilgrims | Page 6

M. and E. C. Oakden Sturt
weapon, he stayed his hand and said, "If you will do combat for your love, wait here till tomorrow. I cannot fight you unarmed as you are. At dawn I will bring you armour, and a sword, and food. Then let the best warrior have the fair lady of the garden!" And so they parted.
Arcite kept his word and brought the armour at daybreak. As soon as it was light those two armed themselves in the wood, and fell on each other like a lion and a tiger when they wage mortal combat in the thick forest. Neither shrank himself nor spared his adversary. Their shields were dinted, sparks flew from their helmets, and down their breastplates many a stream of blood flowed.
Amid the din of their blows on the armour and the fury of combat, they did not hear the hunting horn nor the baying of the hounds, and so, before they knew it, Theseus and all his court were around them, and had called on them to cease their clamour and explain why they strove so fiercely together. They dropped their weapons in amazement, and saw that with Theseus were his queen, and the lady for whose love they fought, Emily the Fair, the niece of Theseus. She was dressed in green, as befitted a huntress on so bright a morning. Palamon spoke at once. "Show us no mercy, Lord Theseus. Better it is that we should both die, for well have we deserved death. I, Palamon, am your captive, escaped from prison but yesterday, and this man here is Arcite, who for many years has deceived you. This our quarrel is for the love of Emily, the bright maid at your side. Slay us both, and let our sorrow have an end." Theseus was wroth, and would indeed have slain them, but the queen and Emily pleaded so well for their lives that the duke relented. "You art foolish, both of you," he said; "but lovers are ever thus. This is my judgment. For fifty weeks you shall be free, and then shall you appear, each with a hundred knights, to do battle for Emily in a tournament. Whoso wins that day shall have her for his bride." Palamon and Arcite leapt up with joy at this; and all the court praised Theseus for his chivalrous behaviour and knightly courtesy.
Those fifty weeks were busy times in Athens. The lists prepared for the tournament were the most wonderful ever seen. The walls were circular and a mile round. At the east and west ends were marble gateways over which were temples. On the east gate was a temple to Venus, the Goddess of Love, and on the west gate a temple to Mars, God of War. On the north side was a temple in honour of Diana, the Goddess of Maidens. Every man in the kingdom who could carve or paint or build had been summoned to work on these lists and make them beautiful. I wish I could describe to you all their magnificence. On the walls of the temple of Venus were painted the stories of the great lovers of fable and history. The statue of the goddess herself seemed to float in a grass-green sea, and on her head she wore a garland of roses. Mars' temple was dark and gloomy, with pictures of battle and murder on the walls. The statue of Mars himself was guarded by a wolf of stone. In Diana's temple was the statue of the goddess riding upon a hart, with small hounds about her feet. Her dress was green and she carried a bow and quiver of arrows. A waxing moon, her symbol, was painted below her statue.
On the Sunday appointed for their meeting, Arcite and Palamon entered Athens with their companies. Bold knights and noble princes were assembled from every land to do battle in honour of so fair a maid. With Palamon came the great King of Thrace, wearing a crown of gold set with rubies and diamonds. His armour was covered with a coal-black bear-skin, and he was carried in a chair of gold.
The other knights were all famous and goodly to look upon. Each was armed according to his liking, with mace or spear, breastplate and shield. Some had greaves, some a Prussian shield; no fashion was too old or too new to be seen there.
With Arcite came the great King of India, whose horse was decked with cloth of gold, while he himself had coat-armour studded with pearls, a saddle of beaten gold, and a mantle of sparkling rubies. On his head was a green wreath of laurel, and he carried a tame white eagle on his hand. Many a tame lion and leopard ran about his horse's feet. With him came many a
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