The Calvary Road | Page 6

Revel Hession
the sin itself,
whatever it may be. And as He cleanses our cups, so He fills them to
overflowing with His Holy Spirit.
And we are able daily to avail ourselves of that precious Blood.
Suppose you have let the Lord Jesus cleanse your cup and have trusted
Him to fill it to overflowing, then something comes along--a touch of

envy or temper. What happens? Your cup becomes dirty and it ceases
to overflow. And if we are constantly being defeated in this way, then
our cup is never overflowing.
If we are to know continuous Revival, we must learn the way to keep
our cups clean. It is never God's will that a Revival should cease, and
be known in history as the Revival of this or that year. When that
happens it is due to only one thing--sin, just those little sins that the
devil drops into our cup. But if we will go back to Calvary and learn
afresh the power of the Blood of Jesus to cleanse moment by moment
from the beginnings of sin, then we have learnt the secret of cups
constantly cleansed and constantly overflowing. The moment you are
conscious of that touch of envy, criticism, irritability, whatever it
is--ask Jesus to cover it with His precious Blood and cleanse it away
and you will find the reaction gone, your joy and peace restored and
your cup running over. And the more you trust the Blood of Jesus in
this way, the less will you even have these reactions. But cleansing is
only possible when we have first been broken before God on the point
concerned. Suppose we are irritated by certain traits in someone. It is
not enough just to take our reactions of irritation to Calvary. We must
first be broken, that is, we must yield to God over the whole question
and accept that person and his ways as His will for us. Then we are able
to take our wrong reaction to Jesus, knowing that His Blood will
cleanse away our sin; and when we have been cleansed from sin, let us
not keep mourning over it, let us not be occupied with ourselves. But
let us look up to our victorious Lord, and praise Him that He is still
There is one simple but all-inclusive guide the Word of God gives to
regulate our walk with Jesus and to make us to know when sin has
come in. Colossians 3:15 says, "Let the peace of God rule in your
hearts." Everything that disturbs the peace of God in our hearts is sin,
no matter how small it is, and no matter how little like sin it may at first
appear to be. This peace is to "rule" our hearts, or (a more literal
translation) "be the referee" in our hearts. When the referee blows his
whistle at a football match, the game has to stop, a foul has been
committed. When we lose our peace, God's referee in our hearts has

blown his whistle! Let us stop immediately, ask God to show us what is
wrong, put by faith the sin He shows us under the Blood of Jesus, and
then peace will be restored and we shall go on our way with our cups
running over. If, however, God does not give us His peace, it will be
because we are not really broken. Perhaps we have yet to say "sorry" to
somebody else as well as to God. Or perhaps we still feel it is the other
person's fault. But if we have lost our peace, it is obvious whose fault it
is. We do not lose peace with God over another person's sin, but only
over our own. God wants to show us our reactions, and only when we
are willing to be cleansed there, will we have His peace. Oh, what a
simple but searching thing it is to be ruled by the peace of God, none
other than the Holy Spirit Himself! Former selfish ways, which we
never bothered about, are now shown to us and we cannot walk in them
without the referee blowing his whistle. Grumbling, bossiness,
carelessness, down to the smallest thing are all revealed as sins, when
we are prepared to let our days be ruled by the peace of God. Many
times a day and over the smallest things we shall have to avail
ourselves of the cleansing Blood of Jesus, and we shall find ourselves
walking the way of brokenness as never before. But Jesus will be
manifested in all His loveliness and grace in that brokenness.
Many of us, however, have neglected the referee's whistle so often and
for so long that we have ceased to hear it. Days follow days and we feel
we have little
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