external reality. Even more, it does not know which are these entities. The device will try to find them based on the facilities of the sense organs, but there is no guarantee that M-models have found all the entities and no guarantee that the right YMs are associated to such entities. This is a basic deficiency.
The camouflage and dissimulation are methods which use this deficiency. By camouflage an entity is not discovered and by dissimulation M-models associate a wrong YM to an entity.
Let's see another basic problem. Any model evolves to be harmonic with itself and so, to be stable. This means that, after any change in the model, it has to regain its stability. If a model has a disharmony, it has to correct itself based on IR or based on an internal change (IR is not available in any situation). Thus the model regains its stability, but in some cases the model could be not suitable anymore to reflect the external reality. There are many cases when a model is stable but its predictions associated with the external reality are wrong.
We already defined reality as all the information that is or could be generated by a model by simulation. The guarantee of a correct reality is the stability of the model but the stability of the model is not a guarantee that the model is capable to accurately reflect the associated external reality.
That is, there is no guarantee that all the entities of a given external reality are discovered, there is no guarantee that the right YMs are associated with these entities and so on. The stability of a model is just a guarantee that all the available information is correlated in the right way.
There is another class of basic problems associated with the changes in a model. If a model has to be changed, sometimes there are small chances to do that. In fact, the only possibility is to make a new model from scratch, using or not elements and relations from the old model. This activity could be sometimes so complex that it can exceed the technical capacity of the brain.
Indeed, a new model must be accepted by the whole structure of models. That is, any other model of the structure must accept any prediction of the new model, so that the new structure is stable.
If the new model is good in interaction with the external reality but the structure of the models is not good enough, then some other models of the structure have to be changed too. As I said, this process can exceed the brain's technical capacity of processing. This can be considered as a design deficiency too.
This explains a lot of situations in common life, when logical arguments or facts taken from external reality cannot change wrong models some people have.
As we know, a stable model is a model which correlates in a right way all the available information. But, there is no guarantee that we gain enough information to make the right model. This basic deficiency is attenuated by the fact that there is a structure of models. The structure of models helps a lot when we interact with a new external reality because it can make predictions based on the previous interaction with other external realities. On the other hand, the structure of models is like a brake for evolution if the structure has problems.
Example: The astronomer Copernicus made a model of the Universe based on the idea that the Sun is the center of the Universe, not Earth, as everybody knew at the time. Around the year 1543, very few persons were able to change the whole structure of models, based on this new model.
We continue with other basic problems and features.
In the normal activity of the brain, any ZM-model has full access to any model of the brain. That is, a ZM model can correlate information from many M-type models and from any other ZM of the brain. This is true for any ZM of the brain.
In the complex interaction between a brain and the external reality, there is a single ZM at a time, controlling that being. This ZM is called a local-ZM or an active-ZM. A ZM can be changed to another in a dynamical way, so that the being does many activities in time-sharing.
This activity is not simple. So, when a local-ZM is deactivated, it has to store the conditions, to be able to resume when it takes control again. There are problems associated with this activity. Some of the information can be lost or the external reality may evolve in the mean time so that the stored information will be of no use. In this way, any model, which takes control of the being, has to initialize before being able to regain full control.
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