The Brain, A Decoded Enigma | Page 3

Dorin T. Moisa
brain, some problems
associated with the present and future levels of evolution of the brain,

some long range problems associated with the development of the
human society (including the terrorism) and many others.
The basic elements of MDT occurs in 1993 and the first written form
(on WEB) in 1997. In 2003 a printed edition of the theory was
published (in Romanian language) by the Romanian Publishing House
"Editura Albastra" and in 2004, in the frame of Gutenberg Project, a
new edition also in Romanian. The process of developing is continuing.
Dorin T. MOISA [email protected]

This theory, called by me as MDT (Modeling Devices Theory)
considers that the basic hardware function of any brain (human or
animal) is to make and operate image models (or analogic models)
which are associated with the external reality. In this frame, for the
human brain only, there is an additional hardware facility: to make and
operate symbolic models.
Image model (or analogic model), symbolic model, simulation on
model, information, truth, reality, input reality (IR), external reality,
image, harmony, logic, general communications language (GCL),
logical and mathematical language.
This theory is a symbolic model. Any symbolic model has a limited
number of fundamental terms. For these terms and only for them, there
are accepted descriptive definitions. A descriptive definition is, usually,
not precise enough for a scientific approach. This lack of precision is
due to the fact that it uses terms which must be defined before. The
terms used in the definition must also be defined using already defined
words. This process seems to be endless.
In any positive science, the descriptive definitions are accepted only for
a very limited number of terms. These are called "fundamental terms".
For instance, in the symbolic model of Newton's Mechanics, the
fundamental terms are mass, space and time. None of these terms have
a normal definition (i.e. generated by the model). They have only
descriptive definitions.
Once the fundamental terms are introduced by description, all the other

terms have normal definitions, which are generated by the symbolic
model, by logical and mathematical operations.
Let's see the definitions of the terms used by the MDT theory.
Model: this is a term used on large scale in science and technology. The
MDT theory accepts the definition used there.
A model means some fundamental elements and some fundamental
relations between the elements.
The elements could be of any type (physical objects, the representation
of any object in any form, including pictures of any type or images of
any type or mathematical symbols of any type and so on). In fact, an
element could be associated with anything which can be considered as
an entity. The elements have some properties, which must be specified
somehow. There are a number of relations between the elements, which
must also be specified.
An image model (or analogic model) contains an unspecified number
of elements and an unspecified number of relations between the
elements. An image model is just given as it is. It is not possible to
specify in explicit and precise ways which are the elements and which
are the relations.
Examples of image models: maps, models of an object of any type, an
assembly of such models including any material elements (water, air
and so on), any representation in any form of such elements.
A symbolic model uses as elements letters, numbers or words. The
relations are of logical or mathematical type.
The most important symbolic model is the General Communications
Language (GCL). The elements are usually nouns and the relations are
usually verbs.
Warning: GCL is not really a symbolic model. The GCL just contains
all the elements and all the relations. When a symbolic model is made
(a sentence, for instance), elements and relations from GCL are used.
Thus, because there is no available word, I decided to consider, by
extension, the GCL as a symbolic model. In this frame, GCL has to be
considered as "symbolic model".
Once a model given, it is possible to simulate some situations on it. For
simulation, a change must be made to the model. After that, the entire
model will be changed because all the elements have some relations
between them.

Any implicit or explicit information which is generated by simulation
by a model, is called "truth". Any truth must be associated with the
model, which generated it. This is the definition of the term "truth" in
the MDT theory.
All the information, which is or could be generated by a model by
simulation, is called "reality" associated to that model. This is the
definition of the term "reality" in the MDT theory. We also see here
that before declaring the reality, one needs to declare the model which
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