The Boy Allies On the Firing Line | Page 8

Clair Wallace Hayes
glancing blow on the head. Hal, engaged at that moment with another German officer, saw his friend's plight, and jumped back.
With his sword he swept aside a German bayonet which at that instant would have been buried in Chester's prostrate form, but as he did so a heavy blow fell upon the lad's head and he was sent to his knees. Above him, with poised bayonet, stood a German soldier.
Death stared him in the face and the boy realized it. It was impossible for him to regain his feet in time to ward off the thrust. Quickly he threw himself to one side, and as he did so the German toppled on top of him, lifeless.
Hal scrambled to his feet and saw that the man who had thus saved his life was none other than Lieutenant Harry Anderson.
"Just in time," said Hal briefly, and turned to where Chester was now struggling to his feet; and as the battle raged fiercely about them, unmindful of his own danger, he gave his entire attention to his friend.
Chester, shaking his head several times, announced that he was not seriously hurt, and with Lieutenant Anderson by their side they again plunged into the conflict.
But now the German retreat became more rapid. The enemy was unable to stand under the fierce charge of the British and they were giving way on all sides. The British pursued the foe rapidly and hundreds upon hundreds of the enemy were cut down in their flight.
Unable to keep back the English and retreat orderly, the Germans broke and fled. The retreat had become a rout. For some distance the British pursued them, and then a halt was called.
The losses of the British troops had been extremely heavy, but not so great as that of the enemy, who had suffered tremendously.
Now a thunderous roar broke out. The British artillery, unable to be used while the hand to hand fighting was in progress, was in action again, shelling the fleeing Germans.
The dead strewed the battlefield, and as Hal, Chester and Lieutenant Anderson made their way toward the rear, they were forced to climb over the dead and wounded, many with shattered limbs and maimed for life. But the Red Cross was at work, and the wounded were being cared for with the greatest possible haste and gentleness.
"That was some fight, if you ask me," said Hal to Chester, as they continued their way to the part of the field where they could see General French and his staff, Lieutenant Anderson having left them to rejoin his own men, from whom he had become separated.
"It was all of that," replied Chester, "and I can't imagine how we escaped with our lives."
"Nor I. It doesn't seem possible that anyone in the midst of such terrible carnage could live, to say nothing of being only slightly wounded. By the way, are you hurt much, Hal?"
"No; just a scratch on the face and a bump on the head. And you?"
"I was luckier than that, although a German did crack me with his rifle butt."
"Look at the dead and wounded lying about," said Hal. "It is a terrible thing--this modern warfare."
"It is, indeed," returned Chester, and the two continued on their way in silence.
General French noticed their approach. The British commander was standing as he had stood through the last part of the battle, exposed to the fire of the enemy, calmly smoking a cigarette!

At a sign from General French Hal and Chester approached and saluted.
"Where have you been, sirs?" demanded the British commander.
Hal stepped forward and explained their absence.
"And you were in the midst of the charge?" questioned General French, when the lad concluded.
"Yes, sir!"
"And are not even badly wounded?"
"No, sir!"
"Wonderful!" exclaimed the general. Then, after a few moments' silence: "You seem to bear charmed lives. I believe you are the two for my mission."
"Yes, sir!" exclaimed Hal eagerly.
"Both of you report to me in an hour," ordered General French.
The two lads saluted again and moved away.
"Wonder what he wants?" said Chester.
"Too deep for me," was Hal's reply.
"He said something about a mission. I guess that means more excitement for us."
"I guess you are right. However, I am sure we can go through with it, no matter what it may be."
"We can try, anyhow. That's the best anyone can do."
At the appointed time the two boys made their way to General French's headquarters.
"I have an important piece of work that must be done, and which will be attended with grave danger; are you willing to undertake it?" asked the British commander, coming to the point without preliminaries.
"We shall do our best, sir," replied Hal.
"Good! The enemy has retreated beyond Meaux. To-morrow I shall try and drive him farther. It is absolutely necessary that our movements be not anticipated. As you see
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