The Boy Allies On the Firing Line | Page 5

Clair Wallace Hayes
the scuffle had aroused no one. But suddenly there was the sound of a fall behind. Turning his head quickly, Hal perceived the cause of this commotion which caused such a racket in the stillness of the night.
One of the English soldiers had tripped over the body of a sleeping German and had fallen across him. He was up in a moment, but so was the German, sleepily hurling imprecations at the disturber of his slumber.
Before the German soldier was able to arouse himself, the Englishman dealt him a heavy blow over the head with his rifle butt. But the noise had brought another to the scene. There was the sharp crack of a rifle, and the English soldier who had caused all the trouble pitched to the ground. To the right Hal and Chester saw another sentry, a smoking rifle in his hands.
At the sound of the shot the whole German camp sprang to life as if by magic; and at the same instant Hal shouted:
At full speed the little party, only nine now, dashed forward. The other man lay dead in the German camp. There was a hoarse German cry of command, and a hail of bullets followed the fugitives into the woods. No man fell, though two groaned, and one dropped his rifle. The darkness made accurate shooting by the Germans impossible.
Not pausing to return the fire of the enemy, the fugitives stumbled on through the woods. Another and another volley came from the pursuing Germans, but they were firing at random now, and the fact that Hal and Chester had led the way well to the right augured well for their chance of safety.
But as the darkness made accurate shooting by the Germans impossible, so it made speed by the fugitives impossible also. They stumbled along as well as they could, now and then tripping over a fallen limb or tumbling into a hole. Tired and almost exhausted, they at length emerged into the open, and broke into a weary run.
"We have got to get under cover of some kind before they reach the edge of the woods, or we are gone goslings," panted Hal.
Suddenly, in the darkness, they came upon another clump of trees, and as they stumbled into their shelter another volley rang out. One man groaned and stumbled. A comrade lent a supporting hand and dragged him into the woods.
"We'll stop here a moment and pick off a few of 'em," said Hal grimly.
The Germans were now advancing across the open space. Lying upon the ground, the nine opened fire. They aimed carefully and not a shot was wasted, and so rapid was their fire that the Germans halted.
"They don't know how many of us there are," said Hal, "and they are afraid to take a chance. One more volley, men, and then up and run for it again."
A final volley was delivered with telling effect, and the English sprang to their feet and darted through the woods. The Germans gave them a parting shot, but there was no pursuit.
"That was pretty close," said Chester.
"It was, indeed," replied Hal, "and there is one more of our men gone.
"Was anyone wounded?" he asked, turning to the others.
"Shot in the shoulder, sir," replied a man named Brown.
"They got me in the arm," said another.
"Anyone else?" questioned Hal.
There was no reply, and Hal asked:
"Are you two men able to go on without assistance?"
"Yes," was the reply.
"Good! Then come on."
All night long the little party continued on their march, and it was not until the first gray streak of dawn showed them, in the distance, the first British line that the boys felt entirely safe.
Their report made, they were returning, later in the day, to their quarters to seek a much needed rest, when a well known voice exclaimed:
"Well, boys, how are you?"
The lads turned quickly about; then each gave a cry of delight and grabbed the man who had accosted them by the hand.
"Captain Derevaux!" they exclaimed in a single voice.
"No," replied the gallant Frenchman, with a smile. "Major Derevaux, if you please!"

Hal and Chester stood for some minutes grasping their friend by the hand.
"Major, eh," ejaculated Hal. "I'm glad to hear that!"
"So am I," declared Chester. "I am sure no one deserved promotion more than you."
"Thanks," laughed the major.
"Tell us," said Hal, "what are you doing here? I thought you were with the Southern army."
"I am; but I carried dispatches to General French, and if I mistake not, they are important ones. I believe that plans have been brought to a head and that we shall take the offensive soon."
"Good!" cried Chester. "We have been retreating long enough."
"But," Hal protested, "we can hardly advance in the face of such odds; we must have reinforcements."
"Well," said Major Derevaux, "strong reinforcements already are
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