of that neighbourhood that are turned in during the
The root dried and ground to a powder will improve Coffee, and is
frequently drunk therewith, especially in Germany, where it is prepared
in cakes and sold for that purpose.
43. HEDYSARUM Onobrychis. SAINT-FOIN.--This is certainly one
of the most useful plants of this tribe, and in the south of England is the
life and support of the upland farmer: in such places it is the principal
fodder, both green and in hay, for all his stock. I have not observed it to
be cultivated in Worcestershire or Herefordshire, where there appears
to be much land that would grow it, and which is under much inferior
crops. The seed sown is about four bushels per acre. A mistake is often
made in mentioning this plant. The newspapers, in quoting prices from
Mark Lane, call it Cinquefoil, a very different plant, (Potentilla) of
rather a noxious quality. See Gleanings on Works of Agriculture and
Gardening, p. 88, where a curious blunder occurs of this kind.
44. LATHYRUS pratensis. MEADOW VETCHLING.--Abounds much
in our natural meadows, particularly in the best loamy soils, where it is
very productive and nutritious. It is not in cultivation, for the seeds do
not readily vegetate; a circumstance much to be regretted, but
unfortunately the case with several of our other Tares, which would
otherwise be a great acquisition to our graziers.
45. LOTUS corniculatus. BIRD'S-FOOT-LOTUS.--There are several
varieties of this plant; one growing on very dry chalky soils, and which
in such places helps to make a good turf, and is much relished by cattle.
The other varieties grow in marshy land, and make much larger plants
than the other. Here it is also much eaten; and I have also noticed it in
hay, where it appears to be a good ingredient. As it thus appears to
grow in any situation, there is no doubt, if the seeds were collected, that
it might be cultivated with ease, and turn to good account in such land
as is too light for Clover. In wet and boggy situations it becomes very
hairy, and in this state its appearance is very different from that which
it has when growing in chalk, where it is perfectly smooth.
This plant should not be overlooked by the experimental farmer.
It is very highly spoken of in Dr. Anderson's Essays on Agriculture,
under the mistaken name of Astragalus glycophyllos, p. 489; but a truly
practical account is given of it by Ellis in his Husbandry, p. 89, by the
old name Lady-Finger-Grass.
46. MEDICAGO falcata. YELLOW MEDIC.--Is nearly allied to
Lucerne, and is equally good for fodder; it will grow on land that is
very dry, and hence is likely to become a most useful plant; its culture
has, however, been tried but partially. Some experiments were made
with this plant by Thomas Le Blanc, Esq., in Suffolk, which are
recorded by Professor Martyn. Martyn's Miller's Dict. art. Medicago.
47. MEDICAGO polymorpha. VARIABLE MEDIC.--This is also a
plant much relished by cattle, but is not in cultivation: it is an annual,
and perhaps inferior in many respects to the Nonsuch, which it in some
measure resembles. There are many varieties of this plant cultivated in
flower gardens on account of the curious shapes of the seed-pods, some
having a distant resemblance to snails' horns, cater-pillars, &c. under
which names they are sold in the seed-shops. It grows in sandy hilly
soils; the wild kind has flat pods.
48. MEDICAGO sativa. LUCERNE.--Too much cannot be said in
praise of this most useful perennial plant: it is every thing the farmer
can wish for, excepting that it will not grow without proper culture. It
should be drilled at eighteen inches distance, and kept constantly hoed
all summer, have a large coat of manure in winter, and be dug into the
ground between the drills. Six or seven pounds of seed will sow an acre
in this mode.
I have known Lucerne sown with Grass and Clover for forming
meadow land; but as it does not thrive well when encumbered with
other plants, I see no good derived from this practice. No plant requires,
or in fact deserves, better cultivation than this, and few plants yield less
if badly managed.
49. MEDICAGO lupulina. TREFOIL, or NONSUCH.--A biennial
plant, very usefully cultivated with Rye-grass and Clover for forming
artificial meadows. Trefoil when left on the ground will seed, and these
will readily grow and renew the plant successively; which has caused
some persons to suppose it to be perennial. About eight or ten pounds
of seed are usually sown with six or eight pecks of Rye-grass for an
acre, under a crop of Barley or Oats.
50. PLANTAGO lanceolata. RIB-GRASS.--This is a perennial
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