The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 3 | Page 7

William Eleroy Curtis
characters are not altered by culture.
It is a native of the Bermudian Islands, and flowers in the open border from May to the end of July; it is not uncommon to keep it in the greenhouse, for which, from its size &c. it is very well adapted; but it is not necessary to treat it tenderly, as it will bear a greater degree of cold than many plants usually considered as hardy.
It may be propagated most readily by seeds, or by parting its roots in the autumn; should be planted on a border with an eastern aspect; soil the same as for bulbs.

Class and Order.
Generic Character.
Monogyna. Stigmata 5. Fructus rostratus, 5-coccus.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
GERANIUM revolutum pedunculis subbifloris, foliis multifidis linearibus scabris ad oras revolutis, caule arboreo. _Jacq. ic. 133. collect. 1. p. 84._
GERANIUM Radula. Cavanill. Diss. 4. p. 262. t. 101. f. 1.
[Illustration: No 95]
This is one of the numerous tribe of Geraniums introduced from the Cape since the time of MILLER: it takes the name of Radula, which is the Latin term for a rasp or file, from the rough rasp-like surface of the leaves.
There are two varieties of it, a major and a minor, which keep pretty constantly to their characters; and as this species is readily raised from seeds, it affords also many seminal varieties.
As a Botanist, desirous of seeing plants distinct in their characters, we could almost wish it were impossible to raise these _foreign Geraniums_ from seeds; for, without pretending to any extraordinary discernment, we may venture to prophecy, that in a few years, from the multiplication of seminal varieties, springing from seeds casually, or perhaps purposely impregnated with the pollen of different sorts, such a crop will be produced as will baffle all our attempts to reduce to species, or even regular varieties.
Such as are partial to this tribe, will no doubt wish to have this species in their collection; the blossoms are pretty, and the foliage is singular, but it remains but a short time in flower.
It is readily propagated by cuttings.

Class and Order.
Generic Character.
Calyx 4-dentatus obsolete. Stigma uncinato-refractum. Drupa nucleo 2-loculari.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
LANTANA aculeata foliis oppositis, caule aculeato ramoso spicis hemisph?ricis. Lin. Syst. Veg. ed. 14. p. 566.
[Illustration: No 96]
According to MILLER, this species grows naturally in Jamaica, and most of the other Islands in the West-Indies, where it is called wild Sage; the flowers, which are very brilliant, are succeeded by roundish berries, which, when ripe, turn black, having a pulpy covering over a single hard seed.
It is readily propagated by cuttings.
Different plants vary greatly in the colour of their blossoms, and the prickliness of their stalks; the prickles are seldom found on the young shoots.
This plant will bear to be placed abroad in the warmest summer months, the rest of the year it requires artificial heat. It is usually placed in the dry stove, to which, as it is seldom without flowers, it imparts great brilliancy.

Class and Order.
Generic Character.
Calyx 1-phyllus, coloratus, corollifer, maximus. Petala 4, parva, Bacca infera, 4-locularis, polysperma.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
FUCHSIA coccinea foliis oppositis ovatis denticulatis; petalis obovatis, obtusis. Hort. Kew.
THILCO Feuill��e it. 3. p. 64. t. 47.
[Illustration: No 97]
The present plant is a native of Chili, and was introduced to the royal gardens at Kew, in the year 1788, by Capt. FIRTH; it takes the name of Fuchsia from Fuchs a German Botanist of great celebrity, author of the Historia Stirpium in folio, published in 1542, containing five hundred and sixteen figures in wood; and which, though mere outlines, express the objects they are intended to represent, infinitely better than many laboured engravings of more modern times.
Every person who can boast a hot-house will be anxious to possess the Fuchsia, as it is not only a plant of peculiar beauty, but produces its rich pendant blossoms through most of the summer; the petals in the centre of the flower are particularly deserving of notice; they somewhat resemble a small roll of the richest purple-coloured ribband.
Though this plant will not succeed well in the winter, nor be easily propagated unless in a stove, it will flower very well during the summer months, in a good greenhouse or hot-bed frame, and though at present from its novelty it bears a high price, yet as it is readily propagated, both by layers, cuttings, and seeds, it will soon be within the purchase of every lover of plants.
Mr. LEE, of Hammersmith, we understand first had this plant for sale.

Class and Order.
Generic Character.
Cal. 1-phyllus, calcaratus. Petala 5, in?qualia. Bacca tres, sicc?.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
TROP?OLUM minus foliis peltatis repandis, petalis acuminato-setaceis. Lin. Syst. Vegetab. p. 357.
Indian-Cresses, or yellow Larke's-heeles. Park. Parad. p. 280.
[Illustration: No 98]
This species of Trop?olum (which like the majus already figured
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