The Boston Terrier and All About It | Page 7

Edward A. Axtell
situated as near corners of skull as possible. of skull as possible.
HEAD FAULTS: Skull "domed" or inclined; furrowed by a medial line; skull too long for breadth, or vice versa; stop too shallow; brow and skull too slanting. Eyes small or sunken; too prominent; light color; showing too much white or haw. Muzzle wedge shaped or lacking depth; down faced; too much cut out below the eyes; pinched nostrils; protruding teeth; weak lower jaw; showing "turn up." Poorly carried ears or out of proportion.
3 NECK: Of fair length, 5 NECK: Of fair length, slightly arched and without throatiness and carrying the head slightly arched. gracefully; setting neatly into shoulders.
NECK FAULTS: Ewe-necked; throatiness; short and thick.
15 BODY: Deep with good 15 BODY: Deep and broad of width of chest; chest, well ribbed up. shoulders sloping; back Back short, not roached. short; ribs deep and Loins and quarters strong. well sprung, carried well back of loins; loins short and muscular; rump curving slightly to set-on of tail. Flank slightly cut up. The body should appear short, but not chunky.
BODY FAULTS: Flat sides; narrow chest; long or slack loins; roach back; sway back; too much cut up in flank.
4 ELBOWS: Standing 2 ELBOWS: Standing neither neither in nor out. in nor out.
5 FORELEGS: Set moderately 4 FORELEGS: Wide apart, wide apart and on a line straight and well with the points of the muscled. shoulders; straight in bone and well muscled; pasterns short and strong.
5 HINDLEGS: Set true; bent 4 HINDLEGS: Straight, at stifles; short from quite long from stifle hocks to feet; hocks to hock (which should turning neither in nor turn neither in nor out; thighs strong and out), short and straight well muscled. from hock to pasterns. Thighs well muscled. Hocks not too prominent.
5 FEET: Round, small and 2 FEET: Small, nearly compact, and turned round, and turned neither in nor out; toes neither in nor out. Toes well arched. compact and arched.
LEG AND FEET FAULTS: Loose shoulders or elbows; hind legs too straight at stifles; hocks too prominent; long or weak pasterns; splay feet.
5 TAIL: Set-on low; short, 10 TAIL: Set-on low, short, fine and tapering; fine and tapering, straight or screw; devoid of fringe or devoid of fringe or coarse hair, and not coarse hair, and not carried above the carried above horizontal. horizontal.
TAIL FAULTS: A long or gaily carried tail; extremely gnarled or curled against body.
(Note: The preferred tail should not exceed in length approximately half the distance from set-on to hock.)
4 COLOR: Brindle with 8 COLOR: Any color, white markings. brindle, evenly marked with white, strongly preferred.
10 IDEAL MARKINGS: White 4 MARKINGS: White muzzle, even white blaze muzzle, blaze on face, over head, collar, collar, chest and feet. breast, part or whole of forelegs and hindlegs below hocks.
COLOR AND MARKINGS FAULTS: All white; absence of white markings; preponderance of white on body; without the proper proportion of brindle and white on head; or any variations detracting from the general appearance.
3 COAT: Short, smooth, 3 COAT: Fine in texture, bright and fine in short, bright and not texture. too hard.
COAT FAULTS: Long or coarse; lacking lustre.
--- --- 100 100
WEIGHTS: Not exceeding WEIGHT: Lightweight class, 27 pounds, divided as 12 and not to exceed 17 follows: pounds; middleweight Lightweight: Under 17 class, 17 and not to pounds. exceed 22 pounds; Middleweight: 17 and not heavyweight class, 22 and exceeding 22 pounds. not to exceed 28 pounds. Heavyweight: 22 and not exceeding 27 pounds.
DISQUALIFICATIONS: DISQUALIFICATIONS: Docked Solid black, black and tail and any artificial tan, liver and mouse means used to deceive the colors. Docked tail and judge. any artificial means used to deceive the judge.
[Illustration: J. P. Barnard
The Father of the Boston Terrier]
[Illustration: Champion Sonnie Punch]
[Illustration: Rockydale Junior]
The following standard adopted when the dog was known as the Round-Headed Bull and Terrier Dog, will be of interest here.
Skull--Large, broad and flat.
Stop--Well defined.
Ears--Preferably cut, if left on should be small and thin, situated as near corners of skull as possible; rose ears preferable.
Eyes--Wide apart, large, round, dark and soft and not "goggle" eyed.
Muzzle--Short, round and deep, without wrinkles, nose should be black and wide.
Mouth--Preferably even, teeth should be covered when mouth is closed.
Neck--Thick, clean and strong.
Body--Deep at chest and well ribbed up, making a short backed, cobby built dog; loins and buttocks strong.
Legs--Straight and well muscled.
Feet--Strong, small and moderately round.
Tail--Short and fine, straight or screw, carried low.
Color--Any color, except black, mouse or liver; brindle and white, brindle or whole white are the colors most preferred.
Coat--Short, fine, bright and hard.
Symmetry--Of a high order.
Disqualifications--Hair lip, docked tail and any artificial means used to deceive the judge.
Weight--It was voted to divide the different weights into three classes, as follows: 15 pounds and under, 25 pounds and under, 36 pounds and under.
Scale of points:
Skull 15 Muzzle 15 Nose 5 Eyes 5
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