The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, vol 6 | Page 9

Richard Burton
India are divided into two-and-seventy castes, and I
marvelled at this with exceeding marvel. Amongst other things that I
saw in King Mihrjan's dominions was an island called Kásil,[FN#15]
wherin all night is heard the beating of drums and tabrets; but we were
told by the neighbouring islanders and by travellers that the inhabitants
are people of diligence and judgment.[FN#16] In this sea I saw also a
fish two hundred cubits long and the fishermen fear it; so they strike

together pieces of wood and put it to flight.[FN#17] I also saw another
fish, with a head like that of an owl, besides many other wonders and
rarities, which it would be tedious to recount. I occupied myself thus in
visiting the islands till, one day, as I stood in the port, with a staff in my
hand, according to my custom, behold, a great ship, wherein were many
merchants, came sailing for the harbour. When it reached the small
inner port where ships anchor under the city, the master furled his sails
and making fast to the shore, put out the landing-planks, whereupon the
crew fell to breaking bulk and landing cargo whilst I stood by, taking
written note of them. They were long in bringing the goods ashore so I
asked the master, "Is there aught left in thy ship?"; and he answered, "O
my lord, there are divers bales of merchandise in the hold, whose
owner was drowned from amongst us at one of the islands on our
course; so his goods remained in our charge by way of trust and we
purpose to sell them and note their price, that we may convey it to his
people in the city of Baghdad, the Home of Peace." "What was the
merchant's name?" quoth I, and quoth he, "Sindbad the Seaman;"
whereupon I straitly considered him and knowing him, cried out to him
with a great cry, saying, "O captain, I am that Sindbad the Seaman who
travelled with other merchants; and when the fish heaved and thou
calledst to us some saved themselves and others sank, I being one of
them. But Allah Almighty threw in my way a great tub of wood, of
those the crew had used to wash withal, and the winds and waves
carried me to this island, where by Allah's grace, I fell in with King
Mihrjan's grooms and they brought me hither to the King their master.
When I told him my story, he entreated me with favour and made me
his harbour- master, and I have prospered in his service and found
acceptance with him. These bales, therefore are mine, the goods which
God hath given me."--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and
ceased to say her permitted say.
When it was the Five Hundred and Forty-second Night,
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when
Sindbad the Seaman said to the captain, "These bales are mine, the
goods which Allah hath given me," the other exclaimed, "There is no
Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great!

Verily, there is neither conscience nor good faith left among men!" said
I, "O Rais,[FN#18] what mean these words, seeing that I have told thee
my case?" And he answered, "Because thou heardest me say that I had
with me goods whose owner was drowned, thou thinkest to take them
without right; but this is forbidden by law to thee, for we saw him
drown before our eyes, together with many other passengers, nor was
one of them saved. So how canst thou pretend that thou art the owner
of the goods?" "O captain," said I, "listen to my story and give heed to
my words, and my truth will be manifest to thee; for lying and leasing
are the letter-marks of the hypocrites." Then I recounted to him all that
had befallen me since I sailed from Baghdad with him to the time when
we came to the fish-island where we were nearly drowned; and I
reminded him of certain matters which had passed between us;
whereupon both he and the merchants were certified at the truth of my
story and recognized me and gave me joy of my deliverance, saying,
"By Allah, we thought not that thou hadst escaped drowning! But the
Lord hath granted thee new life." Then they delivered my bales to me,
and I found my name written thereon, nor was aught thereof lacking.
So I opened them and making up a present for King Mihrjan of the
finest and costliest of the contents, caused the sailors carry it up to the
palace, where I went in to the King and laid my present at his feet,
acquainting him with what had happened, especially concerning the
ship and my goods;
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