The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, vol 16 | Page 6

Richard Burton
of Caussin de

Les | Mille et une Nuits | Contes Arabes, | Traduits en Francais | Par M.
Galland, | Membre de l'Académie des Inscriptions et | Belles-Lettres,
Professeur de Langue Arabe | au Collége Royal, | Continués | Par M.
Caussin de Perceval, | Professeur de Langue Arabe au Collége Impérial.
| Tome huitiéme. | à Paris, | chez Le Normant, Imp.-Libraire, | Rue des
Prêtres Saint-Germain-l ‘Auxerrois. | 1806.
1. Nouvelles aventures du calife Haroun Alraschid; ou histoire de la
petite fille de Chosroès Anouschirvan. Gauttier, Histoire du Khalyfe de
Baghdad: vol. vii. II7.) 2. Le Bimaristan, ou histoire du jeune
Marchand de Bagdad et de la dame inconnue. 3. Le médécin et le jeune
traiteur de Bagdad 4. Histoire du Sage Hicar. (Gauttier, Histoire du
Sage Heycar, vii. 313.) 5. Histoire du roi Azadbakht, ou des dix Visirs.
6. Histoire du marchand devenu malheureux. 7. Histoire du imprudent
et de ses deux enfants. 8. Histoire du d' Abousaber, ou de l'homme
patient. 9. Histoire du du prince Behezad. 10. Histoire du roi Dadbin,
ou de la vertueuse Aroua. 11. Histoire du Bakhtzeman. 12. Histoire du
Khadidan. 13. Histoire du Beherkerd. 14. Histoire du Ilanschah et
d'Abouteman. 15. Histoire du Ibrahim et de son fils. 16. Histoire du
Soleïman-schah. 17. Histoire du de l'esclave sauve du supplice.
18. Attaf ou l'homme généreux. (Gauttier, Histoire de l'habitant de
Damas, vii. 234.) 19. Histoire du Prince Habib et de Dorrat Algoase. 20.
Histoire du roi Sapor, souverain des îles Bellour; de Camar Alzemann,
fille du genie Alatrous, et Dorrat Algoase. (Gauttier, vii. 64.) 21.
Histoire de Naama et de Naam. 22. Histoire du d'Alaeddin. 23. Histoire
du d'Abou Mohammed Alkeslan. 24. Histoire du d'Aly Mohammed le
joaillier, ou du faux calife.
I need hardly offer any observations upon these tales, as they have been
discussed in the preceding pages.
By an error of the late M. Reinaud (for which see p. 39 His toire d' 'Alâ
al-Din by M. H. Zotenberg, Paris, Imprimerie Na tionale,
MDCCCLXXXVIII.) the MS. Supplément Arabe, No. I7I6, in the
writing of Dom Chavis has been confounded with No. 1723, which is

not written by the Syrian priest but which contains the originals of the
Cazotte Continuation as noted by M. C. de Perceval (Les Mille et une
Nuits, etc., vol. viii. Préf. p. I7, et seqq.) It is labelled Histoires tirées la
plupart des Mille et une Nuits | Supplément Arabe | Volume de 742
pages. The thick quarto measures centimètres 20 ½ long by I6 wide; the
binding is apparently Italian and the paper is European, but the
filegrane or water- mark, which is of three varieties, a coronet, a
lozenge-shaped bunch of circles and a nondescript, may be Venetian or
French. It contains 765 pages, paginated after European fashion, but the
last eleven leaves are left blank reducing the number written to 742;
and the terminal note, containing the date, is on the last leaf. Each page
numbers IS lines and each leaf has its catchword (mot de rappel). It is
not ordered by "karrás" or quires; but is written upon 48 sets of 4
double leaves. The text is in a fair Syrian hand, but not so flowing as
that of No. 1716, by Sháwísh himself, which the well-known Arabist,
Baron de Slane, described as Bonne écriture orientale de la fin du
XVIII Siècle. The colophon conceals or omits the name of the scribe,
but records the dates of incept Kánún IId. (the Syrian winter month
January) A.D. 1772; and of conclusion Naysán (April) of the same year.
It has head-lines disposed recto and verve, e.g.,
Haykár -------------------- Al-Hakím,
and parentheses in the text after European fashion with an imperfect list
at the beginning. A complete index is furnished at the end. The
following are the order and pagination of the fourteen stories:--
1. The King of Persia and his Ten Wazirs . . . . . .pp. 1 to 62 2. Say of
the Sage Haykár. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 3. History of King Sabúr and
the Three Wise Men. . . . . . .183 4. The Daughter of Kisrà the King (Al
Bundukâni) . . . . . .217 5. The Caliph and the Three
Kalandars. . . . . . . . . . . .266 6. Julnár the Sea
born . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .396 7. The Duenna, the Linguist-dame and
the King's Son. . . . .476 8. The Tale of the Warlock and the young
Cook of Baghdad . .505 9. The Man in the Bímárístan or
Madhouse . . . . . .
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