The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes | Page 6

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twenty-four years. One day a poor widow brought an action against the
Baron de Nairac, her landlord, for turning her out of her mill, which
was the poor creature's sole dependence. M. Domat heard the cause,
and finding by the evidence that she had ignorantly broken a covenant
in the lease which gave her landlord the power of re-entry, he
recommended mercy to the baron for a poor but honest tenant, who had
not wilfully transgressed, or done him any material injury. Nairac being
inexorable, the judge was compelled to pronounce an ejectment, with
the penalty mentioned in the lease and costs of suit; but he could not
pronounce the decree without tears. When an order of seizure, both of
person and effects was added, the poor widow exclaimed, "O merciful
and righteous God, be thou a friend to the widow and her helpless
orphans!" and immediately fainted away. The compassionate judge
assisted in raising the unfortunate woman, and after enquiring into her
character, number of children, and other circumstances, generously
presented her with one hundred louis d'ors, the amount of the damages
and costs, which he prevailed upon the baron to accept as a full
compensation, and to let the widow again enter upon her mill. The poor
widow anxiously enquired of M. Domat when he would require
payment, that she might lay up accordingly. "When my conscience (he
replied) shall tell me that I have done an improper act."
Pope Pius IX.--An advocate, the father of a large family, fell into ill
health, and soon afterwards into want. Pius IX., hearing of this, sent a
messenger with a letter to the advocate, but he was at first refused
admittance, on the ground that the physician had enjoined the utmost
quiet. On the messenger explaining from whom he came he was
admitted, and, on the letter being opened, what was the surprise of the
family on finding within 300 scudi (£62), with the words, "For the
advocate ...--Pius IX.," in the pontiff's own handwriting.

Dr. Glynn was remarkable for many acts of kindness to poor persons.
He had attended a sick family in the fens near Cambridge for a
considerable time, and had never thought of any recompense for his
skill and trouble but the satisfaction of being able to do good. One day
he heard a noise on the college staircase, and his servant brought him
word that the poor woman from the fens waited upon him with a
_magpie_, of which she begged his acceptance. This at first a little
discomposed the doctor. Of all presents, a magpie was the least
acceptable to him, as he had a hundred loose things about his rooms,
which the bird, if admitted, was likely to make free with. However, his
good nature soon returned: he considered the woman's intention, and
ordered her to be shown in. "I am obliged to you for thinking of me,
good woman," said he, "but you must excuse my not taking your bird,
as it would occasion me a great deal of trouble." "Pray, doctor,"
answered the woman, "do, pray, be pleased to have it. My husband, my
son, and myself have been long consulting together in what way we
could show our thankfulness to you, and we could think of nothing
better than to give you our favourite bird. We would not part with it to
any other person upon earth. We shall be sadly hurt if you refuse our
present." "Well, well, my good woman," said Dr. Glynn, "if that is the
case, I must have the bird; but do you, as you say you are so fond of it,
take it back again, and keep it for me, and I will allow you
eighteenpence a week for the care of it. I shall have the pleasure of
seeing it every time I come." This allowance Dr. G. punctually paid as
long as the bird lived.

An Odd Fault.--It is said that when the learned Humphrey Prideaux
offered his Life of Mahomet to the bookseller, he was desired to leave
the copy with him for a few days, for his perusal. The bookseller said to
the doctor at his return, "Well, Mr. What's your Name, I have perused
your manuscript; I don't know what to say of it; I believe I shall venture
to print it; the thing is well enough; but I could wish there were a little
more humour in it." This story is otherwise told in a note in Swift's
works, where the book is said to have been Prideaux's "Connexion of
the History of the Old and New Testament," in which, it must be
confessed, the difficulty of introducing humour is more striking.

Dictionaries.--Dr. Johnson, while compiling his dictionary, sent a note
to the _Gentleman's Magazine_, to inquire the
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