The Blue Bird: A Fairy Play in Six Acts | Page 5

Maurice Maeterlinck
stones are precious; but man sees only a few of them....
(While they are speaking, the scene of enchantment continues and is completed. The souls of the Quartern-loaves, in the form of little men in crust-coloured tights, flurried and all powdered with flour, scramble out of the bread-pan and frisk round the table, where they are caught up by FIRE, who, springing from the hearth in yellow and vermilion tights, writhes with laughter as he chases the loaves.)
TYLTYL Who are those ugly little men?...
THE FAIRY Oh, they're nothing; they are merely the souls of the Quartern-loaves, who are taking advantage of the reign of truth to leave the pan in which they were too tightly packed....
TYLTYL And the big red fellow, with the nasty smell?...
THE FAIRY Hush!... Don't speak too loud; that's Fire.... He's dangerous. (This dialogue does not interrupt the enchantment. The DOG and the CAT, lying rolled up at the foot of the cupboard, utter a loud and simultaneous cry and disappear down a trap; and in their places rise two persons, one of whom has the face of a bull-dog, the other that of a tom-cat. Forthwith, the little man with the bull-dog face, whom we will henceforward call the DOG, rushes upon TYLTYL, kisses him violently and overwhelms him with noisy and impetuous caresses; while the little man with the face of a tom-cat, whom we will simply call the CAT, combs his hair, washes his hands and strokes his whiskers before going up to MYTYL.)
THE DOG (yelling, jumping about, knocking up against everything, unbearable) My little god!... Good-morning, good-morning, my dear little god!... At last, at last we can talk!... I had so much to tell you!... Bark and wag my tail as I might, you never understood!... But now!... Good-morning, good-morning!... I love you!... Shall I do some of my tricks?... Shall I beg?... Would you like to see me walk on my front paws or dance on my hind-legs?...
TYLTYL (to the FAIRY) Who is this gentleman with the dog's head?....
THE FAIRY Don't you see? It's the soul of TYL? whom you have set free....
THE CAT (going up to MYTYL and putting out his hand to her, with much ceremony and circumspection) Good-morning, Miss.... How well you look this morning!...
MYTYL Good-morning, sir.... (To the FAIRY) Who is it?...
THE FAIRY Why, don't you see? Its the soul of Tylette offering you his hand.... Kiss him....
THE DOG (hustling the CAT) Me, too!... I've kissed the little god!... I've kissed the little girl!... I've kissed everybody!... Oh, grand!... What fun we shall have!... I'm going to frighten Tylette I Bow, wow, wow!...
THE CAT Sir, I don't know you....
THE FAIRY (threatening the DOG with her stick) Keep still, will you, or else you'll go back into silence until the end of time....
(Meanwhile, the enchantment has pursued its course: the spinning-wheel has begun to turn madly in its corner and to spin brilliant rays of light; the tap, in another corner, begins to sing in a very high voice and, turning into a luminous fountain, floods the sink with sheets of pearls and emeralds, through which darts the soul of WATER, like a young girl, streaming, dishevelled and tearful, who immediately begins to fight with FIRE.)
TYLTYL And who is that wet lady?...
THE FAIRY Don't be afraid. It's Water just come from the tap....
(The milk-jug upsets, falls from the table and smashes on the floor; and from the spilt milk there rises a tall, white, bashful figure who seems to be afraid of everything.)
TYLTYL And the frightened lady in her nightgown?...
THE FAIRY That's Milk; she has broken her jug....
(The sugar-loaf, at the foot of the cupboard, grows taller and wider and splits its paper wrapper, whence issues a mawkish and hypocritical being, dressed in a long coat half blue and half white, who goes up to MYTYL with a sanctimonious smile.)
MYTYL (greatly alarmed) What does he want?...
THE FAIRY Why, he is the soul of Sugar!...
MYTYL (reassured) Has he any barley-sugar?...
THE FAIRY His pockets are full of it and each of his fingers is a sugar-stick....
(The lamp falls from the table and, at the same moment, its flame springs up again and turns into a luminous maid of incomparable beauty. She is dressed in long transparent and dazzling veils and stands motionless in a sort of ecstasy.)
TYLTYL It's the Queen!...
MYTYL It's the Blessed Virgin!...
THE FAIRY No, my children; it's Light....
(Meanwhile, the saucepans on the shelves spin round like tops; the linen-press throws open its folding-doors and unrolls a magnificent display of moon-coloured and sun-coloured stuffs, with which mingles a no less splendid array of rags and tatters that come down the ladder from the loft. But, suddenly, three loud knocks are heard on the door at the right.)
TYLTYL (alarmed) That's daddy!... He's heard us!...
THE FAIRY Turn the diamond!... From left to right!...
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