The Birthday Party | Page 4

Oliver Optic
you to understand that, when you bought a book,--even a book which
was only to amuse you,--the money is not thrown away.
"Riches are given to men for a good purpose; and they ought to use
their wealth for the benefit of others, as well as for their own pleasure.
If they spend money, even for things that are of no real use to them, it
helps the poor, for it feeds and clothes them."
Flora was much interested in this conversation, and perhaps some of
my young friends will think she was an old head to care for such things;
but I think they can all understand what was said as well as she did.

[Illustration: On the Lawn.]
The great day at length arrived, and every thing was ready for the party.
On the lawn, by the side of the house, a large tent had been put up, in
which the children were to have the feast.
Under a large maple tree, near the tent, a stage for the musicians had
been erected. Two swings had been put up; and there was no good
reason why the children should not enjoy themselves to their hearts'
I think the teachers in the Riverdale school found it hard work to secure
the attention of their scholars on the forenoon of that day, for all the
boys and girls in the neighborhood were thinking about the party.

As early as one o'clock in the afternoon the children began to collect at
the house of Mr. Lee, and at the end of an hour all who had received
invitations were present. The band had arrived, and at a signal from Mr.
Lee the music commenced.
"Now, father, we are all here. What shall we do?" asked Flora, who was
so excited she did not know which way to turn, or how to proceed to
entertain the party.
"Wait a few minutes, and let the children listen to the music. They
seem to enjoy it very well."
"But we want to play something, father."
"Very soon, my child, we will play something."
"What shall we play, father?"
"There are plenty of plays. Wouldn't you like to march a little while to
the music?"
"Yes, march to the tune of 'Hail, Columbia.' I will show you how to do
"I don't know what you mean, father."
"Well, I will show you in a few minutes."
When the band had played a little while longer, Mr. Lee assembled the
children in the middle of the lawn, and asked them if they would like to
They were pleased with the idea, though some of them thought it would
be rather tame amusement for such an exciting occasion.
"You want two leaders, and I think you had better choose them
yourselves. It would be the most proper to select two boys."

Mr. Lee thought the choice of the leaders would amuse them; so he
proposed that they should vote for them.
"How shall we vote, father?" asked Frank.
"Three of the children must retire, and pick out four persons; and the
two of these four who get the most votes shall be the leaders."
Mr. Lee appointed two girls and one boy to be on this committee; but
while he was doing so, Tommy Woggs said he did not think this was a
good play.
"I don't think they will choose the best leaders," said Tommy.
"Don't you, Mr. Woggs?" asked Mr. Lee, laughing.
"No, sir, I do not. What do any of these boys know about such things!"
said Tommy, with a sneer. "I have been to New York, and have seen a
great many parades."
"Have you, indeed?"
"Yes, sir, I have."
"And you think you would make a better leader than any of the others?"
"I think so, sir."
All the children laughed heartily at Master Woggs, who was so very
"None of these boys and girls have ever been to New York," added
Tommy, his vanity increasing every moment.
"That is very true; and perhaps the children will select you as their
"They can do as they like. If they want me, I should be very willing to
be their leader," replied Tommy.

It was very clear that Master Woggs had a very good opinion of himself.
He seemed to think that the fact of his having been to New York made
a hero of him, and that all the boys ought to take off their caps to him.
But it is quite as certain that the Riverdale children did not think Master
Woggs was a very great man. He thought so much of himself, that there
was no room for others to think much of him.
The committee of three returned in a few minutes,
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