The Bhagavad-Gita | Page 5

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sure, On bloodshed all are bent who throng
this plain, Obeying Dhritirashtra's sinful son."
Thus, by Arjuna prayed, (O Bharata!) Between the hosts that heavenly Charioteer Drove
the bright car, reining its milk-white steeds Where Bhishma led,and Drona,and their
Lords. "See!" spake he to Arjuna, "where they stand, Thy kindred of the Kurus:" and the
Prince Marked on each hand the kinsmen of his house, Grandsires and sires, uncles and
brothers and sons, Cousins and sons-in-law and nephews, mixed With friends and
honoured elders; some this side, Some that side ranged: and, seeing those opposed, Such
kith grown enemies-Arjuna's heart Melted with pity, while he uttered this:
Arjuna. Krishna! as I behold, come here to shed Their common blood, yon concourse of
our kin, My members fail, my tongue dries in my mouth, A shudder thrills my body, and
my hair Bristles with horror; from my weak hand slips Gandiv, the goodly bow; a fever
burns My skin to parching; hardly may I stand; The life within me seems to swim and
faint; Nothing do I foresee save woe and wail! It is not good, O Keshav! nought of good
Can spring from mutual slaughter! Lo, I hate Triumph and domination, wealth and ease,
Thus sadly won! Aho! what victory Can bring delight, Govinda! what rich spoils Could
profit; what rule recompense; what span Of life itself seem sweet, bought with such blood?
Seeing that these stand here, ready to die, For whose sake life was fair, and pleasure
pleased, And power grew precious:-grandsires, sires, and sons, Brothers, and
fathers-in-law, and sons-in-law, Elders and friends! Shall I deal death on these Even
though they seek to slay us? Not one blow, O Madhusudan! will I strike to gain
The rule of all Three Worlds; then, how much less To seize an earthly kingdom! Killing
these Must breed but anguish, Krishna! If they be Guilty, we shall grow guilty by their
deaths; Their sins will light on us, if we shall slay Those sons of Dhritirashtra, and our
kin; What peace could come of that, O Madhava? For if indeed, blinded by lust and wrath,
These cannot see, or will not see, the sin Of kingly lines o'erthrown and kinsmen slain,
How should not we, who see, shun such a crime-- We who perceive the guilt and feel the
shame-- O thou Delight of Men, Janardana? By overthrow of houses perisheth Their
sweet continuous household piety, And-rites neglected, piety extinct-- Enters impiety
upon that home; Its women grow unwomaned, whence there spring Mad passions, and
the mingling-up of castes, Sending a Hell-ward road that family, And whoso wrought its
doom by wicked wrath. Nay, and the souls of honoured ancestors Fall from their place of
peace, being bereft Of funeral-cakes and the wan death-water.[FN#1] So teach our holy

hymns. Thus, if we slay Kinsfolk and friends for love of earthly power, Ahovat! what an
evil fault it were! Better I deem it, if my kinsmen strike, To face them weaponless, and
bare my breast To shaft and spear, than answer blow with blow.
So speaking, in the face of those two hosts, Arjuna sank upon his chariot-seat, And let
fall bow and arrows, sick at heart.
Or "The Book of the Distress of Arjuna."

Sanjaya. Him, filled with such compassion and such grief, With eyes tear-dimmed,
despondent, in stern words The Driver, Madhusudan, thus addressed:
Krishna. How hath this weakness taken thee? Whence springs The inglorious trouble,
shameful to the brave, Barring the path of virtue? Nay, Arjun! Forbid thyself to
feebleness! it mars Thy warrior-name! cast off the coward-fit! Wake! Be thyself! Arise,
Scourge of thy Foes!
Arjuna. How can I, in the battle, shoot with shafts On Bhishma, or on Drona-O thou
Chief!-- Both worshipful, both honourable men?
Better to live on beggar's bread With those we love alive, Than taste their blood in rich
feasts spread, And guiltily survive! Ah! were it worse-who knows?--to be Victor or
vanquished here, When those confront us angrily Whose death leaves living drear? In
pity lost, by doubtings tossed, My thoughts-distracted-turn To Thee, the Guide I
reverence most, That I may counsel learn: I know not what would heal the grief Burned
into soul and sense, If I were earth's unchallenged chief-- A god--and these gone thence!
Sanjaya. So spake Arjuna to the Lord of Hearts, And sighing,"I will not fight!" held
silence then. To whom, with tender smile, (O Bharata! ) While the Prince wept despairing
'twixt those hosts, Krishna made answer in divinest verse:
Krishna. Thou grievest where no grief should be! thou speak'st Words lacking wisdom!
for the wise in heart Mourn not for those that live, nor those that die. Nor I, nor thou,
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