o' breath?'"
Noo, Faith! the auld jade was a humoursome taed,?As an auld wife weel can be,?An' she leugh sae sair at his fleechin' air?It fairly gar't her dee!
Wi' a gey teuch sinon in your neck?Ye'll lang keep clear o' skaith,?But the craftiest carle in a' the warl',?An' the kin'liest whiles, is Death.
A?acquaint, acquainted.?ae, one.?aff, off.?afore, before.?a'gate, everywhere.?ain, own.?aince, once.?ang-bang-pang, embonpoint.?argy-bargy, argument.?attour, out, over.?auld, old.?ava', at all.?awa', away; fair awa' wi' it, fairly done for.?awyte, an affirmative exclamation.?ayont, beyond.
B?Ba', ball; to get on the ba', to go on a jollification, to get drunk. bade, stayed.?bairnie, child.?baith, both.?bane-doctorin', bone-setting.?banned, cursed.?barley-bree, whisky.?bathered, bothered.?bauchles, old shoes, slippers.?bedfast, bed-ridden.?beelin', suppurating.?beerit, buried.?besom, broom; a woman of loose character.?bide, stay.?biggin', building.?biled, boiled.?billy, fellow.?birled, moved quickly.?birr, vigour, force.?birse, bristle; to get one's birse set up, to get in a rage. bit, at the bit, at the finish.?bleeze, blaze, fire.?blude, blood.?body, person; beast or body, beast or man.?bogie-roll, Irish twist tobacco.?bonnet-laird, small proprietor.?braw, beautiful.?breeks, breeches.?brithers, brothers.?brizzin', pressing.?brose, oatmeal mixed with water.?bubbly-jock, turkey.?Buchan, Buchan's "Domestic Medicine."?bude, behoved.?buits, boots.?bullerin', roaring.?buskit, dressed.?but-an-ben, two-roomed cottage.?byordnar, extraordinary.
C?ca', call; work.?cahoochy, india-rubber.?cankert, ill-natured.?canny-like, gently.?carle, old man.?chappit, struck.?cheeky-on, sideways.?cheenge, change.?cheep, whisper, faint noise.?chiel, fellow.?chowed, chewed.?clachan, hamlet.?claes, clothes.?clarty, dirty.?cloot, mend, patch.?clour, dint caused by a blow.?cockernony, woman's hair twisted up.?cod, pillow.?coorse, coarse.?crack, talk.?craigie, throat.?crambo-clink, rhyme, doggerel.?crap, crop.?cratur, creature.?creishy, fat.?crockaneetion, smithereens, bits.?croochin', crouching.?cry, bear (a child).?cryin', accouchement.?cuits, shins.?cutty, pipe.
D?daddin', knocking.?dae, do.?dandrin', sauntering.?dang, broke, driven.?darkenin', darkness.?daur, dare.?Daylicht has mony een, daylight reveals many things,?explains mysteries.?deaved, deafened.?dee, die.?deevil, deil, the Devil.?deid, dead.?deleerit, delirious.?denners, dinners.?devauled, ceased.?dichtit, wiped.?dingin', dingin' on, falling.?dinna, do not.?dirk, dagger.?distrackit, distracted.?dizzen, dozen.?doobled, doubled.?doon-settin', settlement, start in life.?doo's cleckin, pigeon's hatch, two of a family.?doot, doubt.?dootna, do not doubt.?dour, obstinate, hard, severe.?dree, suffer.?drogues, drugs.?drooth, thirst.?droothy, thirsty.?drumlie-like, showing a sediment.?druve, drove.?duds, clothes.?dune, done.?dunt, a stroke causing a hollow sound.?dwalt, dwelt.?dwam, faint turn.?dwinin', wasting, fading.
E?Eck, contraction for Alexander.?e'e, eye.?een, eyes.?e'en, even.?e'enins, evenings.?efterhan', afterwards.?eident, diligent.?elbuck, elbow.?eneuch, enough.?ense, otherwise.?ettlin', inclined to.?expeckin', expecting, enceinte.
F?fa', fall.?fand, found.?fash, trouble.?faurer, farther.?fearsome, frightful.?fecht, fight.?feckless, weak, spiritless, worthless.?fegs, an affirmative exclamation, a corruption of Faith.?fell, hot, acute.?ferlies, wonders.?fesh, fetch.?fin', find, feel.?finger't, fingered, palpated.?fire (in his e'e), a foreign body.?firin', fire-wood.?firstlins, first products.?fish-hake, a wooden frame on which to hang fish.?flang, flung.?flannen, flannel.?flee, fly; flee out on, scold.?fleechin', wheedling.?fleg, frighten.?fleggit, frightened.?forbye, over and above, besides.?forcy, forceful.?forebears, ancestors.?fore-handit, paid in advance.?fore-nune, forenoon.?forfaughen, exhausted.?forrit, forward; even forrit, straight on.?fosh, fetched.?fowk, folk.?fowre, four; weel on fowre, nearly four o'clock.?freen's, relations.?fricht, fright.?fu', full.
G?gae, go.?gaed, went; gaed owre, went beyond the power of.?gaffer, foreman, overseer.?gait, way.?gaithrin', crowd.?gang, go.?gangrels, wanderers, tramps.?gant, yawn.?gar, make, cause.?gaun, going.?gaun-aboot, wandering.?gey, very.?ghaistly, ghostly.?gibbles, tools.?gie, give; gie him the name, name the child after him.?gillie-callum, a variety of Scots dance.?gin, if.?girnin', whining, complaining.?gloamin', twilight.?glow'red, stared.?govy-dick, govy-ding, an exclamation of surprise.?gowpin', throbbing.?granes, groans.?granin', groaning.?gree, agree.?greenin', longing for.?greet, cry, weep.?grew, shiver.?grewsin', shivering.?grup, grip.?gruppit, gripped.?gude, good.?gude-gaun, good-going.?gude-mither, mother-in-law.?guff, smell.?gully, large pocket knife.
H?hae, have.?Hae! Here.?hail, pour down.?haill, whole; haill apotheck, whole affair.?hame, home; the nicht that the bairnie cam' hame, the night that the child was born.?hame-owre, homely.?hantle, a considerable number.?harns, brains.?haud, hold.?hauf, half.?heedin', paying attention to.?heicher, higher.?heicht, height.?heid, head.?heidin', heading.?heirskep, heredity, inheritance.?herts, hearts; gart the hert rise, made one sick.?het, hot.?hielant, Highland.?hin'er, hinder.?hinna, have not.?hirplin', limping.?hives, bowel-trouble of children.?hoast, cough.?holin', cutting coal.?hoodie-craws, hooded crows.?hoor, hour.?hoose, house.?hornie, fair hornie, fair exchange.?howdie, mid-wife.?howk, dig.?humoursome, humorous.?hungert, hungry, starved.?hunner, hundred.?hurdies, buttocks.?hurl, a lift, a drive in a conveyance.
I?ilk, ilka, each.?ingans, onions.?ingle, fire.?intil, into.?I'se, I.?iver, ever.
J?joukery-pawkery, trickery.?jucks, ducks.?juist, just.
K?kebbuck, cheese.?keepit, kept.?kens, knows.?kent, knew.?kentna, did not know.?keppit, met.?kilmarnock, a night cap.?kimmer, gossip (Fr. commere).?kin', kind.?kinkhoast, whooping-cough.?kin'liest, kindliest.?kintraside, countryside.?kirk, church,?kist, chest.?kists o' whistles, organs.?knock, clock.
L?langer, longer.?lang-leggit, long-legged.?lappers, clots.?lat, let.?lauchin', laughing.?lave, the rest.?law-wer, lawyer.?lear, lore, knowledge.?learnin', teaching.?leear, liar.?leech, physician.?lees, lies.?leggit, legged.?leuch, laughed.?libel, label.?licht, light.?lichtsome, cheerful.?lilt, a cheerful air.?linkit, linked, united.?littlens, children.?losh, an exclamation, corruption of Lord.?losh keep's, Lord keep us.?loup, jump.?loupin', jumping.?lowsed, stopped working, loosened.?lum-hat, silk hat.?lum-hattit, silk-hatted.
M?maist, most.?makar, poet.?mannie, diminutive of man.?mells, mallets, mauls.?menners, manners.?middenheid, top of the dunghill.?miracklous, miraculous, very drunk.?mirk, darkness.?mischanters, misfortunes.?mischeef, mischief.?morn's morn, to-morrow morning.?mou, mouth.?mows, jest; nae mows, no joke.?muckle, big.?mune, moon.
N?naethin', nothing.?narra', narrow; narra' i' the swalla', narrow-throated.?neeps, turnips.?neist, next.?nesty, nasty.?nice, particular.?nieves, fists.?nirled, shrunken with age.?nocht, naught.?nosey-wax, a nobody (expression of contempt).?nott, needed.?no-weel, unwell.
O?Ony, any.?orra, odd.?owre, over.?oxter, the armpit.
P?palmer, to wander.?parritch, porridge.?pawky, shrewd.?pechin', panting.?pen-gun, pop-gun; to crack like a pen-gun, to be very loquacious. pit, put.?pleugh, plough.?pooched, pocketed.?poopit, pulpit.?poother, powder.?precentor, leader of psalmody.?pree, taste.?puddens, bowels.?pu'in', pulling.
Q?quate, quiet.
R?rackit, stretched, sprained.?rale, real.?ravel't, confused.?reid, red.?reid-heidit, red-headed.?richt, right.?rife, common, widespread.?riggin', ridge of a house.?rivin', tearing.?rizzon, reason.?roondit, rounded.?roup, sale.?row, roll, wrap up.?rout, roar.?rubbin'-post, post for cattle to rub against.?ruggit, pulled roughly.?runt, an old hag.
S?sair, sore.?sair'd, served.?sark, shirt.?sassenach, Saxon, Southron.?saugh, willow.?saut, salt.?sax, six.?scartit, scratched.?scunnert, disgusted to the verge of nausea.?shakers, pit the shakers on me, set me trembling with fear. shauchle, shamble, walk in a shuffling manner.?shoon, shoes.?shouther, shoulder.?sib, related, like.?sic, such.?siccar, sure.?sicht, sight.?sichtit, sighted.?siller, money.?sin, since.?sinon, sinew; wi' a gey teuch sinon in your neck, possessed of good stamina.?skaith, harm.?skeely, skilful.?sklimmin', climbing.?slocken, quench, allay.?smeddum, spirit, mettle.?smiddy, smithy.?smirr, slight fall (of rain or snow).?smoor,
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