The Argosy | Page 3

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"But about your parents? What were they called, and where did they
"I know nothing whatever about them except what Sister Agnes told
me yesterday."
"And she said--what?"
"That my father was drowned abroad several years ago, and that my

mother died a year later."
"Poverina! But it is strange that Sister Agnes should have known your
parents. Perhaps she can supply the missing link. The mention of her
name reminds me that I have not yet sent word to Deepley Walls that
you are safe and sound at Rose Cottage. Geordie must start without a
moment's delay. I am an old friend of Lady Chillington, my dear, so
that she will be quite satisfied when she learns that you are under my
"But, sir, when shall I see the gentleman who got me out of the water?"
I asked.
"What, Geordie? Oh, you'll see Geordie in the morning, never fear! A
good boy! a fine boy! though it's his old uncle who says it."
Then he rang the bell, and when Deborah, his only servant, came up, he
committed me with many injunctions into her charge. Then taking my
head gently between his hands, he kissed me tenderly on the forehead,
and wished me "Good-night, and happy dreams."
Deborah was very kind. She brought me up a delicious little supper,
and decided that there was no need for me to take the doctor's nauseous
mixture. She took it herself instead, but merely as a sop to her
conscience and my own; "for, after all, you know, there's very little
difference in physic--it's all nasty; and I daresay this mixture will do
my lumbago no harm."
The effects of the accident had almost entirely passed away by next
morning, and I was dressed and downstairs by seven o'clock. I found
the Major hard at work digging up the garden for his winter crops. "Ah,
Poppetina, down so early!" he cried. "And how do we feel this morning,
eh? None the worse for our ducking, I hope."
I assured him that I was quite well, and that I had never felt better in
my life.
"That will be good news for her ladyship," he replied, "and will prove

to her that Miss Hope has not fallen among Philistines. In any case, she
cannot be more pleased than I am to find that you have sustained no
harm from your accident. There is something, Poverina, in that face of
yours that brings back the past to me strangely. But here comes Master
I turned and saw a young man sauntering slowly down the pathway. He
was very fair, and, to me, seemed very handsome. He had blue eyes,
and his hair was a mass of short, crisp flaxen curls. From the way in
which the Major regarded him as he came lounging up, I could see that
the old soldier was very proud of his young Adonis of a nephew. The
latter lifted his hat as he opened the wicket, and bade his uncle
good-morning. Me he did not for the moment see.
"Miss Hope is not up yet, I suppose?" he said. "I trust she is none the
worse for her tumble over the weir."
"Our little water-nymph is here to answer for herself," said the Major.
"The roses in her cheeks seem all the brighter for their wetting."
George Strickland turned smilingly towards me, and held out his hand.
"I am very glad to find that you have suffered so little from your
accident," he said. "When I fished you out of the river last night you
looked so death-like that I was afraid we should not be able to bring
you round without difficulty."
Tears stood in my eyes as I took his hand. "Oh, sir, how brave, how
noble it was of you to act as you did! You saved my life at the risk of
your own; and how can I ever thank you enough?"
A bright colour came into his cheek as I spoke. "My dear child, you
must not speak in that way," he said. "What I did was a very ordinary
thing. Anyone else in my place would have done precisely the same. I
must not claim more merit than is due for an action so simple."
"To you it may seem a simple thing to do, but I cannot forget that it
was my life that you saved."

"What an old-fashioned princess it is!" said the Major. "Why, it must
have been born a hundred years ago, and have had a fairy for its
godmother. But here comes Deborah to tell us that breakfast is ready.
Toasted bacon is better than pretty speeches; so come along with you,
and make believe that you have known each other for a twelvemonth at
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